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  • The institution will usually have information about how their supplementary exams work. It will usually be on their curriculum guidelines page of their website.

  • High school guidance counselor charged for alleged sexual relationship with 16-year-old student
  • It's my understanding that's the word rape, even if only alleged is a legal term that can implicate you for defamation up until the person is convicted of the charges.

    Hence why media outlets do not use it until an individual is convicted.

    I am not a lawyer

  • Here's a cheat sheet for PCM positioning
  • Pug just dropping more fire memes for me.

  • Qualcomm wants to buy Intel
  • Things don't just become a national security asset that easily, though, a long-standing relationship with trust is something incredibly important.

  • Qualcomm wants to buy Intel
  • Good points. I guess what I should have more accurately said is that Intel has a long standing working relationship with the American government.

    Given that Intel is an asset to national security. I think any sort of buyout would be under intense scrutiny.

    I did miss that Qualcomm was also American though, but I still think about it would be treacherous regardless.

  • Qualcomm wants to buy Intel
  • I just don't think, regardless of financial situation, Intel would want to sell even a portion of their business. right now. Everything they've communicated to their shareholders and the public at large signals that despite a recent downturn, they really believe they have a strategy for long-term market dominance.

    Not to mention the entire national security angle of intel being the only American chip manufacturer.

  • Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers
  • This is very fair, but then again, my parents would get confused over the difference between an Xbox and a PlayStation, so take that for what you will.

  • RPCS3 Warns Against PS3 Scam Emulators for Mobile Users
  • I believe RCPS3 uses a translation layer in order to achieve its accuracy, so I think porting it would be relatively easy. Then again, the last words of any programer are that something should be relatively easy.

  • RPCS3 Warns Against PS3 Scam Emulators for Mobile Users
  • Higher end mobile processors could but it is a big jump in computational load, not just because of the increased processing power of the PS3, but also because it is quite architecturally different from traditional x86 CPUs.

    This is why it's kind of amazing how efficient RPCS3 is.

  • Russia goes all-out with covert disinformation aimed at Harris, Microsoft report says
  • It's been an issue for every election since 2016.

    Still great to have some concrete proof but I doubt this is going to matter for the people who need to hear it.

  • Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers
  • It might be a ripoff, but my question to you is should that be illegal? The entirety of humanity is monkey see monkey do iteration on our previous ideas. It's a dubious thing to litigate.

    To add to that, no fan of either is going to confuse one for the other, so where's the issue?

  • Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers
  • sharing aesthetic shouldn't be enough to prosecute, especially in the case of patents.

    My biggest defense against any claim like that is that they're identifiably distinct. You put two of them side by side and not a single fan of either will be confused which is which.

  • Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers
  • Ah, I just assumed, thanks for the correction.

  • Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers
  • It's still identifiably distinct, I really hope Nintendo lose because allowing copyright of a concecpt is dystopian especially in the context of our lengthy time frames for copyright.

    It reminds me of when Apple wanted to patent the idea of rounded corners.

  • EV sales have not fallen, cooled, slowed or slumped. Stop lying in headlines.
  • This is likely due to the difference in market segments, electric vehicles in North America occupy the high-end segment, which prices out most consumers whereas the Chinese market prices for the majority of consumers by using agressive government subsidies.

    Some have speculated that this is so they can price out the compition as these subsidies are unsustainable, but I'm frankly not qualified to examine it.

  • Space Marine got me Reconsidering my location of dwelling
  • Back in the early 2010s, I used to work for AT&T but lived in a place with good internet and I'd be selling 24 megabits per second internet to people while I had symmetrical gigabit.

    It absolutely broke my heart.

  • I'll come back to it later 😡
  • Get a load of Mr. Reginald ProGamer III over here.

    Listen, by dying to the same boss 63 times, I'm just making sure I'm getting my money's worth.

  • Terrorformer TD is a seriously good tower defense game where you shape the battlefield
  • Emberward is also great, sort of like tower defense Tetris.

  • Removed
    Dear iPhone users:
  • Most high refresh rate screens on a phone will adjust dynamically to the use-case as to not waste battery.

    Apple's big selling point is the Apple ecosystem and their familiar UI to the phone market, If you're an new player trying to take market share, it only makes sense that you copy their UI.

    That being said, use whatever works for you.

  • AI is running in high speed... to ruin humanity.
  • A deadly weapon given how much the ruling class is trying to turn a class war into an identity war.

  • franklin Franklin

    I'm just a man with a guillotine

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