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‘Missed opportunity’ after Jimmy Savile to deal with NHS necrophilia
  • What are defining by 'universal' though? Universal across ALL humans? Well clearly no because there are tribes which have isolated traditions and beliefs surrounding particular things that we find revolting.

    Even if there was something that EVERY group of humans found reprehensible, there are still going to be individuals that will do it.

  • Amphibious Tractors With Tank Engines: The Secret Weapons Of Ukraine’s River-Crossing Offensive
  • The movement of what appears to be BTR4 across the Dnipro is interesting.

    BTR4 is generally considered to be one of Ukraine's most capable platforms, but very thin in number. They were thin in number at the start of the 2022 invasion and suffered what seemed to be heavy losses despite their effectiveness. Who remembers those videos showing the thermal screens inside a vehicle absolutely massacring Russian infantry and pounding their armoured support? Those were from a BTR4 in Mariupol.

    Their deployment in this fashion is really good to see as it means that Ukrainian commanders either feel that they're going to be successful in strengthening and widening their bridgehead or that they've been able to ramp up production and are able to afford the losses of the type by risking it in these types of high risk missions. Or both.

  • Transgender people can be baptized, Vatican says
  • This isn't necessarily a message to transgender people as individuals, but more a message to their followers that they cannot use their religion as an excuse for their bigotry and ignorant hatred.

    Just because it may not make a difference overnight it doesn't mean that it isn't a step in the right direction.

  • Zelensky refuses to hold elections in wartime Ukraine
  • Yes. This is a inflammatory headline purely to try and push an agenda.

    There was literally a poll a couple of months ago that showed something like 80% of Ukrainians were in favour of not having elections.

    Not to even mention that Ukraine is under Marshall Law, and per their laws disallows elections. And don't even get me started on the entire premise of running elections in a country where a quarter of the landmass is under enemy occupation and the logistics of getting votes from 100s of thousands of deployed troops and the serious security concerns of the election itself from Russian attacks.

    In my opinion Newsweek have just outed themselves here and the question is for who?

  • Rare but nobody cares: 1991 Peugeot 106 Electric. A factory EV option in the late 90s

    When saw this today I thought the owner was just having a joke with the green EV numberplate tag that immediately caught my eye.

    But then I saw the 'Electric' decal on the side I thought it might still be a joke related to that. After all it was quite common for (especially French) cars in the 90s to have quirky trim levels; Wave/Surf/Excite/Elation/etc Even Fiat had a Fiat 500 'Diesel', which only came in Petrol.

    But then on closer look, I couldn't see an exhaust and there was a awkwardly placed flap on the front wing, so I thought it was a passion project type EV conversion. The 106 chassis is really fun little go kart after all. And if someone had the money and the will, why not.

    I figured that there might be some information about it online if that was the case. Certainly someone with that dedication would have to have a deep passion, and they might have documented or made a forum post about it.

    Nah, it's actually a factory option. PSA apparently decided to offer a battery EV all the way back in 1996.

    I mean, with 15hp you'll be struggling to even worry the skin on your rice pudding.

    Absolutely love seeing things like this.

    Interesting comments from the Kremlin after the Ukrainian drone strike on Moscow earlier this week Ukrainian drone hits Moscow’s financial hub – mayor

    Ukrainian drones have once again targeted the Russian capital’s financial and business district, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said early Tuesday

    Ukrainian drone hits Moscow’s financial hub – mayor

    A little late to posting anything about this, but when reading this article I noticed the quote from Kremlin Press Secretary that just absolutely drips in projection.

    Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that Ukraine is launching “terrorist strikes” on Moscow and other civilian targets in Russia out of frustration over its failures on the battlefield. The attempted drone attacks on Moscow are “some sort of acts of desperation against the background of those failures. And, of course, Kiev resorts to such terrorist tactics,” Peskov said.

    Someone want to ask him what he considers Russia are since they've been doing the very thing they call terrorism for over a year, and to much greater volume?

    But as we all know, the clown quotes aren't meant for us, they're meant to reinforce the narrative for those that are deep in the propaganda sauce.

    Russia has announced their Naval Blockade of Ukraine. Russia Says All Ships in the Black Sea Heading to Ukraine are ‘Potential Carriers of Military Cargo’ - USNI News

    This post will be updated as new information is available. Two days after Russia pulled out of an agreement for Ukraine to ship grain through the Black Sea, the Kremlin declared all cargo ships traveling to Ukrainian ports as potentially carrying military cargo in support of Kyiv. “ In connection wi...

    Russia Says All Ships in the Black Sea Heading to Ukraine are ‘Potential Carriers of Military Cargo’ - USNI News

    Russia has officially announced a naval blockade on Ukraine, to start 00.00 20/07/23.

    “In connection with the cessation of the functioning of the Black Sea Grain Initiative and the сlosing of the maritime humanitarian corridor, from 00.00 Moscow time on 20 July 2023, all vessels sailing in the waters of the Black Sea to Ukrainian ports will be regarded as potential carriers of military cargo,” reads a message the MoD issued on the social messaging platform Telegram. “Accordingly, the countries of such vessels will be considered to be involved in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kyiv regime.”

    In my view this is a desperate escalation from Russia and only serves to project their weakness. Despite what the media says, I don't think this is a retaliation to the latest damage to the Kerch Bridge as the strike was conducted between both the VKS and Navy and would have taken more time to plan such an operation. This was pre-planned, they were never going to re-negotiate the BSGI.

    Given that Türkiye has supported Black Sea shipping previously by escorting ships through the passage, thisay be the outcome. And against that Russia can do nothing without putting themselves at risk of international intervention, which I'm sure we all agree will not end well for them. But such an act may require UN Charter to ensure actual international support and backing.

    The other option would be for Türkiye to simply close the Strait, which they are perfectly well within their rights to do. Effectively blockading the blockade. The only nations that will be significantly affected are those that are Russian or Russian aligned. Everyone else will be able to reroute via land routes (granted at extra expense and time).

    What will this mean for the world? Prices increasing yet more for our food items.

    Rather short sightedly, China and other BRICS nations are a significant consumer of Ukrainian grain, so I assume that they won't be too pleased at this.

    In a completely unrelated note Putin has decided not to show up to the BRICS summit where China and those aforementioned other nations are going to be present.

    Thousands of Ukraine civilians are being held in Russian prisons Thousands of Ukraine civilians are being held in Russian prisons. Russia plans to build many more

    Thousands of Ukrainian civilians are being detained across Russia and the Ukrainian territories it occupies, in centers ranging from brand-new wings in Russian prisons to clammy basements.

    Thousands of Ukraine civilians are being held in Russian prisons. Russia plans to build many more
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