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KDE Plasma 6.1 released
  • It's still the first sentence.

  • [AI] River Forest Outside [8064×5376]
  • If I had known, I wouldn't have posted this one. Well now I know.

  • Appa and the Gaang
  • The last Airbender was such a great show.

  • [Request] Increase height of explore menu
  • If you tap the magnifying glass, the search view goes full screen.

  • Option to have separate views for links (thumbnails) vs. image posts
  • I really like the way how infinity used to handle this

    The blue indicators have a text saying picture, link, video or gif. Was quite handy.

  • View full post button doesn't go away after pressing it
  • I've already reported this bug here about 2 days ago: But good to know I'm not the only one.

  • Too Hard
  • You're referring to 5f? If so, that's not the correct colouring. The Google Currents logo is blue.

  • NSFW
    For all non europeans, please learn our updated political map. Thankyou
  • I don't get it. Is this just random or is there any thought or intention behind the relocation of certain countries?

  • Too Hard
  • So can you show us the right solution?

  • What is your preferred daily driver distribution?
  • blendOS because it gives you access to all the good stuff, including the AUR and even Android apps.

  • New logo and we're two months old today!
  • The details such as ears, whiskers, nose are way too small. They're hardly recognisable on a mobile device, app icon wise.

    I love the app but the new icon / logo not so much.

  • Deleted
    New logo is wonderful
  • I second that.

  • [Bug] "View full post" stays on screen after loading all posts

    As the title says: When I tap the "View full post" button, it loads all posts as expected but instead of disappearing after loading all posts, it stays on screen, still displaying the message: Viewing a single comment thread "View full post". And it won't go away even after tapping it repeatedly.

    Show your distro pride with a “Powered by” Linux sticker. 70 distros to choose from.
  • Why not just "Powered by Linux" and slab a penguin on the machine?

  • Too Hard
  • Sorry... No idea. At first I thought it might've been the play games icon but the colouring is definitely not right so... I'm out 😅

  • Too Hard
  • Did I miss some or have I been tricked into choosing false ones?

  • Too Hard
  • 1: c, e, g, h __ 2: f __ 3: a, c, e, h __ 4: b, d, f __ 5: b, c, d, g __ 6: b, d, e, f, h __ 7: b, d, f __ 8: a, h

  • why are android emulators either nonexistent or utterly useless?
  • Well there's Blend OS which comes with built in Waydroid integration.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I have never used Facebook or any other Facebook / Meta product. Instead, I had a Google+ account. But we know how that turned out...

  • Connect 1.0.131 Released
  • Thanks for the great work, again!

  • [AskEurope] Europeans, what is your favorite country of Europe other than your own?
  • I'm from Germany and I haven't had the opportunity to travel a lot. So I feel like I don't know enough about any other European country to make such a decision. Damn I couldn't even say which is the nicest region to live in Germany.

    But as an European I do appreciate the opportunity to live and work in any EU country and to travel safely and without the need of a passport within the Schengen area. So that's a good thing.

  • [request] autohide bottom navigation

    Could you please consider to let the navigation bar at the bottom go into autohide while scrolling down and let it reappear when scrolling up?

    Sunset [3840x2160]

    Don't know the source. A reverse search yields a broad variety of results.

    Reddit App has now 4.1 Stars Rating on Play Store

    After the app rating was down to about 2.8 stars on Google Play Store recently, it is now at 4.1 stars. Latest ratings seem to be from September 2022 though.

    Looks like they've deleted all the 1-star ratings that had been recently added.

    harl3k1n harl3k1n
    Posts 11
    Comments 42