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What are some of the weird/hilarious/stupid things that are legal in Germany but illegal in other countries (and vice versa)?
  • If you hurt somebody or damage other people's property, that's illegal regardless of the legal activity you happen to do at the time. Example: It's legal to watch tv, but if you damage the sidewalk in front of your house by doing so, you have to pay for the damage.

  • What are some things that used to be expensive, but which no longer are?
  • Our first colour tv cost about 3 months of my dad's salary in the early 1970s. And the Siemens mainframe computer in the company he worked for was tens of thousands (which was more than a year's worth of the average salary). Rent. Every month. It had less computing power than my smartphone.

  • What if the problem with cars was not their method of propulsion? Epthinktank | European Parliament
  • In my (over 1,000 year old) city, blocking several streets with bollards and massively reducing street parking worked just fine so far. As did curbing traffic coming in, with longer "red" phases at traffic lights for cars entering, when sensors detect too many cars in the city.

  • Europe faces ‘competitiveness crisis’ as US widens productivity gap []
  • you can come to terms and settle with “good enough”

    Exactly. My neighbour went shopping today. I will have to go tomorrow, but why should my goal be to bring home more groceries than her?

    The economy is a tool to supply people with stuff. But it's not a competition. If I have enough food I don't need more. Enough is good enough for me, regardless if my neighbour bought more. Or less.

  • Italians revolt against plans for nuclear waste dump in historic rural idyll
  • How far is the "forseeable" future? It has to be safe for longer than mankind has existed. Since we don't even know very much about civilisations as recent as the stone age, I don't trust today's storage people.

  • Gericht verurteilt Regierung zu Klima-Sofortprogramm Gericht verurteilt Regierung zu Klima-Sofortprogramm

    Die Ampel muss einen weiteren Rückschlag vor Gericht hinnehmen: Weil Deutschland die Klimaziele im Verkehrs- und Gebäudesektor in den vergangenen Jahren verfehlt hat, muss die Regierung laut Urteil nun mit Sofortprogrammen gegensteuern.

    Gericht verurteilt Regierung zu Klima-Sofortprogramm
    Know your limits

    I have this expensive*) suit which is a bit too baggy. I managed to slim down the trousers a bit and now they fit like a glove. But after watching countless videos about altering jackets, I decided to hand it to a tailor. No way I would to touch that.

    *) I got it for cheap, second hand in great condition, but still it's one of those brands I could never afford brand new.

    Studio Babelsberg vor der Pleite?

    Warum wundert mich das jetzt nicht? Kaum an eine Heuschrecke ('tschuldigung: Ich meinte natürlich "Finanzinvestor") verkauft, und schon geht's den Bach runter. War eigentlich nicht anders zu erwarten.

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