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There are sane people with this many VMs on a personal machine, right? RIGHT?
  • GPU passthrough has always been one of those exciting ideas I’d love to dive into one day. My current GPU being a little older, has only 4GB of RAM. Oh the joy's of being a budget PC user. Thankfully it's more of a "would be nice rather" than an "actually need"....

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • While I appreciate the utility of snaps and flatpaks for providing sandboxed, cross-platform apps, I've often found them slower than traditional packages. Their tendency to take up more disk space also feels inefficient, especially when system resources are sometimes precious. For these reasons, I generally prefer using apps installed directly through the system's default package manager, which tend to offer better performance and use space more efficiently....

  • [River] My minimal Void setup
  • Loving that nvim config.. Using a similar one myself....

  • Youtube has fully blocked Invidious
  • The day I can no longer download videos from YouTube will be the day I take a step back from it altogether....

  • Follow-up Two: Mobian on the Pixel 3a / 3a XL
  • Seeing posts like this inspires me to consider getting an older device and diving into projects like this myself. It’s amazing to think about all the possibilities and what could be created!! Thanks for sharing this post ~° ....

  • What happened to elementary OS?
  • I really want to love Elementary OS, however, its foundation on Ubuntu has me hesitating, as I'm not the biggest fan of Ubuntu lately. If it were built on something like Debian or Fedora, I’d definitely be more inclined to give it a serious try....

  • LAND HOE !!
  • Aha yea it could very well be that guy....

  • Fallacies of Youtube
  • Forgot to mention that mpv is how I actually watch the videos. Newsboat downloads a list from each channel kinda like an RSS feed. I can then select any video & download it by pressing a keybinding. It's been a while since I last had to actually set this up, but off memory, here's some quick info....

    The file ~/.newsboat/urls contains URLs similar to the one below. Just replace CHANNEL_ID with the actual channel ID. You can find the channel ID in the URL of the channel's page..

    With the URLs in place you can edit your newsboat config file to set up a key binding for downloading videos using yt-dlp. It should be as simple as adding something like the following to the config..

    macro d set browser "yt-dlp %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "xdg-open %u"

    This binds the d key to use yt-dlp to download videos.

  • Fallacies of Youtube
  • I love YouTube, but the site often annoys me in many ways. On my computer I use newsboat along with yt-dlp to download all the videos I want to watch offline. This way, I can watch content without dealing with any of the site's frustrations....

  • X Kills Its Mac App, Accidentally Bans You for Switching to the iPad Version
  • Maybe if I had given it a real chance and started following a few more people, I might have had a much better experience. My feed was filled with random stuff that I was never going to have any interest in....

  • X Kills Its Mac App, Accidentally Bans You for Switching to the iPad Version
  • Yea I tried threads recently myself & had the exact same problems. I followed like a total of 3 people, yet my feed was filled with utter crap that I wasn't the slightest bit interested in....

  • X Kills Its Mac App, Accidentally Bans You for Switching to the iPad Version
  • I hadn’t logged into my Twitter account in over a year. When I finally did recently, I simply shared a link to my Mastodon account. A few days later, I went to check a Twitter link, only to find my account had been banned....

  • Its all Linux !!
  • Fair point....

  • Its all Linux !!
  • That would be so funny 😂

  • Wike: Wikipedia Reader for the GNOME Desktop
  • While I'd personally never install or use this, it good to know its there for the extremely small percentage of people who'll want or need it....

  • Updates to Android Navigation
  • Yea that's totally true. Its just not a design I like all that much....

  • Updates to Android Navigation
  • This design sucks so much that I switched to fennec over on f-droid....

  • A new version of Eternity is coming soon!
  • Eternity is the absolute best !!

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • [ F U C K R E D D I T ]

    It ain't the same, and probably never will be....

  • You still have three wishes.

    Split screen multiplayer should totally make a comeback....

    The Fuckening

    When your day is going too well and you don't trust it and some shit finally goes down .... .... Ah, there it is, the fuckening !!

    Winning the lottery

    If I used windows, I would totally do this....

    Poltergeist's & home decor....

    There's a poltergeist in the house !!

    Damn you short cables....

    I always check stuff like this with new appliances, but I guess there's some people who don't....

    One dark ☕ coffee please....

    I asked for a DARK coffee, not a Depressed one 🫥. You just ordered a depresso.

    Google Chrome’s ad-blocking plan could be a privacy disaster | TechRadar

    Chrome’s ad-blocking plan could be a privacy disaster – and a reason to switch to Firefox....

    Google slows down Firefox users when watching YouTube.... Google Slows Down Firefox Users When Watching YouTube

    If you are using the open source Firefox web browser to browse YouTube and watch its videos, then you might have noticed that there is an artificial delay

    Google Slows Down Firefox Users When Watching YouTube

    Google slows down Firefox users when watching YouTube....

    Upscaling images with a 4B....

    HI Guys..

    I have a Raspberry Pi 4B & I've been looking into using it with an AI image upscaler, to batch upscale images. I have yet to find any useful info, or to get anything I've tried working. Just wondering if anyone here would be able to offer up any thoughts or info.

    Many thanks....

    > Things I've tried: esrgan, real-esrgan, ncnn, upscaly & beatmup.

    Unixporn Raccoonn

    I've created a minimal fetch script on my Arch Linux system. It's written in bash and has been successfully tested on Arch, Debian & Fedora. It works out of the box on Arch, but you do need to change the package count command to adapt it to work with different package managers other than pacman. Also make sure that you have lsb-release installed.


    furycd001 Raccoonn


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