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‘Why Am I F*cking Listening to You?’ Bill Burr Berates Bill Maher Over Simple Solution for the Middle East
  • I regret to inform you that Bill Burr is very much shitty when it comes to using the correct pronouns for trans people lol

  • Special counsel: "Biden has obvious dementia"
  • Voting for Biden's second term solely because it's the funniest possible outcome

  • All future E3 Expo's Cancelled
  • looking forward to the death of E3 being integrated into the Game Awards where 95% of the runtime is just advertising for their games and the Award Winners have 15 seconds to speak before being ushered off the stage. This seems normal and good

  • Good bot I guess
  • 'tankie' is really just 'pinko' for a new generation huh

  • famously gendered sport pool
  • terfs in the quote tweets of this post unfortunately very much are doing so

  • famously gendered sport pool
  • quote tweets on this post were deeply depressing. terf island must go