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“Just Say That the Election Was Corrupt, and Leave the Rest to Me”: In Georgia, Donald Trump Appears Beyond F--ked
  • Some of us GenX, as kids, thought it would die with the 'Greatest' Generation and the Silent Generation. You know, the Strom Thurmonds of the world. The problem is, boomers that seemed cool actually weren't - and were just hiding it - way more than we could have believed. And growing up during Reagan poisoned a bunch of us too.

    New bigots keep getting made. Preventing it needs an active approach.

  • "What do we do now?" - LMG's response to the recent controversies
  • The problem is the founder is still a thin-skinned whiny jerk that made it about 'his poor feelings' and doubled down.

    When everyone else in a video is doing the right thing, and the founder is not, you can bet there's a huge toxic culture that a dedicated, but peripheral group is trying to work around - and Madison's tweets show that there's a hell of a lot more toxicity than just their ethical and editorial failings.

  • Report on Anti-Gay Slur Could Put Local News Site Out of Business
  • One of the first things fascists do is shut down independent news.

  • State investigators will probe police raid of Kansas newspaper office
  • What article specifically? I looked through all of them on this situation and there's nothing that incriminates the paper.

  • I desperately want someone to start posting the Something Awful Hulk Hogan gifs, and see if they laugh or RP with righteous indignation.

    The irony would be delicious.

  • Why do people dislike California?
  • As someone who lived there, Conservatives hate it for very specific reasons, and other people dislike it for other ones.

    The political biases were really well expressed above, and I won't rehash them. But, suffice it to say, it's seen as a standards-bearer for a way of living and a perspective on life that they fundamentally hate, so they have to tear it down.

    For more practical reasons to dislike it, the cost of living is insane - I was priced out of a livable home in two cities and I made six-figure money. By 'livable', I mean 'less than a 1-hour commute to work by car each way' and 'pay for my home, a car, and be putting money away each month'. Renting a tiny place beneath my means and socking away money felt good, but was never able to catch up and purchase something that didn't make me house-poor or kill my soul in traffic. Other people made that sacrifice, I couldn't. So, I left.

    Those real estate prices had many factors contributing - Prop 13 taxes, NIMBY types that kept new home construction well beneath the population growth, typical crap American zoning that prevents mixed-use mid-sized buildings that makes parts of Europe so livable and walkable, corrupt as hell politics that made the few new developments built into car-centric hells, massive influx of Chinese and Russian money investing in real estate pricing normal people out of single-family homes, AirBNB properties undermining and taking away rental properties, etcetera. It's a wide variety of factors.

    The knock-on effects of this are huge - people living house-poor, or having horrible commutes that make them miserable, and at worst, an increasing number of people being bankrupted into homelessness. Combine that with the excellent coastal climate making homelessness survivable, libertarian communities that siphon away public funds while using slimy legal tactics to stop contributing their own, and every conservative government of bordering states buying their own homeless one-way tickets to California, and that's snowballed out of control. San Francisco, LA, and San Diego are the hardest hit.

    It's kind of a microcosm of the entire country, so it's not like it has unique problems. But it has a bunch of them coming to fruition right now.

  • Removed
    When did Christians get involved in politics in USA? I was watching young Turks clip on youtube. There was an exmuslim guy he said pat Robertson forced Christians into politics. So when was it?
  • Yeah, this is the answer right here. There was always a latent effect on politics - i.e. since American is so heavily Protestant, Kennedy getting elected as a Catholic was kind of a big deal, but that was more of a passive preference and not so blatantly driven by party strategy. And that effects all countries, whether you want to believe it or not - America's not alone here by any means.

    But, I remember when Reagan and the 'Moral Majority' (which was neither moral, nor the majority) kicked off and turbocharged the whole thing, and that's when fundamentalists started pushing congregations on their voting patterns in an organized way. It was like someone flipped a switch and the message was coordinated across the country.

  • My brain works just fine, probably.
  • Everyone has this from time to time, and it can be made worse by a lot of causes, from hypoglycemia, fatigue, poor sleep, depression, and a lot more. But, the official diagnosis for ADHD generally comes down to doing this stuff much more often than the general population, to the point of being disruptive to your ability to live your life, while also ruling out all the other more common causes.

    If it's that much of a problem, look into getting a diagnosis, because it'll tell you what's going on and start you on the path to solving it no matter what's the root cause.

  • grognardish grognardish
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