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‘Too many old people’: A rural Pa. town reckons with population loss
  • Same here in Australia? I'm 57, I'm one of the youngest around, dude I bought the place off was 87 and moving into a retirement hone.

  • FOSS programmers, what do you think of horrible people using your software?
  • I'm mindful.of Mastodon leading to GAB and Truth social

  • Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • Damn Gabe, u doing guerilla marketing now?.

    Jokes aside, I do keep looking... Closely and I do hardly any gaming these days, usually 15 minutes on the phone awaiting an apoinment etc.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • but the ten commandments in and of themselves have no link to nazi-ism

    Yeah nahhh, like the Buddhist symbol was co-opted by the Germans, the commandments are used as a dog whistle by fascists now.

    If it was about being Christian they would have used the Beatitudes (words of Christ) not the commandments. If it was about being chest thumping American they'd put the cononsitiution there, speration of church and state etc.

    We know WHY they don't use the Beatitudes, because theae fuckers are as close to being Christian as Hitler was to being Buddhist.

    Gandhi's famous quote summarizes whats so wrong with Christians doing stupid shit like pinning 10 Commandments to the wall, they have little resemblance to Christ

    I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Mohandas Gandhi

  • The experts weigh in.
  • We sure could use a guy like Carl Sagan these days though

    Much love to Sagan but I don't agree, Sagan would have had the same issue if FB was around.

    An example he'd be all in on clinate change like he was even back when he was testifying to congress and you think the digital dipshits be "oh well, if Sagan says it color me convinced" ?

    There are others eg Brian Cox, (UK) James Hansen (US and a boat load of others all ignnored.

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • So, shitty service one place but fine across the street ? And Berlin kinda sucks?

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • No, that's the temp they recommend to set the AC too in order to save power.

  • Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties
  • Wtf ? I use it semi often and have never enxouterd it either. That seems a little off ? You make it sound like.its all over the place like with Discord.

  • Oh DO you now? 🙄
  • I just thought the very idea that I would need edge to download a file was dumb

    It is but the enshitification continues.

  • vaping
  • In glad The Greens insisted on rrmiving the need for.adults to need a prescription lifted to access vapes with the new laws and presceirotion only only is reserved for minors.

    Addiction is a health issue not a policing issie ffs

    If they are concerned about deaths they could stop building so many fuckibg roads and get better PT and cycle ways so we use less cars. 11,000 estimated deaths a year from car pollution, not a fucking dicky bird

  • Do you own an electric mountain bike?
  • Yes, a Giant Trance 29er...single track and riding to the single track. Allows me to climb the trails instead of multiple shuttle runs., then ride home.

    And some fire road riding eg ride down to the nearby lake and have breakfast on a park bench with my partnernis a common one, once a week or so.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • How much are you paid to be a shill for the US Deep State?

    About tree fiddy!

  • A Rising Enforcement of Censorship
  • Last time I sent one was,.10 years ago maybe ? I can't.remember..

    Still.get them. Alas for 2FA

  • Cash crisis averted by $50 million bailout to keep Armaguard afloat
  • They were all over Telegram as well, i lurked for a while but after a few months I wonderd if the stupid might take by osmosis, so I left. Some of the shit, take an ounce of sanity and then roll it with a giant doobie if inanity and toke away.

    Like there was some dude saying Climate change wasn't real and sea levels could not risen and he had way to prove it... Put an ice cube in a glass of water and wait for it to melt..see, sea level rise is a lie and they all agreed with him that it was all bullshit. It took all my self control not punch myself in fave for wasting time hanging with these dipshits let alone wailing in frustration and reply about the entire education system failing them. Who do they Vote for ? Fucking hell

  • What's you favorite song lyric of all time?
  • No particular order

    And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had Tears for Fears, Mad World

    Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage Bullet with butterfly wings - Smashing Pumpkins

    Something more melodramatic

    Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin Only a matter of time 'til the night comes stepping in Bob Dylan - Jokerman

    Superb acoustic cover here by John Cruz , just a dude, guitar and a pair of flip-flops.

    I have many many that resonate.

    On another note, Foster the People .with their "Pumped up Kicks" , what a juxtaposition, that incredible mix of what in the fucking hell lyrics, with a such a boppy tune. HeyYa from Outkast similarly I guess?.

  • What's the greatest invention of 21st century, in your opinion?
  • Can't tbink if anythung really, all we've done is refined some stuff butmaybe mRNA vaccines ?

    Mostly we've just enshitified everything and/or made it disposable..From headphones to entire operating systems etc.

  • Daylesford family beats the morning chills — and perils of pollution — as they hitchhike their way to India Meet the 'time-rich, cash-poor' Australian family hitchhiking their way to India on the adventure of a lifetime

    A few weeks ago, the Jones family was waking to icy cold winter mornings. Now, they're seeing how far their thumbs can take them on the journey from central Victoria to India.

    Meet the 'time-rich, cash-poor' Australian family hitchhiking their way to India on the adventure of a lifetime

    >In an age where giving lifts to strangers is mostly advised against, this family sees it as their preferred option to get to India, for environmental and social reasons.

    >Mr Jones and Ms Ulman do not own a car, have not been overseas in 20 years, and wanted to show their son the world, in the least polluting way possible.

    >"We've done a lot of travel before on bicycles and hitching and public transport in Australia," Mr Jones said.

    Only 60% of Australians accept ‘climate disruption’ is human-caused, global poll finds Only 60% of Australians accept ‘climate disruption’ is human-caused, global poll finds

    Exclusive: French survey of 26 countries finds fewer Australians than global average agree that climate change is the greatest health threat facing humanity

    Only 60% of Australians accept ‘climate disruption’ is human-caused, global poll finds

    cross-posted from:

    > >Australia has one of the lowest rates of people acknowledging that 'climate disruption' is caused by humans > > > Colour me not suprised >

    Animal welfare concerns as reports of starving livestock soar in South Australia after record dry autumn Animal welfare concerns as reports of starving livestock soar in South Australia after record dry autumn

    The South Australian RSPCA receives an influx of livestock welfare reports, with some animals starving to death.

    Animal welfare concerns as reports of starving livestock soar in South Australia after record dry autumn

    >South Australia has been suffering through one of the driest starts to the year on record, leaving little for livestock to graze on in most agricultural regions.

    Kāpiti Coast residents demand council throw out report on sea level rise Kāpiti Coast residents demand council throw out report on sea level rise

    Homeowners are worried insurance companies will use the report as an excuse to refuse to cover their homes.

    Kāpiti Coast residents demand council throw out report on sea level rise

    Wot did I just

    The Earth’s changing – so why aren’t we? The Earth’s changing – so why aren’t we?

    A 10-part series exploring the social, economic and political barriers to meaningful global climate action.

    The Earth’s changing – so why aren’t we?

    We know our planet’s ecosystem is breaking down…much of the destruction is irreparable. So, why haven’t things changed faster?

    ‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis ‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis

    In his new book, Tad DeLay suggests there is no rosy roadmap to go forward – but there are things we can do

    ‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis

    cross-posted from:

    > >For denial doesn’t only amount to rejecting the evidence, he argues – it also consists of denying our role in the climate crisis; absolving ourselves through “carbon offsets, hybrid cars, local purchases, recycling”. And in this, far more of us are implicated. > > >In some ways, this argument might not seem all that new. Multiple authors have pointed out that green capitalism, not rightwing deniers of the crisis, is our greatest obstacle to properly confronting the problem. DeLay agrees. The difference is the lens he brings to it – using psychoanalysis to explain the mechanisms behind denial. > >

    Australian bushfires could be more intense and extensive than current predictions by the IPCC study suggests IPCC says bushfires will burn longer and more often. A new study points to an even worse outlook

    New research suggests the world's climate change authority has underestimated the severity of future bushfires in Australia.

    IPCC says bushfires will burn longer and more often. A new study points to an even worse outlook

    cross-posted from:

    > >Central to their concerns are how the IPCC predictions rely on a tool called the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI), which does not capture the full potential of future fires in drought and heatwave conditions. > > >Bureau of Meteorology senior research scientist Mika Peace and independent study co-author Lachlan McCaw identified several variables missing from the IPCC report's fire predictions under climate change. > >

    Wealthy Kiwis are driving up transport emissions, study finds Wealthy Kiwis are driving up transport emissions, study finds

    The well off are contributing more than their fair share of greenhouse gas emissions from transport, driving more frequently and over longer distances, according to a new study. The work is published in the journal Travel Behaviour and Society.

    Wealthy Kiwis are driving up transport emissions, study finds

    >The study of New Zealanders' travel habits found that total weekly travel emissions were 79% higher for people in affluent areas compared to those living in lower socio-economic areas.

    Record number of people leave New Zealand amid cost of living pressure Record number of people leave New Zealand amid cost of living pressures

    More than half those who left recently headed to Australia with promises of higher pay and better working conditions

    Record number of people leave New Zealand amid cost of living pressures

    >Olsen said while it is normal for New Zealanders to leave the country, it will be harder to convince people to return, if there are ongoing issues around housing affordability and job prospects.

    >That ‘brain drain’ could pose problems for society as the population ages, Olsen said.

    >“We need to have as many young people as we can who are still part of the economy … who are being innovative and bringing their new thinking to the game so we can be more productive,” he said.

    >“If we are losing our young talent and we’re not able to attract them back it makes all of [that] so much harder.”

    Growth in emissions of 'forgotten greenhouse gas' nitrous oxide is speeding up Greenhouse gas with 300 times the warming power of CO2 accumulating faster than ever

    Levels of nitrous oxide, one of the top three greenhouse gasses, are still going up as is the usage of nitrogen-based fertilisers, global report shows.

    Greenhouse gas with 300 times the warming power of CO2 accumulating faster than ever

    cross-posted from:

    > >Over the past three years ... we've seen an even faster growth rate of accumulation of N2O into the atmosphere, almost 30 per cent faster than the previous decade.

    Growth in emissions of 'forgotten greenhouse gas' nitrous oxide is speeding up Greenhouse gas with 300 times the warming power of CO2 accumulating faster than ever

    Levels of nitrous oxide, one of the top three greenhouse gasses, are still going up as is the usage of nitrogen-based fertilisers, global report shows.

    Greenhouse gas with 300 times the warming power of CO2 accumulating faster than ever

    >Over the past three years ... we've seen an even faster growth rate of accumulation of N2O into the atmosphere, almost 30 per cent faster than the previous decade.

    As 12 months of record heat stack up, scientists unpack the impacts around the globe One country had 18 times more dangerous heat days in a year as the world marks an unfortunate milestone

    As the world hits an alarming climate milestone, a new report by a US research team shows the staggering amount of extreme heat days each country experienced last year, with the majority made more likely by human-induced climate change.

    One country had 18 times more dangerous heat days in a year as the world marks an unfortunate milestone

    cross-posted from:

    >Climate Central vice-president for science Andrew Pershing said the figures illustrated the "huge burden" the burning of fossil fuels imposed on people around the world

    >"Australia didn't have a particularly interesting summer this year, but in Africa it's just day after day after day of climate change just beating down on that continent."

    As 12 months of record heat stack up, scientists unpack the impacts around the globe One country had 18 times more dangerous heat days in a year as the world marks an unfortunate milestone

    As the world hits an alarming climate milestone, a new report by a US research team shows the staggering amount of extreme heat days each country experienced last year, with the majority made more likely by human-induced climate change.

    One country had 18 times more dangerous heat days in a year as the world marks an unfortunate milestone

    >Climate Central vice-president for science Andrew Pershing said the figures illustrated the "huge burden" the burning of fossil fuels imposed on people around the world

    >"Australia didn't have a particularly interesting summer this year, but in Africa it's just day after day after day of climate change just beating down on that continent."

    New Zealand man filmed trying to ‘body slam’ an orca in actions described as ‘idiotic’ New Zealand man filmed trying to ‘body slam’ an orca in actions described as ‘idiotic’

    Department of Conservation fines 50-year-old after seeing footage of stunt on social media, and described his behaviour as ‘a blatant example of stupidity’

    New Zealand man filmed trying to ‘body slam’ an orca in actions described as ‘idiotic’

    Wot ?

    As NZ unemployment rises, Kiwis are making their way across the Tasman 'It is crunch time': Kiwis are leaving NZ at a record rate, and they're headed to Australia

    As New Zealanders grapple with high interest rates, stubborn inflation and general economic downturn, job losses have begun and more Kiwis than ever are leaving for good.

    'It is crunch time': Kiwis are leaving NZ at a record rate, and they're headed to Australia

    Bad in NZ or hyperbole ?

    ‘Magical thinking’: hopes for sustainable jet fuel not realistic, report finds | Greenhouse gas emissions ‘Magical thinking’: hopes for sustainable jet fuel not realistic, report finds

    IPS report says replacement fuels well off track to replace kerosene within timeframe needed to avert climate disaster

    ‘Magical thinking’: hopes for sustainable jet fuel not realistic, report finds

    In today's edition of no shit sherlock. So, solutions ? Stop flying... No? okay then, societal collapse it is then.

    Qualcomm goes where Apple won't, readies official Linux support for Snapdragon X Elite | Tom's Hardware Qualcomm goes where Apple won't, readies official Linux support for Snapdragon X Elite

    Most of the functionality is present but many important bits are still being developed.

    Qualcomm goes where Apple won't, readies official Linux support for Snapdragon X Elite

    Most of the functionality is present but many important bits are still being developed.

    UN expert attacks ‘exploitative’ world economy in fight to save planet UN expert attacks ‘exploitative’ world economy in fight to save planet

    Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

    UN expert attacks ‘exploitative’ world economy in fight to save planet

    >Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

    Brutal heatwaves and submerged cities: what a 3C world would look like Brutal heatwaves and submerged cities: what a 3C world would look like

    Climate scientists have told the Guardian they expect catastrophic levels of global heating. Here’s what that would mean for the planet

    Brutal heatwaves and submerged cities: what a 3C world would look like

    cross-posted from:

    > >Dr Henri Waisman, at the IDDRI policy research institute in France, said: “Climate change is not a black or white question and every tenth of a degree matters a lot, especially when you look at the socioeconomic impacts. This means it is still useful to continue the fight.” > > and while I agree with the sentiment, we really aren't "fighting" are we, quite the opposite. Every thing we're doing is wrong, how do we know this ? CO2ppm is still increasing, fossil fuel use increased in 2023, planes are still droning overhead, cars still driving, more roads being built and winded, the Antarctic is being stripped of krill to make pet food etc

    hanrahan Hanrahan

    Betwixed and between

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