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Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • I find this a seemingly straight-forward point I've never gotten a religious person to acknowledge.

    because they don't see it that way, they have their own understanding of free will, religion sells itself as test ( for the most part ), if you pass the test ( temptation or whatever you wanna call it ) you're qualified to enter heaven, so in a way even if you're born christian or a Muslim you still going to get tested, so in their view it doesn't change anything, but from our perspective, it changes everything because we bet that if their parents didn't make them that way, they would never go that route on their own...

    99.99999% of people follow the religion they do because their parents did. Not because it's true. That Christian, that Hindu, that Jew. It's just because they were told it was true at birth.

    That's why we must address the root cause of all this, which is religion, in Islam for example "Prophet" Mohammed piss be upon him, said

    “Every child is born in a state of fitrah, then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.” (Agreed upon)

    As you can see, Mohammed doesn't apply his own observation on his beliefs and because people glorify him, they will never dare to question his reasoning, which is also their own reasoning now..

    You can tell a religious person to criticise everything and everyone, and they can, tell them to redirect their critism to their own belief, and suddenly they'll become intellectually handicapped

  • Do bugs get fat?
  • Best comment in the thread 🤣

  • How heterosexual couples met in the US
  • I have nothing to add, but OMG, it's like I'm reading about myself, I'm 27 and I gave up on the entire dating apps thingy

    anyone I've met on the apps keep using the apps while I see them

    Especially this, although I never met them in person, I know they're still talking to someone else, some even sent the wrong messages my way

  • Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties
  • i see, I think that's a problem of who is recommending the servers to people, I always go with one of the servers that are on the website ( these has strict moderators and are under active development ), I can certainly go with another list of abstract/shady unknown servers but that's a recipe for disaster..

    Btw, I'm not denying that there is terrible content on some of these servers/rooms, but I'm saying it's a byproduct of the system architecture, Element/Matrix can implement more safety settings that's for sure

    that being said the worse footage I saw in my entire life was on Facebook, and it was completely allowed, which tells you something about the platform and how little to no control you have to change it's direction.

  • Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties
  • The UI is designed in such a way that it doesn't expose the user to outside servers ( by default you're on ) even when you press the discover button you'll see rooms from the same server.

    the only way for an average user to get exposed to such rooms is by being invited to them by strangers or Bots ( so maybe there should be a way to disable community invites, especially Bot invites )

    Or maybe your client didn't put much thought into the user journey and let you discover everything, even abstract/shady servers

    Don't take this the wrong way, but do you lurk on Matrix everyday ? I'm not on the right ( wrong ) rooms because I only take what I need from any service, the Internet can be depressing, so my advice is to be careful

  • Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties
  • It's kinda strange, the guy reached a conclusion that the service is legit hard to control and take down by any government, but was insisting on: BUT... BUT.. BUT.. trying to stress the negative points, which by the way, they're way more apparent on other Big tech Platforms, specifically : Discord..

    If you have a centralized server and that server straight out refuses to take measures against abuse ( I'm just gonna say abuse in general and that includes all things: Child abuse, Ra*e, addictive drugs..etc )

    if you as a user notice these things and after you report them nothing happens... Then what ? Wait until a big news outlet notice, then they publish it on their website, and after a week or so, you'll watch the CEO walk away from court like nothing happened..

    On Matrix, as a user, I can spin up my own server, make my own rules, and make sure stuff like this ( abuse ) doesn't happen, the point here is that you can't blame Element Team or Matrix Team for what happens on this system, they just make the software and people deploy it

    the only thing left to blame afterwards is human nature!

    Which brings me to an important question, who is his source ? they must have great control over the network to realize that Matrix ( a huge decentralized network with many servers is a pit of abuse ) !!!

    without a source ? without knowing how they knew what they claimed ? this video is just a conspiracy theory in my view.. And having ties to the French government isn't necessarily a bad thing.. ( knowing that the French government spied on it's citizens, yes )

    I have been using Matrix for years, and never encountered a single instance of abuse... trolls yes.. Hentai...yes ... but no shady stuff.. It's mostly nerds talking about Computers, Linux and Anime

  • [AI image] She pretty cute though tbh.
  • Sorry, she looks ugly, why is her eyes so separate ? And why her nose is painted with orange

    this art is annoying to look at

  • How Amateurs Created the World’s Most Popular Processor (History of ARM Part 1) | LowSpecGamer (18:10)
  • I'm afraid it'll be overtaken by corporate greed, and throwing proprietary blobs until they implement something like Intel ME... But don't worry it's for your security

  • Post Sponsored By Microsoft
  • Thank you

    I thought it wasn't properly scaled

  • Post Sponsored By Microsoft
  • GNOMEO ?! never heard of that one before ?

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • They are taught about it from childhood

    in one single word >> Indoctrinated

    OP this is why people believe in religion, and it's nearly impossible to get them out of it, you can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into in the first place

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  • They used to say that every product evolves until it can send mail.

    they did ? when ?

  • Nvidia Looks Towards Linux Kernel Upstream
  • how so ? he isn't saying anything really... because he rarely says an opinion of his own, and when he does he does so briefly... like he grabbed it from someone 👀... yeah.. why I'm not surprised every video idea he has is LITERALLY stollen from a Reddit post or a comment ( source : him )..

    plus anyone can go and read from a blog post or a github discussion and come out with same amount of information if not more...

    lastly quantity over quality: this complements my last point, because the only way to make a quality video is by doing deep research، these YouTubers skip shit ton of critical information, and it makes people have a flawed perspective

    less than 2 days to research, record, and edit and make a thumbnail ? Seriously ?! It should tell you something is off

  • Nvidia Looks Towards Linux Kernel Upstream
  • I like that this exists but I don't want to use it because i want to know the content creatos to avoid, thumbnails are part of the game, but putting your face on them feels like a cheap trick ( since it's unecessary ), effective.. yes... but cheap..

  • Why do you choose to continue living?
  • By default life is meaningless, and I wanna make it meaningful

  • A cool guide to staying calm (without any hacks)
  • the comments here are truly negative, maybe these tips doesn't work for you, but some of them worked for me..

  • Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • Yes, based on the way they talk actually, not by their usernames...

  • New OS for Pixel 3
  • I'm not sure about the technical details, I saw a post on Mastodon and people's screenshots about the update, I'm assuming MicroG is preinstalled and enabled by default... people were also saying LFMG won't be here for any longer... Because it's obsolete.. But it's still going apparently ( we're in June )

  • What are the most evil media corporations in the world?
  • In the world ?! That's very broad... The news depend on the context so if we want to be objective about this we need to look at every country's news outlets..

  • [ Solved ] I can't change Disk Encryption password

    I tried the following

    ``` sudo cryptsetup luksChangekey /dev/nvme0n1p3 < new passphrase >


    It then asks for the Sudo password, then asks for the old passphrase, but then it prints this error message

    Failed to open key file.

    what went wrong ?

    Edit: turns out using GNOME Disks is way more straightforward.. 😅, thank you all

    people added "reversism" to things like descimination & racism just because it's harder for them to recognize it when it's the other way around

    I think I'll just call it decrimination, because it can happen to anyone regardless of who they are.. these extra words just makes matters unnecessarily confusing

    what happened to VLC for Android ?

    A lot of the issues reported here, started showing up on my device after each OS update, but VLC didn't push any updates for over a year now... VLC is king, but what went wrong?

    Edit: I think I saw a post on Mastodon saying it something to do with Google Play Store policies change, but what about the Fdroid version.. ?

    what do you guys think about Russell Brand getting Baptised?

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    Share your thoughts..

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    electro1 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ

    Hi 🖖🏻

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