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Elon Musk rebrands Twitter as X
  • That’s why they went with PayPal instead of for the payment business. It’s funny that he takes that name out of the closet again.

  • Firmware
  • :O

  • First time my kid actually handles a gamepad properly. (Halls of Torment)
  • Hm just fanboyism 😅 It’s still not as popular as Unity or Unreal but slowly it’s getting traction. So it’s quite exciting to see Godot games being successful.

  • First time my kid actually handles a gamepad properly. (Halls of Torment)
  • That is exactly it. Made in Godot if someone is interested.

  • I tried to get c/godot in the Community section


    I made a PR to the Godot website, to include a card to this community. But they won't merge it for now unfortunately. We have to proof the longevity and spirit of the community.

    So be nice and active :D

    Pixel 8 series may only offer small battery and wired charging upgrades
  • I read the title wrong. I thought you only get a small battery and have to pay for a charging upgrade...

  • Done with Twitter and Reddit
  • Don't use the community. ! is the place to be. It's a bit more active. We wanted to promote it in r/godot but the mods didn't answer our request. We should bring it on the godot community site.

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals greeen_tomato
    Sooo tired...
    0 ist down hat wohl den Ansturm nicht ganz verkraftet. Hatte mir gestern auch einen Account gemacht und ein bisschen damit rumgespielt. Aber es wurde immer langsamer und langsamer. Jetzt ist es wohl ganz weg.

    Hoffen wir mal das es wieder an den Start geht.

    greeen_tomato greeen_tomato

    Just a very green tomato

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