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I was able to learn React though
  • Even better when someone makes the exact same PR and it gets merged a few days after being opened and yours left unreviewed.

  • Is DNS Bloat too?
  • As we all know, it's always DNS.

  • Is DNS Bloat too?
  • ::/0 ?

  • Burn 🔥
  • Go ahead, move to China and say your opinion on the street.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't like both. I'm staying on good old XMPP.

  • America and bourgeois nazis
  • Can we stop normalizing calling everything and everyone a Nazi and to normalize Nazi symbolism? I don't know how familiar you are with German history in detail, but it's way worse than what most people actually know. There is a reason why there has been a strict difference between Nazis and Neo-Nazis after the second world war. Sadly that distinction has been lost to the new generation now apparently.

  • Nutella
  • Ah yes, big fan of wasting so much food.

  • Inspired by a similar meme about applied math, I present: applied physics
  • In the presence of a supermassive black hole, pi gets bend.

  • Rule
  • The amount of anxiety I get every time I see the "Drop & Run" is undescribable.

  • Putin suddenly sees this message
  • I am not complaining that the app does something I don't like, I am more so complaining about the frequency of communities existing on two instances and the moderators of them seemingly unwilling to resolve that. The community existed for longer but now the reddit moderators decided to go to too. Why does so much fragmentation have to happen across the fediverse all the time?

  • Putin suddenly sees this message
  • Nice meme, could we decide on which instance we use though? (I known it's better solved in the webapp with cross posts, but this better illustrates my point nicely)

    (My phone does funny things with multi line screenshots)

  • [LXQt] Just Nord
  • Never thought I'd find an alpine desktop user in the wild.

  • Minimal Wayland Software?
  • In case you want eye candy (or how I call it: the Wayland compositor doing compositing) you can also check out swayfx. Personally, I use it with kitty and waybar.

  • Chemicals rule
  • When I search for Diphenylmethanone the first thing that comes up is Benzophenone (I found this under Benzophenone)

  • Time well spend

    Thanks to everyone who let our art stay <3

    A GIMP pepper would've been a great idea thinking about it : )

    Föderation zu anderen Instanzen

    Ich habe massive Probleme von meiner Instanz ( auf feddit posts und Kommentare zu sehen. Ich kann zum Beispiel auf meinen eigenen post keine Kommentare mehr verfassen, oder neite posts werden nicht angezeigt.

    Da feddit die einzige Instanz ist, auf welcher ich diese Probleme habe (viele andere der Instanzen die ich nutze haben die selbe lemmy Version wie feddit, also würde ich das als Problem ausschließen), poste ich dies nach hier.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • How about bomb deployed cope cages?

  • famfo famfo

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