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  • The owner of this gamingonlinux site used to be a mod on this Lemmy community until they got caught abusing mod powers because they didn't realize mod actions were public. They deleted their account and complained about the public moderation aspect on Lemmy on their mastodon account.

    Can we just not link to that site here?

  • Look what I got to spend my birthday money on!
  • Happy birthday!

    You make Lemmy a more pleasant place to be, not just with your many contributions of great memes, but more importantly with your overall friendly manner. You make a real difference. Thank you.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw
  • It's mostly just general life stuff happening, like getting bumped by my dog while playing, but sometimes it's just a mistake.

    All in all, there's tons of reasons it could happen outside of your control, like if you have fine motor control issues. I think an optional feature to select and confirm a movement or something like that would greatly help reduce that possibility and make it more accessible as well.

    Though, the cracks between the menu buttons should absolutely not be clickable.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw
  • I've looked over it in the past and since I don't have any experience in Android Java development, or really Java development at all. It seemed like it would take a while just to set up a dev environment and get familiar with what to do in order to even begin to attempt to add or change anything for myself. Because of that, it definitely fell to a pretty low position on my very long list of projects.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw
  • You seem to be focused on the wrong thing. Mis-clicking is an issue in Pixel Dungeon on mobile, period. Simply because a simple tap or click can have drastic consequences. The issue of pinch zooming being registered as a click is most likely just due to not getting both fingers on the screen at a close enough time for it to register as a pinch zoom or something along those lines. It's not super common, but it happens sometimes. This chance circumstance would increase if I have to zoom in and out more often to try to reduce mis-clicks. However, I only mentioned this as an aside to another comment and is not really a part of the main issue at hand, so I don't know why you're so focused on it.

    I made this thread to just simply reach out and talk to other people about this issue. I am interested to know if this issue is more common than it seems simply because no one really called much attention to it yet, or something like that. I just wanted to have a discussion on the subject. Maybe someone else has another idea to help mitigate the issue that is much simpler. Perhaps it could lead to a dev of one of the versions would see the discussion and a suggestion and think it's a good and simple enough idea to implement, or maybe someone else attempting to implement the feature. That would be fantastic. Or just maybe I might find the time to try to implement it myself.

    Ultimately, I think it is useful to open a conversation about it, because nothing will happen without it. It's also nice to just vent about the issue and would be reassuring to hear when other people also encounter this and are frustrated by it.

    Now, on a separate note. I would like you to understand that your comments, while I assume are well intended, still come off as both condescending and dismissive of these struggles I am expressing frustration over. That's just not a nice thing to be on the receiving end of and I'm assuming that was not your intent, so I think it's important to communicate.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw
  • Not all people with issues are vocal about them. It very well could be more common than people think.

    Yes, I am aware of the fact it's open source. It requires being more than just 'tech-savvy', and more importantly time to be able to dedicate to implementing.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw
  • I think you missed a core part of my post: sometimes in life an external force can cause me to tap on the screen when I did not even intend to. It's not really an issue of my touchscreen being 'twitchy'.

    All of your suggestions are missing the whole point. Though, I appreciate the intent to help. I want to play on my phone because of the convenience of the fact I always have it on me. If I need to carry an external device to solve the problem, I'd sooner just not play.

    I believe my suggestion is a good solution: tap to select and an extra button to confirm the action.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw
  • Yes, I have tried that. It takes up more screen real-estate than I am willing to give up. It doesn't even remove that gap that you can click on. IMO that's a separate issue which should also be changed. The whole bottom section where the quickslots are and such should be unusable to tap to move. Similarly, the areas between the action buttons can also be tapped. For example, if you have a special class action, like freerunning, displayed on the side AND you have an action to attack an enemy, it is possible to click between those buttons. It's rare, but it has happened to me.

    Anyway, UI scaling does not address the core of the issue: If the screen gets tapped when or where you did not want to, the character immediately follows through with that action. This happens far faster than any human can react to in order to stop it. This can be resolved by adding an option for select and confirm.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw
  • Did you know that sometimes when I try to zoom it registers as a click and ruins a run?

    If tapping on a screen had no accuracy issues, then yeah it would be on me. But what I am describing is entirely out of my control. I play on mobile, so it makes it more likely that external circumstances can cause me to touch the screen when I never intended to.

  • Playing on mobile has a fatal flaw

    The number of times a run gets ruined or I just die outright because I accidentally tap the wrong place or just accidentally tap the screen at all is making me want to stop playing entirely.

    Nearly every time it's entirely out of my control and something causes it to happen.

    That gap between the search and quick slots? You can click there and your character will move. Many times I will be trying to search and my character will go kill themselves instead. !

    I desperately need to be able to select a tile and confirm the action to move or attack.

    Edit: Another small thing this would resolve is when I intend on examining something and I thought I hit the examine button but apparently missed, then I end up doing something I did not intend on doing. This literally just happened to me where I was trying to examine the two crystal chests in a room to determine what kind of items are inside, and instead of examining one of them I just opened the chest.

    "No more posts were loaded" is so frustrating

    This little notification blocks my ability to click things and cannot be dismissed, so I have to wait for it to go away. And sometimes it just doesn't go away. When scrolled to the bottom I can't click on the post to view the comments.

    Display bug in list of profiles


    In this image you can see when opening the list of profiles the only account shown does not display a username.

    Show Modlogs

    Assuming I am not just unable to find the button for it, can we get a button to view the mod logs?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    go $fsck yourself
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