Ok, so how come Finland in NATO is not a problem?
If someones argument justifies pretty much any invasion, including some of the most egregious and vile wars in history there might be something wrong with the argument, or holding such an opinion.
Let's say they do. How is that worse, or equal, to clearly sponsoring them it at least 4 much larger European countries?
Dunno, maybe cooperation with neighboring countries and only together setting joint deals with disproportionately larger countries? It's just as absurd as Poland's last government single-handedly attempting massive tread deals with USA. Each time smaller European countries attempt that they end up on a leash.
None of this justfies invading another country, unless you want to justify invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq.
there are mountains of evidence for actual fascist policies in Ukraine.
Yet you did not link to any. Random speech is not a policy, Poroshenko is not an Ukrainian official or a government member, as opposed to Miedwiedew who is and is threatening nuclear annihilation even to non-combatants, aside from aiding the kidnapping of Ukrainian children which is literally a form of genocide.
you have to admit that the war could’ve been over in the first two months if the west didn’t step in and stop negotiations.
Any non-russian sources for that claim? And no, the war would not be over, you'd have guerilla war for decades. You understand nothing of Slavic mentality nor know nothing of the history of the region.
Oh, and what will we do without all the marvelous US help? Repeat history I guess...
You were meant to provide any proof of a actually fascist policy and the best you can come up with is an ex official with some generic threats in the middle of a war.
I dont see either side as nazis. Both sides obviously do use nazis, although on one side a Jew president sends them to die in the trenches and on the other a mafia oligarch sets them up in FSB and sponsors and enables them worldwide. Funny which one you consider nazis.
Still even as high on propaganda bullshit as you are you have to admit Russia is murdering Ukrainian children. If a threat of doing so is fascism, what is doing just that? Anti-fascism? How the fuck does that make any sense to you?
How can that be equal to someone both murdering and attempting to terrorize the rest of the continent so they dont get seriously involved to stop the butchering of Ukrainians?
How come Russia has the right to defend their interests beyond its border including sending troops, but no other country has such right? How is it threathened by Ukraine possibly joining NATO but was not when Finland joined? Particularly with that threathening the control over northern passage, not some easy to controll broad open fields? How do you even make any sense of this to yourself?
And if you do, following your bullshit logic - why wouldent say Poland, with 200 years of history of Russian occupation, forced assimilation, forced migration and straight up genocide by Russian empire, should not do anything in its power to stop a neighboring country from again falling to such a state? Same arguments you use would justify Polands invasion of Bealarus and thretening to nuke Moscow if they step up. You're to blinded to see the absurdity of your arguments and make a strawman of what you think I support, without at least reading what I clearly state, so cut your bullshit about whataboutism and moral high grounds Putin's fanboy. Western europe attempted to reson with Russian government, cut them deals and made their elites filthy rich while doing it, while most of the country still looks like a cyberpunk distopia and is ruled like any failed 3rd world dictatorship, which it now is.
"I feel threathened so I might vaporize you all unless you subdue to our imperialism" sounds like a underdog we should be cheering. You are beyond laughable.
Help me out here. Someone describing reversing of the situation of his people is a nazi, but Russian state forcing that very situation on his people is anti-nazi? How does that work?
And as a side note what is this mans role in the administration? He holds any?
And how does that fare with Miedwiediew threatening half of Europe nuclear annihilation every few months? He chairs Security Council of the Russian Federation as far as I remmeber?
OK, so what about sponsoring neonazis?
Yes, one can be leftist and anti-authoritarian. I dont believe state capitalism is the solution.
If only you could deal with the facts, it'd be an interesting discussion, but best you can pull is childish negation of anything that could shake up your poorly educated opinions. Afraid your western-individualist petite bourgeoisie 'personality' will be ruined by confronting reality?
In which policy exactly?
I could name a few worse ones, it's not Moscow, where dark-skinned people got killed on a daily basis, but I'd agree it's one of the more racist. You're lecturing someone who literally leads people against 50-100k strong fascists marches, but thank you for west-splaining our situation. We Slav stupid, we not know if not western left messiah.
You're siding with a regime that used neonazis to kill our comrades in front of it's goverment buildings, forced our Russian comrades to move from blunt weapons to firearms just to survive on the streets, supports crypto-fascist regimes, and openly finances French, German, Austrian, US neonazis, but claim we side with fascist? Hilarious. Maybe it's time you volunteer to 'Rusich', now officially a part of FSB?
Belarusian and Ukrainian refugees make up 1/4 of my city and half of the radical movement here. Like many of our comrades I've been traveling the region for over 20 years. Been to Moscow, been to deep Caucasian Russia, been to Ukraine a few times including the very areas that are now a battlefield and shared roof and drinks with comrades from other countries, who were now martyred there.
But still instead of hearing out someone who's committed their life to struggle, you're better educated based on something you've read on the internet. Nothing like a western colonial mindset over the experience of local, working people deciding to fight against oppression.
With what exactly? Your tanki friends getting a slap for breaking the terms they got for joining our action? I'd expect you of all people to understand following a set line and punishing dissenters.
So you're just gloss over the issue of using "тёмненький" ("darkies") as meat cuz you don't have a pre-set propaganda excuse for it, or what?
And yeah, of course every bully has to defend themself, Germany was threatened by the Jew and had to fight it's 'existential' fight for liberty from their control... Still, you're apparently so deep into hatred of Slavs you want us to be subjected, is all.
You could ask literally any active polish Antifa who I am, if actually meant anything more than an pitiful attempt at an insult.
I haven't mentioned the war itself, I've only mentioned the Russia-manufactured border crisis where Belarusian services starve and force push out people onto the Polish border. That's what you're cheering for; using helpless people as meat to throw in a geopolitical grinder.
If you want to have an idea of how it looks there's a movie our last regime attempted to silence; Zielona Granica / Green Border. Feel free to drop the feel-good ending - there's none - nowdays, with the new cheerfully liberal regime the activists cant even reach the border anymore as it's all a militarized zone with hot rounds fired.
But on the issue of war - allowing an empire to size territory is not stopping the war, it's repeating the failed concept of appeasement towards a regime openly discussing it's imperialist aspirations (and history of long and brutal occupation of the entire region). Anti-imperialist struggles are only good if they are against US, and Slavs don't deserve their rights to self determination?
Też myślałem, że do tego potrzeba jakiegoś... brauna... ale prawda jest taka, że po zielu sporo osób się odkleja i odjeżdża w jakieś teorie spiskowe. Czy byłoby tak bez niego - być może, ale widziałem już niemało ofiar tego procesu. Dowolna substancja psychoaktywna zażywana w nadmiarze, czy po prostu regularnie, może siać spustoszenie.
Ok, honestly I've got no patience to pretend that you don't simply support him for his alignment with Russia/China as if their was any different from US imperialism. He represents (half of) a country in which Moscow used tanks to put down a popular uprising, but is their uncritical servant. Same as his other buddies, stirring up far right talking points in favor of "fortress europe", against the backdrop of their Moscow handlers and their colony in Bealarus pushing out migrants into swamps and primal forests on the border with Poland and Finland in an attempt at creating a crisis.
We deal with this shit, find dead people in the swamps and bushes, and fight fascists stirred up by these migrations and openly supported by the same people who caused this. Meanwhile you get your edge-lord points for siding with something you consider leftist? or just admire their authoritarianism for whatever reason? I'm pretty sure I've encouraged you before; visit eastern Europe, or Russia and confront your imagination with the reality of what things are here.
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