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Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • No but you see we at Google aren't locking down sideloading. It's the individual app developers. With the api we gave them for that express purpose. Totally not us locking stuff down though, so EU please ignore us trying to indirectly close doors in our walled garden?

  • I miss my life [OC]
  • Agreed on the former. As for the latter, that's hard to tell from the outside. No you can't go back, but if the suffering reliable outweighs the joy, a dignified exit should be supported, and the only one who can really judge that is the one going through it.

    If there's maybe enough to hold on for, try holding on. If there's a chance for improvement, please try holding on. If there isn't, then there isn't.

    Either way, I hope for improvement in the future, be it personal or medical. No one deserves this kind of suffering.

  • Mozilla wants you to love Firefox again
  • Which (pr nightmare aside) I wouldn't be against. It's not gonna fly, people are accustomed to 'free' browsers to the point they'd balk at the idea. Even if they weren't most would take a free chromium based browser or Firefox fork over a paid alternative that doesn't give them anything extra. But browsers are massive pieces of tech, they need a lot of dev time, and the money needs to come from somewhere, just relying on volunteers won't cut it.

    Mozilla has been looking for sources of funding for years, sometimes in ways that are their own type of pr nightmare and sometimes in ways I'm not thrilled by, but I get their predicament. I wish there would be (more) state funding. EU, US. Whatever. Much like governments should invest in public transit we should invest in critical software infra.

    I also wish Google's other branches were divorced from their browser dev branch. The stranglehold on the web given to Google by chrome is a huge part of the problem.

  • Crowd Cheers as Convicted Rapist is Eliminated in Olympic Beach Volleyball
  • On the one hand that's supposedly to do with competitive advantage. It makes sense to try to even the playing field, which should have nothing to do with objection on 'moral'grounds. I'd argue this is mostly a good thing given the iffiness of many groups' morals.

    Case in point, your exact examples, which brings me to the other hand. Banning trans athletes on 'fairness' grounds is bullshit. In most sports there's no known competitive advantage. Where there's an imbalance they tend to show disadvantage. The rare cases with an advantage for trans athletes tend to disappear the moment you correct for size/weight, which is not something we'd exclude cis athletes for. None of your examples should have happened. They do not hold water on fairness grounds, and any moralistic reasons behind it are reprehensible.

  • What book have you read that you never get a chance to bring up?
  • The Dutch translation is great. One of the few books I prefer to read in Dutch over English.

    Moers wrote many great books in his Zamonia setting, but bluebear is head and shoulders above the rest.

    The books have great art too. Done by the author, as he's a cartoonist.

  • We finally know what caused the global tech outage - and how much it cost
  • It's a variation on the old saw of "how much is the difference between a million and a billion? About a billion". Once numbers become so big, it's hard to grasp the relative sizes. That said, I'm also interested in a more comprehensive breakdown. Seeing who are impacted, how much and where.

  • Report: Fallout London's Delay, And The Move To GOG
  • Moddb was mentioned. Another good one is thunderstore. It all depends on the game though. Valheim (and several other units based games) is very active on both Nexus and thunderstore, stalker games tend to be moddb, &c. Nexus tends to be the main one for most games though.

    I mostly like Nexus (paid member), but I share the concern about it being the only game in town for most games. Nexus is heaps better as a site than both moddb and thunderstore ime, but the lack of real alternatives is putting way too many eggs in the same basket.

  • Happened to me multiple times
  • What tools would you recommend to fund good forks. I've had a Firefox extension or two but they've either creased working or weren't fantastic to begin with. Currently just using the network graph, limitations and all.

  • RTX 4070 Super launch day sales are rumored to be a ‘disaster’ – what’s going on with Nvidia’s new GPU?
  • Agreed, and in my experience (Asus board) it's functional but a bit buggy, so not an easy recommendation. Still, if you want or need team red it's an option. Price premium sucked, but wasn't actually noticeably more than if I'd gone team blue. Not sure I'd do it again in hindsight though. Fully functional but only 90% reliable (which is worse than it seems, in the same way a delay of "only" a second every time you do something adds up to a big annoyance) is perhaps not worth it for my use case.

  • RTX 4070 Super launch day sales are rumored to be a ‘disaster’ – what’s going on with Nvidia’s new GPU?
  • You can get amd with thunderbolt. The motherboards with thunderbolt headers are bloody expensive, and you'll need a 200 bucks add in card (which needs to match the motherboard manufacturer I think), so it's not exactly cheap, but it is possible.

  • AUX cord with 2 male outputs and 1 female input.
  • This works with splitters (and you can combine cables and splitters to get there, it doesn't need to be a single y cable with the right ends). I'd recommend against it however. Two outputs for one source is usually fine, but two sources to one output with just a y splitter can be detrimental. Depending on exact circumstances sound quality can be worse and/or it can (theoretically) damage your equipment.

    For two low level sources it's probably fine in most cases, but definitely not recommended. There are positive summing circuits that prevent this, but usually the recommendation is to use a mixer instead.

  • SAG-AFTRA Approves AI Voice Actors, Enrages the VA Community
  • It's a thorny issue. In the position of an indie dev/studio i get using cheap (or free) art, be it voice, textures, whatever. In a way a properly licensed ai trained voice is no different from using assets from an asset store.

    On the other hand, the current crop of ai are less than fair about where they source the data, so good luck getting a morally neutral voice right now, leaving aside the legal aspect.

    A big issue beyond that is how it'll completely wreck the industry. If Alice licensed her voice for cheap, and I can get it to say whatever I need with minimal hassle why wouldn't I use that over paying more for a voice actor, where I have to wait on them to actually record and rerecord her lines? I'd be paying more for slower results and more work.

    Then you realize this is true not just for me but for most groups needing voice lines. This means that even if an individual voice seems ethically sound, considering the wider context and impact on other voice actors it becomes far less simple.

  • Where to get illegally pirated games
  • This is a genuine exception. Surprisingly low bullshit for anything gaming related (i suppose being industry oriented helps a little), and fairly interesting stuff covered. This article is a good one, imo.

    Despite the title it's (as should be expected from being with one foot in the industry) not a how to guide to get the latest fitgirl repack or whatever, but an article about who gets targeted for piracy and who doesn't even while massively profiting (Amazon, for one).

  • [Analysis] Will Frans Timmermans be the next Dutch PM on Wednesday?
  • Probably. I'm voting for them (not Timmermans himself, but no. 17 on the party's list as a way to signal I'm less than thrilled with how NL responded to Israel), but am doubtful we'll finally get a government I'm mostly content with. It's been since the pre Balkenende days (which goes back to the turn of the century).

    We've had a couple times CDA (Christian party) followed by a really long time under VVD (right wing, led by Rutte), with left being mostly of secondary importance.

    As of now there's too many parties polling high, old and new, to really make a good educated guess. VVD, PVV (right-wing, anti islam) and NSC (a new party led by a former CDA member) are all big enough to keep a close eye on.

    For someone on the left none of these engender any sort of hope for the country. All would like to close off the borders, none really productively deal with the gap between rich and poor, none really deal with the climate catastrophe.

    The (also new) party after these guys is the BBB, which literally is a party of angry farmers that don't want to get their livelihood impacted by climate reductions. Understandable from their perspective, but even worse climate wise. Their foreign policy isn't that much better.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Both worked for me, though not in combination. In isolation haven't had a major issue that wasn't fairly quickly solved with an update with either of them. Explorer patcher has been slightly buggier between the two, but not by too much.

    Ymmv of course, as is the decision whether having the bar how/where you want us worth the trouble.

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