GraniteM @ GraniteM 帖子 73评论 1,187加入于 2 yr. ago
I hate how plausible this sounds.
Dipshits, ex-boyfriends, and imbeciles.
My question was silly, and I appreciate the serious and thought-out response.
So you're saying that the solar system actually only has seven planets?
I love both. The movie is legit cinema from the director of The Crying Game. He got a performance out of little kid Kirsten Dunst that raised the bar for what can be expected from child actors.
The show also is fantastic. It incorporates the idea of people having preexisting notions of what the story should be into the story itself in a really interesting way. It gives itself a framing device (the titular interview) that also has stakes, so it's not just cutting back to people talking in a room getting away from the interesting story in the past. The performances, the set and costume design, the gore effects, they're all absolutely brilliant. The only complaint that I have is that it isn't longer... there are a couple of spans of time that they gloss over in a scene or less that could have been entire multi-episode arcs in and of themselves. That said, wishing that there was more of a show isn't really that bad of a complaint.
I've heard that some people are very not happy with the show, which I suspect is because it made really strong decisions about how to adapt and reinterpret the material, which is bound to upset some people. I don't try to convince people to change their aesthetic opinions, but I think the show is amazing, and I can't wait for the third season.
The less said about Queen of the Damned, or the AMC show Mayfair Witches, the better.
World Market sells fancy sparkling lemonade in clear latch top bottles like this.
Don't forget the microplastics.
Corrupt politicians and judges can help usher in a fascist dictatorship, but after that, the fascist dictatorship doesn't really need them anymore.
Hell, even the racism and fake Christianity are just bones they toss to the base while doing their real business.
They could call it Operation Caperplip!
Orchestral miscegenation probably also freaked him out
Things that freaked H. P. Lovecraft out:
- Geometry
- Stars
- Cool air
- Subways
- Old houses
- Corners of rooms
- Violin music
- Flute music
- The very concept of dreams
- Realistic paintings
It would be easier to list the things that didn't freak Howard out.
A perfectly cromulent explanation. Now, as to why the character is still able to breathe, despite their lungs being phased relative to the ordinary air molecules on the ship...
So you're saying that you'd have enough time to sing the opening theme song to Adventure Time as you fell to your death in pitch blackness.
- Is getting primaried by someone who is younger and somehow even worse
Oh Phil Spector, you magnificently-talented raving homicidal maniac! If only you had just produced incredible music instead of... the other thing you also did. Burn in hell, you visionary, you.
Which would also be the end of their usefulness to Trump et al.