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[Meta] Could we have a weekly discussion/help thread? Might help people who don't want to open their own but still have questions
  • I prefer individual questions. More searchable that way. Should have mandatory formatting to ensure the question is summarized in the title. Weekly discussion threads make it more difficult to find answers to your questions if someone has had the same question in the past.

  • What was your latest improvement to your Linux setup?
  • Happen to know anything about how windowed games work with a tiling manager? I often stream a buddy's Elden Ring gameplay while playing myself, but having only one screen means I have to have the Discord popout in the top corner and the gameplay in windowed.

  • What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month?
  • I think there's a food bank in the town near to me. I'll have to inquire about if they serve the surrounding area, but I'm guessing not due to a large low-income population.

    As for brands, the only brand of food that I've ever stuck with unequivocally is Philadelphia cream cheese. Not out of loyalty but because nothing can stack up to it. I'll eat own brand for everything besides cream cheese.

  • What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month?
  • Oh no, it's not a gastro thing. I can tell you that for certain. The taste and texture makes my stomach do somersaults. Normally you see that type of thing when you've eaten something and became sick recently after (my neuro prof back in the day had a funny anecdote about whiskey and his inability to drink it after a particularly rowdy night) so I'm wondering if that's what's happening. Or maybe I just really can't stand potatoes.

    I've never heard of potato bread before! I'll give it a go. As for eggplant, I'm not the biggest on it and it's actually a bit expensive here. But zucchini? A m a z i n g. Got some growing right now. Unfortunately that doesn't help me for a wee while, so I might pick a couple up if I have the money. I like to eat em chopped up with a Greek dressing. Can also shred em and put em in baking (chocolate zucchini muffin :> ) but I can't quite afford anything so extravagant right now.

    As for what's cheap - basically nothing, lately. I really should move to somewhere that doesn't have an oligarchical food industry, but that's a long term thing. Either way, I do appreciate the offer but I'm not sure I'm comfortable accepting. It's endlessly kind, but I feel I should try to work with what I have before I take from someone else.

  • anti-snap stance is anti-consumer
  • Snap annoys the piss outta me because of the forced updates. That said, never ever had a snap package not work for me. Whereas installing some things from apt just doesn't work for whatever reason.

  • What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month?
  • I actually tried keto some years ago on a lark. I quickly learned to avoid supermarkets since I could smell all the sugar in the baking aisle halfway across the store. Before posting this, I didn't think such a high-protein, low-fat dirt could result in ketosis but I was educated by another user on how the process actually works.

  • Would it be possible to install Linux on this HP Chromebook Plus?

    This is the laptop in question. It has an x86 processor so basically any distro should work on it. However, it is still a Chromebook which likely means Google fuckery in the BIOS. But it's great value for the money (can get it $300 off at Costco) and if I can plop Linux on to it then I'd love it.

    Why is lemmy so popular in the Netherlands?

    Been poking around All recently and I've noticed that there is more lemmy activity in Dutch than any other non-English language. German following that, and then Portuguese (I think, maybe Spanish). I see more Nederlander posts than even the UK instances. So what's up with this? Cheers from Canada 😙

    Could a lottery/lotteries be used to fund a newspaper in Canada?

    Reading up on One Big Union. The Wikipedia article mentions that at the end of its days it was generating income via a lottery in its bulletin. This gave me an idea.

    In the interest of diversifying news media, strengthening journalistic practices and integrity, creating non-partisan news coverage, and giving Canadian works a national outlet for publishing, I would like to start an online newspaper. However, I would like to limit ads since I find them distasteful at best and compromising at worst. This leaves subscription income and one-off purchases as the main revenue sources.

    The issue with this is that people don't purchase news media anymore. They either look at an ad-supported website or they wait for someone else to buy a paywalled article and copypaste it somewhere. So the issue with a non-ad-supported model is that there's no incentive to buy. Hence, a lottery a la a 50/50 draw or some such. This would give people incentive to buy, increasing the circulation of the newspaper. So I'm hoping someone might be able to provide some insight into the matter.

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