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What films that flopped when they came out but you saw in the theater and loved, that are now universally acclaimed or cult classics?
  • Funnily enough it did fine at the box office but because it was positioned at the end of Disney's "golden age" and made noticeably less than any other Disney movie of the era, they pivoted away from it to the point where many people assume it's a DreamWorks or Universal animated flick.

  • ‘X’ Rebrand Gets Twitter Blocked Under Indonesia Porn Laws
  • You are extremely charitable my friend but Indonesia is not going to stop being Indonesia for Elon, so yes this is Musk's strategic error. You don't abrubtly change your entire multibillion dollar brand without doing some due diligence on the implications it will have. Or maybe he truly is deranged enough to believe he doesn't need customers in 4th most populous country to run a successful social media site.

  • It's good to take a moment to relax every now and then.
  • Yeah he apparently started making a statement to the press and only got about 5 words in before freezing and going blank, a classic show of senility.

  • Removed
    Landlord Hires Three Men To Break Into Tenant's Apartment and Threaten Her to Settle Dispute. Isn't Arrested.
  • Investigators say they later learned the landlord of the building solicited the men following a landlord-tenant dispute.

    It's only alleged because that's the journalistic convention to prevent a libel lawsuit from the landlord until a guilty verdict is handed down by a jury. That's just how articles always phrase it.

  • Removed
    Landlord Hires Three Men To Break Into Tenant's Apartment and Threaten Her to Settle Dispute. Isn't Arrested.
  • The trespassing thugs were, their co-conspirator/boss was not.

  • What youtuber has the most wholesome community that you know of?
    • Karen Puzzles is just a bunch of wholesome jigsaw puzzle fans.
    • Townsends for wholesome 18th Century cooking fans.
    • Technology Connections for wholesome ELI5 electronics and engineering.
    • Post 10 for the most wholesome channel focused on unclogging of waterways and culverts you'll ever see. I'm not even joking.
    • acollierastro, someone called Dr. Collier's channel the "Jenny Nicholson of astrophysics" and thats not even wrong, but is it wholesome? I think so... but decide for your self.
  • ELI5: How does electricity actually transfer energy?
  • Batteries have an insulated separator between the positive and negative sides. They design the battery with a particular maximum voltage in mind, so they engineer it with a separator that is always a higher resistance. Thus the electrons will only be able to make the jump when a circuit with lower resistance is formed.

  • PSA: anyone still looking to protest, promote fediverse, any form of rebellion ON REDDIT, the place to do it is r/pics. you can post anything with basically no censorship. as long as you mention John
  • The best de- endorsement will come from people's experience on reddit as the quality of user engagement drops. There are people who genuinely will never give a shit and will stay there, but those are exactly the sort of lazy minds who made up the critical mass of the shallow "hivemind." Id rather we make this a community that encourages independent thought more than bandwagoning.

    Don't waste your time engaging them on that platform unless you're a child, douchebag, or troll. If your posts are actually good content, it sends a mixed message that good independent thinking redditors are whethering the shitstorm. Your actions will speak louder than your words, and our collective absence from their platform will speak volumes.

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • We are all happy to engage with competing worldviews

    What you call "far right" and "extremist" is actually normal, conservative, and Christian. What you call "hateful" is actually just truth telling.

    This isn't a competing worldview, or rather, it's a competing worldview in the same way that phrenology and alchemy are competing ways to view anatomy and chemistry. Like, it's possible to genuinely believe in these things if your conditions of childhood existence are so constrained, isolated, or manipulated that you are happier living life in your own personal 'Truman show.' But the rest of us don't have an obligation to play along with your fantasy.

    Most of us here on the internet have at some point met someone we've had a reasonable political disagreement with but could walk away understanding each other better due to those disagreements. Most of us would even say thise diagreements have gone in both political directions. The same cannot honestly be said for folks with your version of a 'world view.' It's like a method actor but worse because it lacks any goal, it's like a person suffering mental but worse because the cause (Patriarchal models of religion) is external, intentional, and had been prosthlytizing delusion as a worldview for millenia.

  • Reddit: open /r/pics or else. Mods: OK but you didn't say how
  • /r/gifs currently is following suit! If you still have a reddit account go vote ASAP! (Also unsubscribe from all your "business as usual" subs as possible, immediately, if you can't delete your account immediately for whatever reason)

  • geoffervescent geoffervescent
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