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What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • You're buying shitty mice. Get a Logitech and never buy another mouse again.

  • What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • I will say legit well crafted tequila I had in Mexico, was so tasty you could drink it straight. No clue the price, but there are def differences and pretty much all of the cheaper tequila in America sucks ass.

  • Custom Feeds
  • I think you hit the nail on the head. Sounds like it's in the works eventually though!

  • Custom Feeds
  • So subscribed would be so the communities I sub to, where what I'm looking for is a customized feed of a select few of those. Say I follow a whole bunch of communities, but sometimes I was to scroll through only the ones that are anime related etc.

  • Custom Feeds

    Forgive my ignorance if this is just something I don't know.

    Is there a way to have custom feeds through either Sync or Lemmy itself? For example, when I am just on the main screen in Sync and I press on explore I have three feeds: everything, local, and subscribed. Is there a way to create a custom feed there where I can select certain communities to show in the feed?

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  • I think for me, I've used sync for reddit since like '15. So coming to lemmy with sync... Its like coming home. I've tried connect and liftoff though, and like both.

  • First screenshot of Sync for Lemmy
  • Lets gooooo

  • Opinion - What are your thoughts on password managers? Do you use one? Would you recommend it to others?
  • Lot of people suggesting bitwarden. Great app. I would also throw 1password into the ring. Their mobile app integration is really great and so is their desktop app, although I mostly use the firefox extension usually.

  • Opinion - What are your thoughts on password managers? Do you use one? Would you recommend it to others?
  • In the same boat. Love 1pass, and excited to use Proton's as I use all the other apps in their environment. There is a lot that is missing from proton's but its new and a work in progress so we will see!

  • foreman foreman
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