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US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • Why aren't Olympic games distributed between, let's say, 8-10 countries? Maybe make them continent games. Distribute the cost and benefits, and maybe make then bi-annual, fairer to athletes by enlarging the window of opportunity.

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    US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • Why not Air Source AC? They are right now the most efficient climate control systems, to the point that many countries give tax credits for installation or replacement of older systems. Geothermal is probably better, but Air Source can be installed anywhere.

    I can now get AS splits for less that 400 (500-600 installed)€ in Spain, where AC is common. I fail to understand why Paris didn't go that route.

    When planning and building, Air source + solar is essentially free (cost and carbon) climate control.

  • Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • Two days ago my Mint system got borked by a kernel update. I booted from the grub menu with the prior kernel, and rolled back with Timeshift. Pretty painless. You don't need Atomic/immutable distros for that sort of reliability.

    I'm playing with kinoite in a VM, though.

  • Linux really has come a long way
  • "Generally" is the key word. I'm a linux user since slackware on diskettes. My daily driver is Mint, because lazy. I have 2 VMs with kali and kinoite.

    A couple of days ago a kernel update borked my install. A problem with the Ryzen graphics driver.

    For me it was trivial. Boot into the previous kernel, timeshift roll back, and back in business, but I can see how a newbie woul go into panic.

    A satisfied "customer" will recommend you to a friend. A pissed off one will tell 10.

  • Watch: Adobe angers artists with new Photoshop terms
  • I'm hoping. I've been a Serif customer since the 00's. Not much we can do except be very vocal, and remind Serif and Canva that if they go the Adobe route, they'll risk becoming irrelevant. Difference is their power.

  • Is Stremio a honeypot?

    Does anybody have the impression that Stremio may be a honeypot of some sort?

    Thay are allegedly a legal service where some nefarious actors provide torrenting plugins etc. I tried to find out how they were financed, and found northing but a site purportedly selling "Web3" advertising, and filled with technobabble nonsense. No address, no way to purchase their services no GDPR notice or anything...

    All I can find regarding their safety are "It's legit, nothing has happened to me so far" comments in reddit and other boards.

    They have your email, they host the service, they can track all you do...

    Seems kind of fishy.

    Ive tried it, ironically, to watch stuff that I pay for, I have Netflix, prime video, Disney... But Stremio gives me much higher resolutions.

    Even though I live in a country where sailing the high seas is not persecuted, as long as you are the end-user and you derive no profit, I'm going to delete my account (made with an email address I have for bullshit stuff ), make a new one with a truly disposable email and get a VPN.

    Why is folder sharing between host and guest in KVM so hard?

    I'm having the hardest tine setting up a shared folder between a Linux host and Win11guest. I want to get rid of dual boot, but there are a few programs that I use which are Win only. I have set up a VB VM, but I want a fine tuned KVM VM. On VB sharing is trivial, but I can't get it to work in KVM. I have the host sharing the folder with Samba, and can see it from another Linux VM, but not from windows. Any clues?

    whare are saved posts?

    I have looked everywhere (so it's probably in front of my face). Where are saved posts? Are they in my instance, in lemmy? How can I find them?

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