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Let’s Set a Maximum Wage for the Rich | The Tyee
  • That has nothing to do WITH the article, though. The entire comment was on Taylor Swift, which the article had NOTHING to do with. Just her picture used. I am lost as to how it is relevant to the intention of the article, which was a GREAT read. This just derails the conversation to something that wasn't even mentioned.

    This shouldn't be hard to logic through.

  • How come Republicans are the most fervent Christians?
  • Based on my limited knowledge of Christianity, it is all about social justice, compassion and peace.

    That's expected. That's what they say they are about. However, one only ever needs to open their book, the bible, or just observe history the past 2000 years, to see that is NOT at all what they do.

    You have a very GOOD understanding of Christianity. You're seeing it for what it really is. That hypocrisy is intentional, and obscured by the mythology of: "I dunno, god's weird, right?"

    It's by design that Republicans, considering all those observations, would claim they were. Because they are the real christians. [My best MAGAT impression]: "Not like these liberal hippies that just want everyone to be kind to one another. That's socialism!" And on and on.

  • Let’s Set a Maximum Wage for the Rich | The Tyee
  • The same way they define and apply laws that determine, and maintain the poorest.

  • Let’s Set a Maximum Wage for the Rich | The Tyee
  • The article had nothing to do with Taylor Swift though.

  • Oklahoma students walk out after trans student’s death to protest bullying policies
  • My ten-year-old daughter has been staying in Lawton, OK, with my eldest, her sister, for the past year. They were once very close, but my eldest and her family relocated about five years ago. During that time, my eldest has welcomed two new additions to her family. I've been the primary caregiver for my youngest since she was just eight months old, so naturally, she shares a strong bond with her older sister. Given that all the people I cherish are in Lawton and that's where they wish to remain, I've decided to relocate there as well. At 46, I realize I may have more time ahead of me than I initially anticipated, so why not make the move?

    However, as I reflect on my decision, I can't help but ponder whether there truly exists a "safe place" free from hate. Despite my readiness to leave behind the issues of Texas, conversations I've overheard and the experiences my children describe from their school environment make me question this notion. The tolerated presence of hate within our society generally is concerning.

    It's disheartening to witness how hate and ignorance persist, even with the abundance of available technology and resources. It seems that some individuals deliberately choose to harbor these sentiments. In light of this reality, I find myself wondering: "can we ever truly escape it?"

    Clearly rhetorical, just venting.

  • Reddit: 'We Are in the Early Stages of Monetizing Our User Base'
  • Humans will always sacrifice "best-interest" for comfort and familiarity.

  • glouriousgouda GloriousGouda

    IT pro | Generic white dude | probably high.

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