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Haveno-Reto on Tails?
  • have you tried doing it on whonix

  • This is how it's done. Use their own weapons against them.
  • when we try to build our own financial system this makes certain kinds of ordinary people really mad for a lot of dumb reasons. they haven't been told that they are allowed to think it's cool yet

  • Since DAI is currently being destroyed
  • terra required too much manual intervention and also aimed to maintain a USD peg. RAI and pureDAI aren't supposed to be like that. so I wouldn't be so pessimistic. I think there is still a way to do it.

  • Haveno Reto: Big Update 1.0.4
  • when are you going to set up a website on tor or i2p so I can download the binaries from there

  • Tutorial: Haveno DEX Face-to-Face Fiat to Monero transactions
  • can you write a cash in mail tutorial

  • Haveno Reto is LIVE
  • is it normal for it to never stop having the yellow indicator

  • Haveno Reto is LIVE
  • please consider making this available on tor/i2p in addition to clearnet github

  • this guy was given 8 years for a paperwork violation
  • I've been on the microblogging part of the fediverse for a while. what I've seen is, at some point someone's going to have to rip the bandaid off and instances like need to defederate from instances like they can't coexist with anyone who doesn't think the way they do. at some point soon, they won't be able to talk to you and you won't be able to talk to them. it's meant to be.

  • 80% of DNM transactions are from Russian language sites and only support Bitcoin, with no privacy coin options available.
  • a huge chunk of any userbase will never care about opsec until bad things start happening all the time

  • goatmeal goatmeal

    I own

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