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"Let's split up and look for clues." *1 hour later*
  • Not only very funny but, in my opinion, a better story with better pacing and better characters than the original.

    Mr. Popo as a horrifying sadistic eldritch being was absolutely an improvement.

  • *chuckles* I'm in danger!
  • I mostly disagree here. I mean, yes, if the DM has set up a situation where the PCs are railroaded into a fight where they are required to "do damage" to something they have no way to do damage to, that's pretty lousy.

    Usually, though, the PCs could flee, attempt to resolve the situation by "non-combat" means, or otherwise just avoid getting in that situation to begin with.

    I do fully embrace your earlier point about non-corporeal beings hurting corporeal beings: I like the idea that there ought to be potential "enemies" with that limitation who can only harm the PCs indirectly (through trickery and deception, distraction, or some manner of influence over something that can hurt them). Not every opponent needs to be a "combat statblock".

  • epicanis epicanis

    I am an Internationally Known[1], Award-Winning[2] fantasy-author[3], TTRPG-enjoyer, Creative Commons enthusiast, and general nerd. I'm friendly and play well with others.

    Currently self-indulgently authoring and shamelessly presenting in public the following works:

    Empirical Gnollage -

    Mighty Shangrook's Troubleslayers -

    Please read and enjoy. I insist.

    [1] Among my nearly dozens of readers, I have at least one reader in the United States and at least one in Germany. That's international by definition. [2] "Perfect Attendance", 2015 (yes, really) [3] In fact, I'm probably fantasizing about being an author right now!

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