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How would you like your propaganda served?
  • That's the intent but the message why we 'need' this is the propaganda

  • Paradox Lays Off Entire Studio Before Its Game Was Even Released
  • If by "milking" you mean "releasing major content additions semi regularly", then yes.

  • Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby
  • Maybe don't mindlessly rattle off the same Whataboutism every time the current Russian war against Ukraine is being discussed.

  • In Need of Munitions, Putin to Visit North Korea
  • There has never been a shortage of quality equipment for elite units but in the early stages of the conscription people where issued everything stored in bunkers and depots at hand including personal weapons from late WWII/early Cold War.

    And if you look at confirmed vehicle losses there is a clear trend towards older and older albeit to various degrees modernized platforms. So yeah, Russia IS running out of modern weapons for the average unit in the field.

    The issue at hand though is the longer the conflict draggs on the more Russia is able to adapt. Evading sanctions by laundering oil in India. Importing vital electronic components through China. And now securing more ammo in North Korea. Which btw the west is doing in South Korea and other places around the world as well.

  • In Need of Munitions, Putin to Visit North Korea
  • The amount of artillery shells being used is astronomical. Paired with a low production capacity in the west as a baseline, it is not unimaginable that the ongoing demand outweighs production.

  • China will include Australia in the list of unilateral visa-free countries
  • It's like a honey pot.

    Honey pots at Winnie the Poohs place? I am shocked, I tell you! Shocked!

  • Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby
  • Sure do. Waiting for the next ban now, since I just notice that I again found my way on to the official tankie instance.

  • Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby
  • Yes, comrad! Freedom is slavery and war is peace!

  • MOC creators - do you also have a massive amount of resealable bags?
  • I try to reuse them anytime I see an opportunity: "I better keep these specific screws seperate" aaaaand bagged in a zip.

  • Klamotten flicken

    Hallo miteinander, Ich bin jetzt in dem Alter angekommen, in dem die seit Jahren bzw. sogar schon Jahrzehnten liebgewonnen Kleidungsstücke anfangen auseinanderzufallen.

    Da meine Uroma, die sogar pflichtbewusst sämtliche Löcher der Rocker-Jeans meines Vaters gestopft hat, nicht mehr unter uns weilt, meine eine Oma handwerklich völlig unbegabt ist und die andere im Seniorenheim "Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht" singt (scheint nach dem letzten Schlaganfall in Dauerschleifen in ihrem Kopf zu laufen), habe ich in meinem direkten Umfeld leider keine Experten, die ich fragen könnte, wie man Löcher, Risse etc. flickt.

    Daher meine Frage an die Schwarmintelligenz:

    Kennt ihr Bücher, Guides, Youtuber, etc. die sich mit dem Thema Klamotten flicken beschäftigen?

    A Hungarian Rapper’s Bandwagon Gets an Unlikely New Rider [Orban]
  • Could as well be Orban trying to look cool to younger folks.

    Who was the US Republican die-hard neo-lib Senator again, who claimed to love Rage Against The Machine?

  • Removed
    Earth's core slows down rotation and reverses direction, effects of this phenomenal change on the planet
  • Isn't it a long-standing theory that at some point the whole magnetic field of earth might flip polarity, just like the sun's does?

  • Flesh-Eating Bacteria That Can Kill in Two Days Spreads in Japan
  • Except these bacteria are nothing new.

  • Russian Military Plane Suspected of Violating Finnish Airspace
  • 2.5 km. That's like poking someone with your fingertips and run away giggling like a mad scientists.

  • A Majority of Voters Backing Biden Are Mostly Motivated by Stopping Trump — Poll
  • In a voting system such as the US its the natural outcome that you vote against the guy you don't want but not for the person you want.

    CGP Grey did a fantastic video series on YouTube about different systems for voting.

  • Was das Känguru wählt: Bestseller-Autor Marc-Uwe Kling gibt in Potsdam Wahlhilfe
  • Gibt es irgendwo eine Aufzeichnung der Rede, die man jetzt schob sehen/hören kann? Im Artikel steht, dass die Rede im Radio gesendet werden soll, aber ich glaube nicht, dass ich da im richtigen Moment am richtigen Ort Radio höre.

  • einkorn einkorn
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