Is this a joke? F22 raptors train over my house every day. US air power is still absolute.
Sounds like you've already decided on the Bambu.
The entire idea of Section 31 sucks in the first place, so that probably won't help.
Is that not a HIPPA violation?
... them? For distributing revenge porn.
Yup. Try not to be around when we spiral into the fucking ground. Shit's gonna get very, very real, very, very quickly 😞 get as far away as you can
This really doesn't fit this category
OP was pretty on the nose. Cool.
How do you get this built and ripped and still look like a dork?
Got two birds stoned at once.
"Fix". As if there's one "correct" way.
That looks more freshly cut than found, but it is a nice stick.
Bloods lol
Pretty sure this is from HBO's Euphoria
You guys had tequila? All I could find was root beer and triple sec.