Linux "Anti"-Piracy Screen 0 1
@ipacialsection kial je fek mi abonadas vin? ĉaw, stulto
Rumbles of a programing error causing the Russian Lunar mission failure. 3 0
@tiredofsametab @intelati @14th_cylon @wahming You've been harmed by timezones
Stop Being a Climate Change Doomer 1 0
@MrMakabar @XTL Why bother? to make the doomedness less shit. Do the things that move the needle from certain death to near-certain death. By teeth and fingernails, hold on until the last.
La Ursidinoj (Bjornsdottirs)
Libere krokodilu en la respondoj (eĉ je afiŝoj en Esperanto), se vi volas.
rude. korektinda, se mi gramatik- aw vortum-fuŝas.
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