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  • Though I hope to not see them, I think it's a great idea.

    Perhaps a selection of British TV or comedy characters could do the job - bouncers and policemen, detectives etc should cover the various bad/forbidden/unauthorised/not found etc.

    Perhaps a Basil Fawlty attacking a bad gateway with a tree branch?

  • Farage says he's aiming to be credible candidate to take over as PM at next general election
  • There was a guy who was "famous" for having loads of plastic surgery to look like a Ken doll.

    Perhaps Nigel could become "famous" for having loads of plastic surgery to look like Cyril Sneer from The Raccoons? He could carry on behaving like he already does.

  • What's the deal with gbnews?
  • It had very poor viewing/listening figures for quite a long time, and was generally seen as a bit of a joke, but they've been growing alarmingly in the last year - though still comparatively low.

    If you see a report saying "GB News hits 1 million viewers", note that this was corrected a few days later to "actually it was only 33,000".

    So currently, it's generally not trusted or respected, and is kind of seen as a joke, but like UKIP, Brexit, Boris Johnson as Prime Minister, Donald Trump as US President etc, it's a dangerous joke that we should be taking more seriously.

  • Removed
    Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons
  • I'm sure it's not possible for everyone - but I essentially did this some years back - though more with Premiere than Photoshop - and therefore more Cinelerra/Kdenlive than Gimp/Krita.

    I ran a dual boot system from about 2008 until about 2015. If it could be done in Linux/FOSS, it was. If it couldn't, it was done in Windows/Adobe software.

    I was self-employed, though I often did subcontracting work for a handful of media/umbrella organisations - so sometimes I had to use Premiere or Sony Vegas to carry on half-done projects I was handed.

    Bear in mind this was when you bought Adobe software and didn't rent it - and you could also keep running an older version for years.

    Anyway, over time I used the Windows partition less and less, until I got rid of it entirely when I got a new computer.

    I had to work a bit harder one year, and I did miss out on a few projects - but mostly, I could do everything I could do previously, but it took a bit longer for a while until I adjusted to a different workflow.

    After that, you're just saying "That's a £2000 job", "That's a £200 job", and meeting a deadline. Nobody really cares if it took 7 minutes longer to do, and I saved a lot of time not using Windows any more.

    Editing (and other design stuff) is a far smaller part of my overall work these days, but I still do a good chunk of projects over the year, and I've been 100% Linux for almost 10 years. No regrets.

  • Framework open sources the 3D CAD design files for its modular 16 inch laptop
  • To a lot of laptop manufacturers, it certainly seems that way as of late - that's why I'm ever hopeful that a modular laptop, such as the framework, might give us the option of how we want to control a mouse cursor.

  • Good to the last drop
  • In the UK, you can generally still find what you'd recognise as lemonade, but more likely under names like cloudy/flat/traditional/homemade/US style lemonade, then double check the ingredients for carbonated water. If it's just called lemonade (or cherryade, limeade, orangeade etc), it's fizzy.

    The other way round, I used to be mystified how Calvin & Hobbes or Bart Simpson etc managed to sell lemonade on a table in front of their house, without a CO2 canister :)

  • Who else needs an apology?
  • I guess it's a "right time, right place" thing.

    I mean, you're posting on Lemmy, so even when you post interesting, well-thought-out or funny things, you've only got 1 to 500 people going "Oh, cool - I really like that".

    People posting stuff on Twitter can get thousands of likes and reshares etc, and sometimes you get places like the BBC making "news" out of a Twitter post, spreading things amongst many more thousands (or millions?) of people.

    About 8 billion people have never heard of you, but most of the people on Lemmy probably think you're ace.

  • Nigel Farage has milkshake thrown over him after launching general election campaign
    • Is your local water company irresponsibly releasing sewage into your rivers?

    • Are you struggling to find an environmentally sound liquid to throw over Nigel Farridge?

    I wonder if there's some sort of solution to both these problems? Perhaps there is a way to both help remove a small amount of sewage from the river and also find something to throw at Nigel?


  • Opinion: There is a far bigger threat to Britain than fringe extremists: Tory radicalisation | Rafael Behr There is a far bigger threat to Britain than fringe extremists: Tory radicalisation | Rafael Behr

    If Michael Gove really wants to root out the forces threatening British society, perhaps his party should look in the mirror, says Guardian columnist Rafael Behr

    There is a far bigger threat to Britain than fringe extremists: Tory radicalisation | Rafael Behr

    "If Michael Gove really wants to root out the forces threatening British society, perhaps his party should look in the mirror"

    Man playing music out loud on train: What are our options? [Update: Solved]

    There's a man on my train this morning, and he's listening to stuff out loud on his phone, like fully out loud, not even slightly subtle. The train is in Britain. He keeps listening to 5 seconds of an annoying song, then switching to another song. It sort of sounds like kids TV music. He appears dressed to go work in a fancy office or something, and this is a morning commuter train, so I don't think he's escaped from a prison or mental hospital.

    Anyway, amongst myself and another couple of hundred quiet passengers, we've tried everything:

    • tutting and rolling our eyes
    • harrumphing, whingeing and sighing
    • when a bloke got on the train with headphones on, someone said loudly "Isn't it great when someone wears headphones? They can listen to whatever they like and nobody else has to hear it"
    • sometimes it stops for a minute, and there's a widespread muttering of "Ooh, thank god that's over with"
    • followed by an en-masse groan when it starts again "Oh no, not this again!"
    • a lady on the phone saying loudly "Sorry, I can't hear what you're saying, because someone is being inconsiderate and playing music really loudly"
    • saying to one another, loudly enough for the man to hear "isn't it annoying when someone plays their music out loud? I wish he'd stop doing that"
    • muttering aggressive words, under our breath, in his general direction "prick", "wanker" "knobhead", "bellend"
    • Someone getting onto the train, and not sitting at his table and saying "God, I'd rather stand than sit next to that prick", loud enough for him to hear.
    • the ticket-checking man rolled his eyes, but didn't do anything

    I think generally we're running out of ideas. I heard someone behind me mentioning they were thinking about "sparking him out", and someone else had suggested they might grab his phone and throw it out the window.

    I was toying with the idea of going nuclear on him, and directly but politely asking him to turn it down, but it's a bit early for that kind of extreme behaviour. Perhaps I should throw something at his head?

    Anyway, anyone who's been in a similar situation have any suggestions?

    [Update] The train got full, so people were standing all the way down the aisle. Three people sat on the table next to him.

    Opposite him, an older woman stared at him and shook her head at him, in a gesture I interpreted as "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed". He put his phone in his pocket and stared out the window. I gave her the subtlest of nods, to communicate "thank you" and "good job".

    So we're safe, this time - but I'm still interested in solutions, as something like this could happen again!

    Why are kids doing the ‘Brexit tackle’? They’re having fun at adults’ expense – and mocking our toxic politics Why are kids doing the ‘Brexit tackle’? They’re having fun at adults’ expense – and mocking our toxic politics | Lola Okolosie

    My son says it means taking out the player without getting the ball, all while shouting ‘Brexit means Brexit’, says teacher Lola Okolosie

    Why are kids doing the ‘Brexit tackle’? They’re having fun at adults’ expense – and mocking our toxic politics | Lola Okolosie

    > My son says it means taking out the player without getting the ball, all while shouting ‘Brexit means Brexit’. Sound familiar?

    > For the umpteenth time, my son, with an Ikea stuffed ball he has had since infancy, is playing football in the living room. He is joined by one of his best friends, an equally football-obsessed 10-year-old who, before slide-tackling in what can only be described as a deliberate attempt to knock my son’s legs off, shouts: “Brexit means Brexit!” Confused, I pass it off as an example of tweenage precocity: which 10-year-old is happy to quote Theresa May while playing football?

    I must admit, this gives me some hope for the future.

    Obituaries fakeman_pretendname
    Damo Suzuki, experimental musician, dies aged 74 Damo Suzuki obituary

    Singer whose idiosyncratic performances helped the German band Can stretch the limits of experimental rock

    Damo Suzuki obituary

    > "Singer whose idiosyncratic performances helped the German band Can stretch the limits of experimental rock"

    Saw him sing/speak/make noise at a 2 hour long improv set in a small gig venue in Yorkshire about 10-20 years ago, supported by a handful of local improv musicians.

    After they finished the set, he individually thanked (and optionally hugged) every single audience member.

    "Upstairs is closed, mate. Think you need to move along to that kitchen and see about those empty bowls first."

    Three cats spread over the stairs, staring at the camera person, blocking access to the upstairs. (Actually they're just waiting for someone to throw the fuzzy ball for them to chase).

    Returning to the surface after exploring deep in the duvet caves.

    Photo is from about a year ago, when the cats learnt that as well as "on the bed" and "under the duvet", if you explored the area where the buttons were, there was also "inside the duvet cover".

    Self-aligning cats

    Three cat brothers, sat neatly on a staircase, Jan 2023. This is probably my favourite photo of the three of them together.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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