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  • You can turn off all the extentions etc and make it a default Gnome desktop, but the documentation could be a better, since it's all on the forums.

    Oh, it's actually in the announcement post

  • Announcing COSMIC Tweaks! 🎉
  • I love that Cosmic isn't even alpha yet and already has a few third party apps.

  • My 3yo loves GCompris
  • "Excessive screen time may indeed come at the expense of positive real-life activities and close familial relationships that could increase ASD risk."

    You can't become autistic though. I was born with it, nothing made me autistic.

  • Does anyone actually use Enlightenment?
  • I think Budgie plans to move from GTK to ELF.

  • What developments in the Linux world are you looking forward to the most?
  • Looking forward to seeing Cosmic get a alpha/beta release, I love what they've shown and since I can never get used to tiling window managers, it looks like a very nice middle ground between DE/WM. And seeing their Virgo laptop, I doubt I'll get one since EU shipping is a nightmare (Though they're supposed to open an EU warehouse soon-ish), but more repairable laptops, esp. one using GPLv3 for every bit, is amazing. Looking forward to seeing more about the FW16, not linux per se, but still cool.

    Plasma 6, ofc. Way, way in the future (Probably) is seeing more DEs make their way to Wayland, like XFCE/Cinnamon/Budgie

  • System76's first in-house Laptop Virgo will have a open source Motherboard design. Licensed under GPLv3
  • Fingers crossed they'll open that EU warehouse sooner rather then later. And they'll sell more then their keyboards from it (I've been looking forward to at least those with affordable shipping for ages)

  • gfom gfom
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