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This man is living the dream
  • It's still "bad" for some values of bad. I've demonstrated on my own farm that it's possible to employ permaculture-ish principles (permies freak out when I say that) and make an adequate living. But make no mistake, you are supplanting nature and interacting with it in competitive and often adverse ways no matter how what practices you use. It's kind of a spectrum - the better the interface with nature is, the less viable it is financially and vice-versa.

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • So you acknowledge that you don't have the skills necessary to interpret papers so... what, you decide that Nature adequately represents their findings enough to dismiss them? Even though you say there is little evidence of a causative link? Even though the surgeon general says they feel there is and cites that evidence to back it up?

    I mean... what?

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • Do I really need to point out that you yourself are "literally just posting vibes" ?

    You didn't even bother investigating whether or not they had justified their stance with science. I'm not convinced you made it past the headline, much less read any of the content that article linked to.

    The funny thing is I actually did read two of the studies I quickly found and which you too can find. But you seem more interested in adhering to a certain... vibe.

    Have a nice day.

    Edit: You know I was busy and totally forgot.

    The very first result on my search engine, if you search for "effects of social media on children's mental health" is the website, specifically this page:

    And wouldn't you know, right there are 5 separate papers cited to support 1. that social media is widely used; and 2 it "presents meaningful harm to youth"

  • How can I quickly "unclog" firefox when it runs out of memory (with 1000/2000 tabs)
  • You are manually caching web content. Were you aware that (a) your browser does that for you; (b) the internet does that for you ?

    I'm as guilty of this as anyone and can tell you from experience that it's sutpid.

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • No, it’s just based on vibes.

    You didn't bother looking, clearly.

    Edit: I'm not saying I'm familiar with what the studies say, although some draw a clear link with adverse mental health impacts on kids. Not sure how far that goes. I'm also not saying I agree with the SG or the need for warning labels, but to say this is based on "vibes" is, ironically, speculative at best.

  • SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Finds
  • I live in rural California. We only just this year are able to pick up a faint LTE signal. I think it might get us a very unstable 1-2 Mbps if we hold the phone just right. We have no cable, DSL or other land-based options and because of the topography can't pick up the local wireless provider, which is very expensive anyway - like $175/month for 50/5

    So without Starlink our only options are crappy regular satellite providers like Hughesnet which impose very low quotas - 10 GB monthly for day time usage - and have insane latency.

    It bugs the shit out of me I have to give money to that fuckwit but without it we live in the dark ages.

  • ‘Anti-Woke’ Water Makes a Splash at Conservative Conference
  • Are you on the spectrum? I ask because your "but it isn't 100% literally this thing" is the sort of overly pedantic and literalist thing I would do myself.

    Would it make you feel better if you noted that the scrolling red banner at the top of the website does in fact have "this water ain't woke" among other similar sayings? And there is a "This drink ain't woke" Yeti cooler.

    Does that help?

  • A Majority of Voters Backing Biden Are Mostly Motivated by Stopping Trump — Poll
  • Nice. I can't even see your goal posts any more. You went from "there has been NO progress" to "well there has only been progress that matters to you". Despite the fact that I literally pointed out instances where things have gotten better for many groups of people.

    Bye now.

  • A Majority of Voters Backing Biden Are Mostly Motivated by Stopping Trump — Poll
  • Go on. Tell me about this incremental progress.

    I can be out and not fear for my life. I can even marry. My partner now only rarely gets "gook" or "chink" yelled at them.

    99.8% of the time when this stuff comes out of folks it's because they are white and heterosexual and usually male.

    For people secure in their white, hetero-normative privilege it's understandable that they only care about things that affect them... and there isn't all that much that affects them directly. But the truth is this is a VERY different world here in the US than when I was growing up. It's now a world that despite the noise from the MAGA crowd I can exist comfortably and securely as opposed to having to hide in a closet.

    Whenever I have this discussion with folks who aren't gay or trans or BIPOC, it never occurs to them that there is a difference. Universally it turns out that since they aren't affected by these huge cultural shifts, they also don't look at the changes that make life easier for other groups. The simple fact that federal workers now have a $15 minimum wage means that a number of my peers now are not starving working for public lands agencies. That a number of labor laws have been enacted (including recently the non-compete thing) that makes discrimination against protected groups doesn't affect people like you because you are not typically discriminated against. In some cases the pandemic relief for you folks was just a nice bonus to spend on luxuries, not groceries. The grants for schools didn't matter because if you have kids they go to nice schools already.

    I'm not going to argue with you - it's impossible. But please understand that your incredibly narrow view of the world is not shared by those who have experienced this seismic shift over the last 2-3 decades.

  • I am myself and myself is bad at fitting in
  • The difference is that jobs and places to work are extremely diverse. It's not always easy but you can find something that at least is a tolerable way to make a living. For most folks there are lots of options. With the education system... if you don't fit into that cookie-cutter hole, there are no alternatives except don't go, which is straight up illegal in a lot of places until your 18.

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