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Untwine - the pattern-matching parsing library capable of a 12 line JSON parser with pretty errors
  • Looking to example code in the README I have to say that it is neat! ❤️‍🔥 But know what? Could be awesome to support char-literals in the parser! macro. Currently in that example str-literals used as single-char strings. I mean this for example:

    num: num=<"-"? '0'-'9'+ …

    Why there dash is str but not a char? Also what about escapes, unicode sequences and binary literals?

  • Ferris and Corro wallpaper
  • I suppose there should be something like Crang (“friend” of Shredder) without exoskeleton and covered with spikes, like your Corro.

  • Software with politic opinion is a security threat
    1. Мне сложно найти ваше уважение к людям когда вы в как минимум 4 сообщества копипастите один и тот же пост, игнорируя функцию репост, тем самым форся многократно видимость поста, – либо специально, либо по недоразумению, но неприятно;
    2. Софт пишут люди пока что. Жизнь людей в любой точке планеты пропитана политикой. Следовательно требовать (или молить и надеяться) на то, что софт никак не будет подвержен разностороннему политическому влиянию – как минимум наивно;
    3. Далее далёкое от претензий на аксиоматичность ИМХО: Страна, проявляющая агрессию к гражданам не только своей, но и другой страны должна караться всеми возможными методами, любыми, дабы остановить или ослабить агрессию.

    Sorry for 🇷🇺 lang. Lang is beautiful, but today it’s associated with some madness and shame.

  • Cargo-playdate 0.5 released 🎉
  • Ok, understood, thank you.

  • Cargo-playdate 0.5 released 🎉
  • I’m not sure is it sarcasm or that’s really not bad short description? 🤔

  • Cargo-playdate 0.5 released 🎉 Release 2024.06.18 · boozook/playdate

    TL;DR What's Changed Refactoring some build system parts including final product matching, that gives support of cargo's auto-targets such as bin and example, as well as args like --all-targets me...

    Release 2024.06.18 · boozook/playdate

    cross-posted from:

    > That was a hard long adventure, massive refactoring with bug-fixing 🥵

    Cargo-playdate 0.5 released 🎉 Release 2024.06.18 · boozook/playdate

    TL;DR What's Changed Refactoring some build system parts including final product matching, that gives support of cargo's auto-targets such as bin and example, as well as args like --all-targets me...

    Release 2024.06.18 · boozook/playdate

    That was a hard long adventure, massive refactoring with bug-fixing 🥵

    What are you working on this week? (May. 19, 2024)
  • Trying to reduce compilation time, reconfiguring underlying cargo’ build-ctx or just riding off the context and using only build-plan and metadata by host cargo & rustc in the cargo-playdate tool.

  • TIL about exploding head syndrome, which causes patients to hear a loud, frightening noise when falling asleep or waking up. Up to 10% of people may have it, but cases often go undiagnosed
  • Wowfuck! I've been thinking about an approaching stroke for almost 40 years and it's time to say goodbye. Thank you, that's good news.

  • Inline const expressions have been stabilised
  • Nope. This little neat feature mainly is just necessary part of bigger one - const-generics with const bounds.

  • Apple Alex
    Apple iPad Mini 6 - totally broken keyboard split layout 🥺

    I really love and regularly use a split keyboard.

    I’ve been hoping to fix these bugs for many years, for a very long time. The bug has been reported many times by me and other suffering users. No changes in all these years.

    Lifetime of a game Boozook 🦀 :playdate: (

    Lifetime of a game: Developer — “From start to latest patch” Publisher — “While the sales are at an acceptable level or the terms of the contract have not yet been fulfilled” Gamer — “Since I found out about the game and while I come back to it and play!”

    Developer — “From start to the latest patch”

    Publisher — “From deal to while the sales are at an acceptable level or the terms of the contract have not yet been fulfilled”;

    Gamer — “Since I found out about the game and while I come back to it and play”.

    Rusty Playdate - Toolset and API
  • If I understand you right, I mean just star button on that repo. Thank you 😊

  • Rusty Playdate - Toolset and API
  • Thanks! ❤️‍🔥

  • Rusty Playdate - Toolset and API
  • I just don’t care, I’m only 40 years old, it’s a kid’s age.

  • Rusty Playdate - Toolset and API

    I’m working on a big project in #Rust, there is toolset and API for #Playdate.

    All going great, moving to stabilization step by step, but I’m tired of looking at the dull 90⭐️. Seriously, could you please throw me into the trends of the github, please! ❤️‍🔥

    Project repository, mastodon.

    Rusty Playdate - Toolset and API

    I’m working on a big project in #Rust, there is toolset and API for #Playdate.

    All going great, moving to stabilization step by step, but so tired of looking at the dull amount ⭐️.

    Project repository, mastodon.

    Type inference was a mistake
  • That’s false for closures (or unnamed/inline) functions with context because their type is unique and so you just can’t write their type and that’s not a lang’s fault - that’s logically correct side-effect by-design.

  • "Clean" Code, Horrible Performance in Rust
  • Did author knows about difference between static and dynamic dispatch? 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Scrolling bug
  • Okay, just take a look at code.

  • Dada - an experimental language like Rust, but higher level
  • Dada-lang is like dada-art?..

  • Scrolling bug
  • Just one question - where it is native? Are you pretty sure?

  • UK Government Minister Shuns Concerns About "Anti-Disinformation Unit"
  • Great! In Russia, we have a similar law, the "law about fakes and descriditation". It works effectively - there are thousands of political prisoners in jails. Whatever you call censorship, it will never cease to be censorship.

    Good job, don’t stop! /s

  • 's Maintainer Dashboard is awesome! ❤️‍🔥

    Just discovered a f*-incredibly useful thing! Maintainer Dashboard is like brew doctor but for your crates on & ❤️‍🔥

    It shows outdated deps, docs build errors and a lot of other various things - for all of your crates.

    I'm thrilled with the find!

    Feature request: url-schema support

    Could be awesome to support app invocation from browser (or any) with url of a post/community/etc.., if host in the url is lemmy instance.

    In details, there’s two options:

    1. Isolated app-only url schema, like “lemmy://”
    2. Universal, same as implemented in other apps like YouTube, Twitter, GitHub. It should catch urls starting with any-of host of list of lemmy hosts.

    Second option is better.

    Actual list of hosts can be determined from or and also, I suppose, can be hardcoded to app/bundle manifest at compile-time.

    Spoiler syntax in post Install PIP for Pythonista 3.x -

    I’ve just create a little script [] to install pip in the latest Pythonista [] with comfort configuration, as I suppose. This could probably be useful to someone other than me. ::: spoiler screensho...

    Install PIP for Pythonista 3.x -

    There’s link to the post with spoiler that doesn’t supported by Voyager.

    It could be great for the app to show a normal spoiler.

    Install PIP for Pythonista 3.x Install PIP for Pythonista 3.x

    Install PIP for Pythonista 3.x. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

    Install PIP for Pythonista 3.x

    I've just create a little script to install pip in the latest Pythonista with comfort configuration, as I suppose.

    This could probably be useful to someone other than me.


    !IMG_0572 !1 !2 !3 ___


    Release futures-concurrency v7.4.1 yosh (

    Attached: 1 image I just published `futures-concurrency` v7.4.1 which adds support for lending iteration on the newly added `Group` types! This should replace the final remaining use there was for `select!`, meaning we now hav...

    yosh (

    > I just published futures-concurrency v7.4.1 which adds support for lending iteration on the newly added Group types! > > > > This should replace the final remaining use there was for select!, meaning we now have structured alternatives for all kinds of concurrency operations you could possibly want to express.

    fzz Alex

    Spending short lifetime for development and boring things.


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