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Lightweight distro for home server?
  • what you ask is Debian what you need is FreeBSD

  • 🙃😵💀
  • For exemple

    16/8 is the most common intermittent fasting protocol for begginers. 20/4 is recommended in case of autoimmune disease, to reverse leaky gut and insulin resistance.

  • 🙃😵💀
  • Actually, science says he's right. You should fast at least 16 hour per day.

  • Moving away from RHEL based distros, whats good ?
  • Bla bla bla, so much energy to just not give what I ask for.

  • Moving away from RHEL based distros, whats good ?
  • Those are not "details", but "blur sources".

  • eoli3n eoli3n

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