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(CW: sexism, domestic violence, SA-R) The ancaps are not alright
  • yeah, but like all kinks, there's people that wanna be 24/7 🫣

  • Negotiator cat
  • same. it's seared into my retinas every time

  • Shut down Germany shut down all Germans
  • ...why not just convert? like, you're allowed to do that, i'm pretty sure.

  • A Nazi was buried with a Happy meal.
  • they say "the left can't meme" and then make the jokes for us

  • Pandas are just people in suits
  • apparently that happens with sun bears more than you'd think. they got weird proportions.

  • Colombus was a Bastard Man.
  • true, but did you have to write in cum?

  • There is No War in Ba Sing Se
  • someone edit the scene of SpongeBob showing all the dirty diapers to Patrick, except it's just the corpses of children murdered by the IDF

  • r/linux moment: Scolds trans woman for being too mean to a transphobe
  • every time i hear some new Linux drama, i'm kinda glad i'm too dumb to use it 🀷🏼

  • Yes, Social Media Really Is a Cause of the Epidemic of Teenage Mental Illness
  • this isn't a scientific article, it's an opinion piece. why is it here?

  • Most divorced man in history
  • the only appropriate place for those is TikTok compilations of cats making funny faces after eating ice cream.

  • Most divorced man in history
  • a sex thing? i feel like it's less weird if it's a sex thing, honestly.

  • Yeah, that baby emu(?) chick and its dad are nice but what you are forgetting is...
  • that's why you hate X? like, that's the reason. ok.

  • NSFW Deleted
    Removed by mod
  • fucking the police and not fucking children is good, actually

  • Chud Struggle Session
  • speaking of "tradition", i have great news about this thing called a "bathhouse"

  • Chud Struggle Session
  • someone said that to you?? i shouldn't be surprised about how gross people can be, but Christ alive.

  • I'm fucking deleting Reddit bro
  • same. i miss a couple subs, but i can get much of the same content on other social media sites, and there's no point to being part of two or three websites i hate when one will do just fine.

  • Happy Lunar New Year
  • plus imagining thinking that, as a white person, you have the ability to decide who gets to celebrate what, while speaking over Asian people. like that was a bigotry 360Β°; you went right around to being racist again lmao

  • A $9 investment
    1. If they make a size big enough for my fat ass, maybe
    2. Does it have pockets for my weed?
  • We lost four men on the last expedition...
  • ooh, i loved that episode of Stargate!

  • ergifruit Ergifruit [he/they]

    Appalachian Communist

    God's Hottest Mistake

    Wasp Fylgjur Queen

    World's Strongest Fujoshi

    Pronouns: He/They, Il/Iel, δ»–


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