froztbyte @ froztbyte Posts 17Comments 1,464Joined 2 yr. ago
thanks, I'll go check in the archives :)
since the name popped up elsewhere: what's the feel on venkatesh rao?
(I often see the name in 🚩 places, but dunno if that's because the areas or because the person)
Musk assured
(aeration? irunno I'm not a chem person. this is where skillsissuer will come Drop Knowledge)
if one presumes the money is gold and thus the scrolls were thin-film heavy metals, aerosolisation of that would explain quite a bit of the current situation
nah, not yet, imo. reasons: you overestimate how much & how many people care, and the complexities of doing such blocks well
I run the hosting of some small (by global standards) media setups and I've floated crawler defense there and had fairly little bite so far despite the issues the crawlers have caused. engagement brain is still extremely fucking prevalent
using it to source data in the meantime. I can tell you with absolute certainty that openai lies about its sourcing
see the funny thing is that ms et al are walking back/scaling down their deployment plans, but that's all partial on the whole. microsoft isn't going to completely explode overnight the moment everyone groks llms are trash, even though they're gonna take a hit
the entities like coreweave whose entire existence is predicated on the fairy tale, however...
(I am still worried about the multi-industry downstream impact of when this shit finally pops though, it is going to be nasty)
it's possibly a distinction without a meaningful difference, but I wouldn't say they're selling shovels - this shit is more like renting out shovels. or maybe timeshare?
I'd love to see a postmortem on deals and development... I have some suspicions on how it all got in this mess to start with (largely "if we sink piles of capex now to corner the market on the magical future, we can totes make it through 5y!" type variations), but I want to see if I'm right
google stepping up their quest to disorganize the world’s information
two giant upsets to the semi market in the space of half a decade is probably perfectly fine and won’t have multi year global impacts, right? right?
(oof at that week, and g’luck with whatever still comes your way with that)
(I don’t mind, just surprised at someone Of The Internet actually using that name :D)
lol I have no idea if anyone would recognize me by that reference
the only part of this I really approve of is how likely these fuckers are to want to Speak To The Manager
what's that sound? is it the sound of a previous post coming past? naaaah, I'm sure it can't be that. discord's a Bro™️, and discord super totes Won't Fuck The Users®️, I'm sure I'll shortly be told by some vapid fencesitter that this will all be Perfectly Okay!
you undersold this
that guy's face, amazing
roughly this is where my thinking on it is too. and there's a chance that because of such clients is why he hates this shit now as he does.
the guy's quite obviously a great orator and engaging writer, evidenced by the popularity of his writing. and this is another part of why this comes to mind for me - applying a bit of critical view, just to check. while we're at the point of building new relationships, new critiques, new platforms, figuring out all these new options to deal with sweeping hand motion all this other garbage, wisest to try make the most of it now
got a question (brought on by this). anyone here know if zitron's talked about his history of how he got to where he is atm wrt tech companies?
there's something that's often bothered me about some of his commentary. an example I could point to: some of the things that he comments on and "doesn't seem to get" (and has stated so) are .... not quite mysteries of the universe, just some specifics in dysfunction in the industry. but those things one could understand by, y'know, asking around a bit. (so in this example, I dunno if that's on him not engaging far/deeply enough in research, or just me being too-fucking-aware of broken industry bullshit. hard to get a read on it)
but things like what's highlighted in thread do leave open the possibility of other nonsense too
nod, I get what you mean. probably 70/30 (although I wish it were closer to 50/50) on whether oracle goes for it, but boy how fucking funny would it be if if were the 30 and openai was suddenly scrambling to find a home for their bullshit
haven't really had the headpsace to read into the stargate mess whatsoever! it is funny to hear that the borderline-ouroboros is still hungry but I'm not sure if it'll, y'know, Learn From This
plausible undeniability
kinda wonder if the pushback about the nyt article contributes to this
Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 27 October 2024
Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 18 August 2024
Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 11 August 2024
Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
hot off the presses: automatic wrong information without even going to the wrong-information deliveries store
Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 2 June 2024
In which folks once again don’t learn the same lesson as the last few times
History of (extremely predictable) failures catching up to you? Quick, write a book!