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Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • Buddy, I just spelled it out for you: We don’t have medicare for all or something similar because Democrats refused to make it happen during Obama’s term. This was the Democrats fault.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • Are you a bot? It seems like you just lost the entire context of the conversation. Let me remind you.


    We don’t have medicare for all or something similar because Democrats refused to make it happen during Obama’s term.


    Because there wasn’t support for it.


    Yes, I know they don’t support it. That’s why I’m not voting for them.


    And no it’s not just Democrats.

    Are you following along now Siri?

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • they’ve actually accomplished things

    They elevated Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries and then lost to him in the general election.

    Your ability to assess the success of a strategy is suspect sir.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • So instead of just you know, arguing with people on a platform I’m already on, I should sign up on a different site, search for posts from 4+ years ago and go harass random people that might’ve already regretted their decision.

    Annnnd there it is. You have a higher opinion of moderate voters who elect procorporate trash than leftists. Buddy, you can call yourself whatever you want but you're completely indistinguishable from just another moderate Democrat voter.

    instead of telling leftists what to do on Lemmy

    I'm only telling you what to do after you started telling me what to do bud. Alternatively you could stop telling people they're morally obligated to vote for a strike blocking, genocide supporting candidate.

    Drop the facade. You love strike blocking, genocide supporting procorporate trash candidates.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • If you think having strategy

    Your "strategy" is the same strategy the moderates have had for decades. It's a failure.

    Everyone needs strategy if they want to get something accomplished.

    Here's mine: I don't vote for procorporate trash. Period.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • Lol, I’m a Dejacque Libertarian/anarchist. They aren’t going to listen to me either.

    I mean, you can call yourself whatever you want bud. But if you only spend your time lecturing young people and leftists about strategy you're indistinguishable from another moderate democrat voter electing pro-corporate trash in every election.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • First, what exactly do you mean by “going after”? Again, do I have to break their legs or what?

    Lol I love how when I propose this people's reading comprehension just falls off a cliff. Like they're going ham on lecturing leftists and young people for their voting habits but super confused about what they could do with moderate voters.

    But sure I'll play along and pretend "go after" wasn't clear in this context.

    Here's an example: Every time you have the urge to tell a leftist what to do on lemmy immediately log out. Go log into facebook. (Sign up if you don't have an account). Find some Boomer who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries and tell them that was a stupid decision.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • I’m not defending them. I criticize them often.

    Bulllllllshit. I can tell from your comment lecturing young people and leftists is where all your focus is.

    Take that energy to moderate voters electing procorporate trash in the primaries. Those are the people who lack strategy.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • He could have stayed out of the rail strike, he could have not gone around congress to ship weapons to Israel and he could have told Yellen not to make suppression of worker wages her goal.

    You're trying to deflect blame away from him as if we're all expecting him to do things he can't. Biden isn't acting in our interests and it should come as no surprise that means we're not interested in voting for him again.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • That you think it’s some sort of failing of Democrats or Biden. Just speaks to a completed lack of understanding, and no desire to engage with reality. That’s why you’ll be down voted.

    It's rich for you to evaluate my desire to engage with reality from a person who's trying to defend a party that produces 80 year old candidates from the primaries and then wondering why young people won't vote. Historians are going to have a field day dissecting your delusions.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • I spend more energy jerking off than talking to you. If you mean the incendiary way I talk down to people like you, that’s because I have fire on speed dial and “fuck off” just doesn’t cut it these days.

    Great. Redirect that energy towards the people who keep voting for pro-corporate trash in the primaries.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • I think a great first step would be to stop spending all your energy lecturing leftists and go after the people who vote for this procorporate trash in the primaries. At the very least it would convince me you're actually interested in solving the problem and not just trying to get people to kick the can for your benefit.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • Because there wasn’t support for it. Sure it has pretty broad public support. But our elected officials don’t. It’s not a bullshit excuse.

    Those elected officials were Democrats. You're just proving my point. When the power is out of their hands you're like "Omg they want to and if you just vote harder they'll totally do it!" but then when the power is in their hands you just shrug and say "They didn't support it."

    Yes, I know they don't support it. That's why I'm not voting for them.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • It’s the exact same standard.

    If it were the same standard then excusing Biden for catering to moderate voters because otherwise they'd abandon him would never happen. Either your reading comprehension is shit or you're just plain lying. Moderate Democrat voters are getting everything they want. Leftists are getting bread crumbs and talking about abstaining from voting. You should be going after Moderate Democrat voters for being greedy. Not telling leftists they need to shut up and be grateful they're getting bread crumbs.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • It’s hard to get that goodwill back from voters.

    Agreed. Most of these people don't understand lots of people still remember the ways Democrats fucked us over during Obama's term.

    • No public option in the ACA
    • Kid gloves for the financial sector while people were losing their homes
    • Huge surveillance expansion

    And more.

  • Political Memes go_go_gadget
    It's difficult to make a decision between two bad choices.
    Political Memes go_go_gadget
    Playing chicken with a generation staring down the barrel of climate change.
    Political Memes go_go_gadget
    Every day gets more pathetic
    Political Memes go_go_gadget
    They hate democracy almost as much as Republicans.

    Moderates would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists and progressives.

    Political Memes go_go_gadget
    Why we're all forced to have this conversation

    The rail union contract expires at the end of this year meaning the rail union workers can strike again sometime in 2025. Whoever wins the 2024 general election and becomes president will immediately have to deal with that possibility. If Biden is serious about how Trump is the biggest threat we face then promising to veto any attempts to force another contract onto the rail unions is a bargain.

    Your move Joe. Are you willing to compromise with leftists or do you want to go down in history as the second establishment Democrat who lost to Donald Trump?

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