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Why Personal Cloud Storage is so bad on Linux?
  • @talizorah @desconectado @potemkinhr I'm using OneDriver and it seems to work pretty well! Search it on Github.

  • Why Personal Cloud Storage is so bad on Linux?
  • @fossisfun @desconectado Still, if I was Microsoft I think I'll develop an official OneDrive client for Linux. And I hope in the future they'll realize it's not a bad opportunity for them and for fidelizing users.

  • Using Linux for work - need a good email/contacts/calendar system
  • @itchy_lizard @cygnus TB is great. Except that I cannot have Thunderbird 115 sync with my CardDAV (Infomaniak) address book. Officually CardDAV is supported now, but all I get for the effort is a blank address book. If someone knows the trick... ;-)

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  • @cipherlab @pnutzh4x0r Nonetheless, it's quite the achievement. That's exactly what Linux needs: visible, tangible and reputable hardware that's ostensibly better than the competition. It's great to be flexible, but you still need to have a face.

  • ezahn Ezahn
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