faberyayo @ faberyayo @lemm.ee Posts 1Comments 44Joined 2 wk. ago
Wasn't Elon Musk the self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist"? Turns out it was the "free speech abolitionist" after all.
~ Europe
Group immunity, great strategy! /s
But poor brown people suffer those consequences, so who cares? /s
Why flee when you can study it live.
They literarily force us to be even more economic allies as we were before.
Leader who is in power for 20 years. Yeah, that should ring a bell.
They do anything to save Tesla nowadays. At least we didn't have a sales show on the White House lawn. O wait..
I planted mint in a pot. And the roots went out of the bottom of the pot and between the tiles the pot was on, into the ground.
The Atlantic releases the entire Signal chat showing Hegseth's detailed attack plans against Houthis
Not really. Accidentally / due to stupidity adding the chief editor of a critical magazine on the administration is just too perfect to be a coincidence.
The Atlantic releases the entire Signal chat showing Hegseth's detailed attack plans against Houthis
The people who pulled this off, lol. They probably hacked Waltz his (private?) phone, replaced the number of some high level official with the number of the Atlantic guy, and then just sat back and relax. Watch this shit show unfold.
Why would you even want to go there now, as you can be imprisoned at any moment, and it could take weeks before you get out. With a little luck, you even end up in an El Salvador gang prison.
The only good thing those clowns let behind is meme-inspiration
You actually can't make this shit up. WTF!
Yes you're right. A British company acquired the American company Block Drug in 2001.
Plant: "I will let you feel pain". Humans: "Jokes on you, I'm into that shit"
Zonde wat voor impact dit heeft op de gehele economie
Ik ben verre van gelovig, maar ben ook blij om te zien dat het CDA weer flink opkrabbelt. Wat een verademing zijn deze normale, fatsoenlijke politici ten opzichte van het huidige kabinet.
In eerste instantie door het meer supporten van Europese alternatieven. Het is inmiddels groot genoeg om interessant te zijn. Wat me echt laat blijven is dat het decentraal is opgezet. Ik wist dat niet, maar dat concept is echt geweldig. Wat mij betreft zou bij social media nooit de macht bij één partij moeten liggen. We zien allemaal hoe dat bij Google, Meta en ook bij Reddit uitpakt.