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Can electric woks produce great stir-fry?
  • Both create harmful air.

    That's exactly my point.

  • What People Forget about Student Protesters? They’re Usually Right
  • This argument from authority really falls flat when looking at the proposals put forth. Perhaps these are not the best minds despite the efforts of the admissions department.

  • What People Forget about Student Protesters? They’re Usually Right
  • I'm skeptical of the idea that student protesters typically identify the optimal solution to the problems they identify.

    They may be correct in identifying and calling attention to issues, but many of the solutions I've seen proposed by protesters at colleges seem at best tangential to addressing the issues.

  • History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says
  • If the only goal is to reduce emissions, your concerns of the production and use of more EVs should absolutely be taken into account. However, I don't think that should be the only concern when thinking about the ethics of the proposed policy.

  • History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says
  • If that's all one wants to consider when evaluating the ethics of the policy in question, then it seems like the "correct" policy.

  • History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says
  • You seem to have presented a non sequitur based argument.

    I wasn't making any positive claims. I was clarifying the terms of what one might consider "working". And how we may want to consider how we value people without regard to geopolitical boarders.

  • History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says
  • You're defining "work" as Chinese manufactured EVs having less market share. But if that means everyone that buys pays more for an EV and fewer EVs are sold, did it result in the most benefit for American citizens? What about the rest of the world's population, in which situation is the net benefit greater?

  • History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says
  • Tarrifs are only a positive in cases where they are conditioned on labor, environmental, and other externalities being priced in and regional subsidies being countered. That seems like the case here.

    But I suspect that the threat is being used as a negotiation tactic and China will call the bluff.

  • Can electric woks produce great stir-fry?
  • I'm not trying to downplay the pollutants from incomplete burning of methane (or other gas) combustion. I'm trying to highlight that it isn't the only consideration when discussion policy or making personal decisions.

    Cooking with an electric heat source will produce an equal amount of pollutants from burning oils and organic matter compared to a gas heat source. But a methane or other gas heat source will produce additional (and different) pollutants. Ventilation is important in both scenarios.

  • Can electric woks produce great stir-fry?
  • FYI - Cooking indoors on electric power sources also screws indoor air quality anytime any fats or organic matter reaches its smoke point or burns. In fact, relative to the food, the methane heat source isn't as big a factor.

  • A Crash Course Guide to Nostr
  • Nostr seems like it's set up to allow for unmitigated abuse.

    This is an excellent introduction for those that want to try it out.

  • Migrants hit by high fees to send money home
  • The point is not to be the "rational economist" who doesn't pick up money off the ground because someone else would have picked it up if it was really there.

  • Migrants hit by high fees to send money home
  • this would essentially mean a transfer of wealth from the masses sending remittances to a few HFT traders.

    Compared to a frictionless world, this is sub optimal. But as you and the article established, there are frictions that currently result in a tranfer of wealth at a 6% rate of transfer volume which could very well be greater than the future equilibrium you posit.

    I think that there are options that could be implemented at scale faster and simpler compared to crypto token exchanges. But any individual current getting hit with high transfer fees could benefit immediately if they know about and learn how to use something like monero.

  • EVs are lowering Bay Area's carbon footprint
  • The researchers in the article seem to be interested in that as well. They see their research as a pilot forhow to get useful measurements in many urban centers. I hope they receive more funding.

  • EVs are lowering Bay Area's carbon footprint
  • It seems that the most significant part of this news is the enhancement in detecting atmospheric CO2 concentration in a large urban area. Being able to measure more accurately and precisely will allow better evaluation of mitigation strategies.

  • Beehaw, Lemmy, and A Vision of the Fediverse - Ruminations on the past and visions of the future
  • Probably not. There are several alternative projects being worked on with varying states of completeness and refinement. But the alternatives all seem to have off set visions for their projects.

  • Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • That sounds like an opportunity I'd be foolish to turn away.

    How do we make it happen?

  • Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • I could not wrap my head around that game. I feel like I'm placing stones with 60% guesswork. I haven't played much, but I couldn't see the difference between good and bad placement.

  • Debunking the Top 10 Myths About Mastodon Debunking the Top 10 Myths About Mastodon

    A lot of people make up all kinds of wild assumptions Mastodon, how it works, and what it is. We're here to help clear up some of the biggest ones.

    Debunking the Top 10 Myths About Mastodon
    Learn Python from interactively @ futurecoder: Learn to code from scratch

    100% free and interactive Python course for beginners

    futurecoder: Learn to code from scratch

    cross-posted from:

    > This looks like a great starting point for people with little to no experience with programming to learn to program using Python. > > Everything taught by can be used locally on your own computer. But doesn't show you how to install Python on your machine but you can fill in that gap with the information provided @ > > Other resources are provided on the Beginners Guide > if needed. > >

    OpenELA - Community Repository for Enterprise Linux Sources

    OpenELA is a non-profit trade association of open source Enterprise Linux distribution developers.

    There are many Linux Distributions that are perfectly suitable for enterprise use cases and environments. For the purpose of this charter and project, OpenELA recognizes “Enterprise Linux” (EL) as 1:1 and bug-for-bug source code compatibility which today is aligned to RHEL and CentOS.

    OpenELA's mission is to provide a secure, transparent, and reliable Enterprise Linux source that is globally available to all as a buildable base.

    OpenELA is a collaboration created and upheld by CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE.

    Read the recent article on the formation of OpenELA by Richard Speed at The Register

    ParanoidFactoid may be interested in this development.

    What I Learned from Maintaining a Repo During Hacktoberfest and Merging 356 PRs (November 2, 2022) What I Learned from Maintaining a Repo During Hacktoberfest and Merging 356 PRs

    Hacktoberfest is a month long celebration of open source. And this year I participated as a maintainer for freeCodeCamp's Developer Quiz Site []. I merged a total of 356 pull requests and helped a lot of new contributors get started with open source...

    What I Learned from Maintaining a Repo During Hacktoberfest and Merging 356 PRs
    Table: kbin / Lemmy Apps with Detail

    cross-posted from:

    > In table format with FOSS status, platform, and OS for your viewing pleasure: > > |FOSS| Name | Platform | OS | Stage | Source Code | Info | > |----|---------|-----------|------------|---------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| > |YES | Memmy | Lemmy |Android, iOS|Android Release (Pending Play Store Approval)| Github | | > |YES | Morpha | Lemmy |Android, iOS| Under Development | Gitlab | | > |YES | Thunder | Lemmy |Android, iOS| Alpha Release | Github | thunder\ | > |YES | Mlem | Lemmy | iOS | Submitted for App Store Review (July 1) | Github | | > |YES | Jerboa | Lemmy | Android | Released | Github | | > |TBD | Artemis |Kbin, Lemmy|Android, iOS| Private Beta (Starts End of June) | Unreleased | | > |TBD | Limbo | Lemmy | iOS | TestFlight Beta | Unreleased | | > |YES | Beyond | Lemmy |Android, iOS| Under Development |Unreleased| original Beehaw post | > | NO | Sync | Lemmy | Android | Research | N/A | | > |YES | Slide | Lemmy | Android | Under Development (More information coming) | N/A | original Lemmy post | > |YES |Lemmynade| Lemmy | Android | Under Development | N/A |original Lemmy post| > > * TBA kbin app from @developerjustin (iOS, kbin Only, in development) - I've had a chat with the dev of this as-yet-unnamed app, but it's not ready for testing yet. > > Important note from > > Am super open to any apps, code repos, communities, or info I'm missing as well as updates.

    UPDATED: There are now multiple iOS / Android apps in development for kbin & lemmy!

    More up to date and more detailed information at:

    cross-posted from:

    > The amount of apps being developed for iOS / Android is getting really crazy now and new apps keep popping up every day. Updated list below: > > * Artemis (iOS, Android, kbin, lemmy): link > * Memmy (iOS, lemmy): link > * Mlem (iOS, lemmy): link > * Morpha (iOS, lemmy): link > * Thunder (iOS, Android, lemmy): link > * Beyond (iOS, Android, lemmy): link > * Limbo (iOS, Android, lemmy): link > * Jerboa (Android, lemmy): link > * Slide (Android, lemmy): link > * Sync (Android, lemmy): link > * Unnamed (kbin): link > > Most apps on the list are lemmy apps, meaning they don't work with kbin. Artemis is specifically designed to work with kbin, not sure if or when any of the other ones will go in that direction or become interoperable as there are some challenges with the kbin API at the moment. Having said that, a new API is in the works ( so things should get better with time. Some of the apps are in very early stage of development so it may happen that they adjust OS availability and platform support.

    See info in table format with more details:

    Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement - June 14, 2023

    Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a modest pace. Job gains have been robust in recent months, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation remains elevated.

    The U.S. banking system is sound and resilient. Tighter credit conditions for households and businesses are likely to weigh on economic activity, hiring, and inflation. The extent of these effects remains uncertain. The Committee remains highly attentive to inflation risks.

    The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. In support of these goals, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 5 to 5-1/4 percent. Holding the target range steady at this meeting allows the Committee to assess additional information and its implications for monetary policy. In determining the extent of additional policy firming that may be appropriate to return inflation to 2 percent over time, the Committee will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation, and economic and financial developments. In addition, the Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities, as described in its previously announced plans. The Committee is strongly committed to returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.

    In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.

    Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Michael S. Barr; Michelle W. Bowman; Lisa D. Cook; Austan D. Goolsbee; Patrick Harker; Philip N. Jefferson; Neel Kashkari; Lorie K. Logan; and Christopher J. Waller.

    Implementation Note issued June 14, 2023

    Producer Price Index - 2023 May

    PPI for final demand declines 0.3% in May; goods fall 1.6%, services increase 0.2%

    The Producer Price Index for final demand declined 0.3 percent in May. Prices for final demand goods fell 1.6 percent, and the index for final demand services increased 0.2 percent. Prices for final demand moved up 1.1 percent for the 12 months ended in May.

    PDF Charts

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