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How bad is Microsoft?
  • Microsoft abuses their de facto monopoly to engage in gross invasion of their users' privacy, and continues to try to wrest their users' control of their system from them by altering system settings after updates, and making some settings nearly impossible to change. And that's to say nothing of MS's attempts to turn their operating system into and advertising platform.

  • Workers Create Value
  • That particular statement wasn't directed at Grayox specifically, it was more about a particular subset self-identified communists on the internet, including (some of?) the admins, and many users of lemmygrad and hexbear. The ones that correctly identify that the USA is bad, but then prop up the likes of the Soviet Union, the PRC, the DPRK, and even Russia (which doesn't even claim to be communist) as paragons of good, when often times they're worse than the US.

  • Workers Create Value
  • Capitalism does not self regulate[...]

    Correct, hence "In theory" and "nonsense" in the words surrounding that phrase.

    You should try reading Marx and Lenin’s actual writings[...]

    I certainly would like to read at bare minimum some of Marx's works, but ADHD is really not conducive to being able to read even mildly long texts, like I couldn't even get all the way through Einstein's Why Socialism?.

    There are multiple free audio recordings[...]

    Audio is even worse on that front, as I'll end repeatedly tuning parts out and have to go back and listen to those parts again, which just isn't good for motivation.

    [...]you seem very earnest[...]

    I like to think so at least. I just don't like when people fall into the "A is bad, B opposes A, therefore B is good" trap.

    Humanity must escape the all powerful driving forces of the profit motives Capitalism enforces[...]

    Agreed. Wholeheartedly.

    That process if it is to take place will appear extremely authoritarian to those who value profit above all else.

    They may attempt to paint it as such, but it need not actually be so. Even if that process were to take the form of a violent revolution (which, to be clear it doesn't need to.)

  • Workers Create Value
  • Alright, firstly, I think you're mistaking me as advocating for capitalism. I'm not. Whilst I'm not a fan of labels (they're so easily contorted away from their original meanings by those seeking to undermine the ideologies they describe), I believe "Socialist" would reasonably describe my beliefs.


    [...]authoritarianism isn’t the end goal of ML.

    I think you've got that backwards. Marxism-Leninism starts with democratic means, then implements an authoritarian regime.

    [...]can you tell me what the end goal of this system even is?

    No, because there isn't one. Capitalism actively punishes any form of forethought or long-term planning.

    [...]The end goal of Marxist-Leninism is a classes society where each person contributes what they can to society and receives back what they need to live a fulfilling life. They are extremely different.

    In theory, maybe. Just like in theory Capitalism self regulates through competitive pressures, or whatever nonsense it is that Capitalists spout.

    I'm more concerned with actual effects, and empirical evidence than hypotheticals. Authoritarian regimes invariably turn oppressive, one way or another.

  • Workers Create Value
  • is run by marxist-leninists (hence the .ml), which is an explicitly authoritarian ideology, and for the record trading one form of authoritarianism for another is not a worthwhile improvement.

  • Stellaris gets a DLC about AI that features AI-created voices, director insists it's 'ethical' and 'we're pretty good at exploring dystopian sci-fi and don't want to end up there ourselves'
  • It'd be dead easy, actually. Don't even have to actually ban it: For image generating models, every artist whose work is included in the training data becomes entitled to 5 cents per image in the training data every time a model generates an image, so an artist with 20 works in the model is entitled to a dollar per generated image. Companies offering image generating neural networks would near instantly incur such huge liabilities that it simply wouldn't be worth it anymore. Same thing could apply to text and voice generating models, just per word instead of per image.

  • [Serious] The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?
  • Right, patents are a whole separate thing. I added a clarification above that the 15 years/life is for copyright. The way I did patents is that corporations are ineligible for patents, and individuals get them for 5 years.

    As long as labor is necessary, some form of market economy is likely to crop up, and as long as there's some form of market economy I'm hesitant to limit the ability for individual creators to make a living in said market economy, so I'm not sure I'd personally go for such a large carve-out from patent protections.

  • [Serious] The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?
  • I actually started writing up a a new constitution a while ago as a sort of thought experiment. It's not finished yet but some of the highlights thus far include:

    • A unicameral congress, with uncapped membership
    • A right to privacy, free education, internet, and government transparency
    • Freedom from religion clauses
    • Constitutionally limited intellectual property: Copyright is 15 years for corporations, life for individuals.
    • Uncapped supreme court, 2 appointments per presidential term
    • Score voting for the president
    • Proportional representation for congress
    • No term limits
  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The communism of star trek is a far cry from the "communism" (that is, atrocity denial and state capitalist propaganda) espoused by terminally online social media users.

  • The only way to avoid Grammarly using your data for AI is to pay for 500 accounts
  • I can avoid it like I've avoided cryptocurrency and NFTs. And it may be a "tool," but it's one built on the theft from and unpaid labor of tens of thousands of independent creators, and is nigh wholly controlled by corporate interests bent on eliminating those same independent creators whose data they stole to make their "tools." It should not exist. Not until it can be made in an ethical manner without harming the creatives necessary to make it.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • its embarrassing

    Less embarrassing than defending authoritarian colonialist empires.

    Look, capitalism, etc. are awful, but that doesn't excuse defending authoritarian regimes. It is perfectly possible improve the lives of everyone without atrocities, and defending the people who commit those atrocities severely damages efforts to actually improve society.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • double genocide myth

    Genocide denial is not the winning move you think it is. Edit: More importantly I never said anything about genocide, though since you brought it up, the soviets did in fact commit genocide, see: Holodomor. This in no way dilutes or mitigates the Nazis' genocide of Jews, etc. in the Holocaust.

    Equating communists to fascists was used to excuse complicity in the holocaust, it isnt fucking cool.

    Good thing I'm not doing either of those then! I'm equating tankies to fascists, which is not only cool, but more importantly it's correct.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • On the one hand defederating from an instance based on their ideology is probably not the best precedent to set,

    On the other, they're tankies who've ate up the state capitalist and red fascist propaganda hook, line, and sinker and are trying to associate themselves with leftism, making the rest of us look bad. (If I were more conspiracy minded I'd say that this is an intentional attempt to discredit leftist politics.) So really I think it balances out. Personally I'd rather users be able to block whole instances, instead of having admins make that decision, but seeing as that's not available this is the next best thing.

  • The Weekly Discussion Topic - Roguelikes - 28-07-2023
  • One more thing I think is relevant to the discussion on the meaning of 'roguelike' is the Berlin Interpretation, though I personally think it's a touch too narrow to be a usable, non-academic definition. Plus roguebasin (where that link is) could probably be placed in the Additional Resources section, being a wiki dedicated to roguelikes.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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