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The food prices at the Hard Rock Beach Club at the Miami GP
  • Don’t forget the 20% mandatory gratuity!

  • The little smart home platform that could
  • Some have tried working on this. Authentik even developed a hack to make it work with HomeAssistant. Unfortunately the core devs of HomeAssistant have historically viewed external auth as a niche feature that users don't care about.^[] Not sure if that is still the case, but until that mentality changes we are stuck with native auth because PRs are just going to get denied.

    I think this post pretty much sums it up:

    In 2024, Home Assistant sticks out like a sore thumb among FOSS projects for its lack of modern authentication and authorization.

  • Honda built a powered chair to zoom around theme parks while wearing an AR headset.
  • Knew I’d seen this somewhere. Top Gear season 12 episode 3. I guess Toyota was ahead of their time:

  • How Working From Home Changed My Life
  • This guy was commuting three hours per day?! Yeah, no wonder his quality of life improved after he stopped doing that. Unfortunately, I don’t think his experience is going to be very generalizable because most people don’t have a commute length that extreme.

  • New version of vikunja requires docker-compose changes

    For anyone else out there who has Vikunja deployed using docker, please take note that the vikunja/api and vikunja/frontend containers have been combined into a single vikunja/vikunja container as part of release 0.23. You will have to update your compose files to reflect this change as part of the upgrade. I just went through this and it went very smoothly. The directions on the linked webpage make it fairly easy. Happy self-hosting!

    Never again
  • TrueCharts (third party app repository for TrueNAS) does this and it drove me crazy until I eventually gave up and moved everything to Docker. Lack of serious documentation was just one of the many reasons.

  • Removed
    Average work hours in India.
  • The survey title seems to indicate they are targeting urban men with these surveys. I would think that would exclude agricultural workers, wouldn't it?

  • It would be cheaper to foster an economy with more better-paying jobs so students would be able to pay off student loans, than creating a student loan relief program.
  • Interest rates represent the opportunity cost of investing that money elsewhere, of which lending risk is only one component. Also, the point is moot because lenders can still lose money if borrowers default, even if borrowers cannot legally discharge the debt in bankruptcy, so the lender does hold risk.

  • Can I faraday cage my ISP-issued router in order to use my own?
  • Through a faraday cage? I mean, maybe… but have you checked if you can just turn the wifi functionality off on the ISP device? Most will let you do this and it would be way easier/cleaner.

  • emc emc
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