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In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?
  • @ajsadauskas
    I agree we need better and remember the early days well. Before indexes we passed URLs, in fact just IP addresses of servers we'd visit to see what was there, and that was often a directory of documents, papers etc. It filled us with awe, but let's not dial back that far!

    Another improvement will be #LocalLLMs both for privacy and personalised settings. Much of the garbage now is in service of keeping us searching rather than finding what we want.

  • Reddit Was Fun happyborg
    I avoid apps because they syphon data from your phone and sell it, but I regularly used and paid for [@redditwasfun]( which is now dead thanks to capitalism.

    I avoid apps because they syphon data from your phone and sell it, but I regularly used and paid for @redditwasfun which is now dead thanks to capitalism.

    Uninstalling... #Reddit and have replaced with #kbin.

    Was a moderator on Reddit since 2014 but won't contribute there again and will do my best to never put my content on another commercial platform, nor read/share their links.

    I host my dWeb blog and have four fedi personas, but what I'm waiting for is #SafeNetwork cos servers suck. #p2p

    happyborg happyborg

    Working on #decentralization, #p2p and #dWeb tech, online #privacy and #security, #CopyLeft, #FOSS, #Rust and #autonomi (find me on as happybeing).

    Note: autonomi was called #SafeNetwork.

    Possibly still maintaining #vdash on github.

    The #fediverse is a lifeboat, #p2p is the shore.

    \#nobridge #noaitraining #norobots

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