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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

  • What a limited imagination you have that you can only imagine one extreme or another. Not really surprising for an extremist.

    But you certainly made it clear that what you see as the “problem“ is immigrants, not whether they pay taxes or not. Your xenophobia and racism are on full display.

  • The United States, starting centuries before it was founded, and continuing for centuries afterward, has been founded on the undebatable strength of industry we have gained from immigration. This entire country is built from immigration – mostly because those who came before committed in massive genocide against the natives of this land.

    So when you question the value of any incoming immigrant, just remember that nobody ever had to endure such shitty fascist in dignity until shitty fascists made it a thing.

    And, as someone who is continuing the shitty, fascist viewpoint that nearly destroyed the United States in the 1920s and 1930s, you are advocating for that same amount of undemocratic, un-American, absolutely fucking shitty fascist bullshit that, nearly a century ago, we very well knew was shitty, fascist, bullshit that would terror our country apart.

    And you are no better, because the only reason you would endorse this shitty, fascist, bullshit is because you are so stupid that you have yet to learn why it is ultimately self-destructive.

  • They are being sent to a place that is both as horrible as the Nazis want and as far away from legal representation as the Nazis find convenient.

    It’s Nazis doing this, so there should be no question that it’s horrible and wrong. But, unlike the Nazis, they didn’t get legal clearance first before they could do these horrible things. That means there is a chance to fight that.

    Rebellions are built on Hope

  • I suggest that you research the process of obtaining a green card and, after that, attaining actual citizenship – including all of the rights one is granted in the meantime, before you make any judgment against these people.

    What the government is currently doing, is not only expressly and extraordinarily illegal, it is forbidden by international law. And it’s forbidden by international law because of what the fucking Nazis did. And what the Nazis did, the Trump administration is very much trying to do, in full force.

    If you have any doubts about this or questions about this, you clearly have an IQ under 20.

  • And so begins the “one drop” Nazi policy.

    These people weren’t deported because they weren’t white, they were deported because they had enough “not white “blood for the current Nazi administration to report them because they made the Nazis look bad

  • Yeah, but your social safety nets are strong, and rich people and companies are highly taxed in order to fund those social safety nets. That makes any random worker far more motivated to go and do their job than if they were getting absolutely ass-fucked in 1 trillion different ways every hour of every day, like they are in the United States — purely in the name of prophet –, all while the propaganda tries to convince them and everyone else that’s because they are “weak“.

    I suddenly have no difficulty understanding why the red October revolutionist didn’t try to “rehabilitate” the imperials, and just murdered the fucking a lot of them.

  • Television

    I’ve been binging ’12 Monkeys’ and am on S04— one thing is really bothering me...