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How are you parsing JSON on the command line?
  • Big fan of running cat file.json | ConvertFrom-Json and just being able to do things quickly!

  • [Solved] Best way to do an NTFS -> ext4 conversion?
  • Decided to buy another drive instead of doing any more harm than I needed to, no worries

  • [Solved] Best way to do an NTFS -> ext4 conversion?
  • unfortunately I was, lol

    I've already bought another drive to avoid this funky shuffling, so I should be fine now

  • [Solved] Best way to do an NTFS -> ext4 conversion?
  • What's the advantage in btrfs over ext4? I've kept hearing about it since I started with Linux but the only advantage I can see with it is the snapshot rollback feature, which while useful looking, I don't think would be something I would use

  • [Solved] Best way to do an NTFS -> ext4 conversion?
  • Yep, I've just ordered another 8tb to copy to and avoid the headache that could be a drive failure. And it'll certainly be faster, gparted is still giving a 13 hour ETA for the first resize! Thanks for the help!

  • [Solved] Best way to do an NTFS -> ext4 conversion?

    Solved: decided to avoid the funkyness this would invoke and just bought another drive. all good now👍

    About a year back, I moved my internal 8tb and 4tb HDDs from my main Windows machine to my old PC-turned-Linux-server. They hold a bunch of bulk data like Youtube channel archives and torrents that are open to download.

    I would like to do an in-place ext4 conversion, if possible. Currently I've just started shuffling data off to an SSD and the plan was to slowly shrink the NTFS partitions and turn the new space into ext4, 500gb at a time (size of the intermediary SSD), but it is taking an unbearably long time. Shrinking the 4tb partition in gparted has been running for 13 hours, with an estimated 22 hours remaining! And I'll have to do it 7 more times for the 4tb, and 16 times for the 8tb!!

    Is there a better way to do this?

    Installing and using Jellyfin without root
  • The docs say jellyfin-ffmpeg is only needed on Debian distros, like Debian itself or Ubuntu, other distros like Fedora should be able to use their respective ffmpeg packages.

    Is there a reason you can't have root on your VPS? Maybe you could ask to have Jellyfin and ffmpeg installed by an admin?

    If your willing to try it, you could unpack the .deb file with dpkg -x <jellyfin-ffmpeg-for-your-distro.deb> <unpack dir> and stick the resulting directory (directories?) in Jellyfin's PATH, but I've never tried this myself and I don't know how well this could work.

  • Has Play Protect removed KDE Connect from your phone? Let us know!
  • No issues with the GPlay version on Android 11

  • how do I search posts
  • due to the way the Fediverse works (servers hosted on many different machines rather than one large machine), text search isn't (officially) possible. on Mastodon you have the option of searching by hashtags, but I don't think that works on Lemmy.

    you would have to use an external search engine like DuckDuckGo, Google or something like

  • What talent(s) got you into Hololive/stars?
  • I started about September or October 2021, when clips of Myth and Pikamee began showing up in my YouTube Shorts feed when I was trying that out. I would watch a stream or clips here and there, but I would really only consider myself a casual fan.

    That was until late February when it was announced Rushia's channel would be deleted at the end of March '22 after her "graduation". As someone who would have considered themselves a novice "datahoarder", I felt the need to save her channel. This consisted of waiting to buy a 4tb hard drive and getting it about mid-March, the next week-ish mainly fine-tuning my downloader, then the last week purely downloading for days on end.

    And throughout all this, I would watch clips of her or pick a VOD that had downloaded; this was where I really fell down the rabbit hole. People from Hololive, Phase Connect, (then) WACTOR, idol, indies, etc. were popping up and I gleefully watched along.

    Strangely also, it seems that most of my oshis have graduated at some time (Rushia, Vesper, WACTOR ES' Luna Rurine and Neon Kuroyuri, VOMS' Pikamee) but I still watch them now in their new forms.

    (And the Archive grows.)

  • Is it still necessary to use _ while naming files?
  • TLDR; No

    It hasn't been necessary in a long time, unless you're a developer who frequently needs to type in filenames in everywhere (since the command line needs extra protection against spaces and other symbols)

    The OS (Windows, Mac, Android, etc) handles thar all for you so you don't have to worry about it (unless you happen to use a badly-written program that doesn't understand spaces, but this is super rare to begin with, and more protected against as time goes on)

  • HUP!
  • 2013 is generous.

  • 12.3 Billion Miles Away: NASA Has Lost Communication With Voyager 2 Spacecraft
  • I would imagine 2° at 12 billion miles means it's almost certainly not pointing at anything man-made anymore, but I'm also not an astrophysicist so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    Being that far out I don't even think we could go out and fix it anymore

  • Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed
  • I don't think sites can request attestation yet, for vpn ips it's usually that the ip/ip block has shown "suspicious" behavior & got reported either manually or picked up by bot sensors.

    (Now of course it's also bad to let Google and friends be the arbitrator of good and bad IPs, famous for the destruction of truly self-hosted email (among other things))

  • Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed
  • Basically, the idea is that a server can refuse to serve you (or degrade your experience with captchas/heavier restrictions) unless you (your device) complete a "challenge". This could be something like the browser (through a system API) checking some device details like

    • root/admin
    • unlocked bootloader
    • extensions (either bad extensions or something like an Adblock)
    • VPN (potentially "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear")
    • installed apps (Adblock via DNS like blokada,
    • device emulation
    • TPM (generate secure key to make sure device is "real")
    • OS state (heavily modified?, untrusted OS?)

    etc. Basically making sure the "environment" is clean and not tampered with (trusted).

    The problem is with what defines a "trusted" environment. It could start at just making sure the device isn't rooted (like Android's Safetynet/Play Integrity check; most people don't root their device & don't/won't care, also easily justifiable since it can be a security vulnerability because the device is "wide open").

    Then, like the article mentions, the device makers (Google (phones, chromebooks), Microsoft (Windows, Xbox), Apple (macOS, iOS, visionOS, etc), Meta/Facebook (Oculus), etc) could change their terms for attestation and deny approval on stricter, potentially anti-consumer criteria such as device age (forcing you to buy more things).

  • Smartphones with "pure" Android
  • Not always; I have a rooted+unlocked LG v60 with Universal Safetynet Fix 2.2.1 (2 y.o. version) and MagiskHide Props Config from just as long ago and my Google Wallet works perfectly fine.

  • Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast
  • Not to defend musk, but it's not from one specific font. The logo is just Unicode char 1D54F, a blackboard bold X/"MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL X"

  • Is this possible? buget 100-170$ or around that
  • $100 is a very strict budget, especially nowadays. You would have to be hunting for used parts on services like FB Marketplace, Offerup, Craigslist, etc. I started with an old workstation a few years ago (i5 3470, 4gb ram, 250gb hdd) and upgraded that for a while ( 4->20gb ram, gt 1030->1050->1060 (had to buy a seperate psu for this one), 1tb ssd+4tb hdd, etc). Having people you know also interested in PCs can also be important, since you can be first in line when they upgrade (that's how I got a 1070ti for $50 !!).

    But I would really recommend getting a job when you can; money will come in like you've never seen before. If you get a $15/hour job (assuming you're in the USA, but really applicable anywhere) and work your weekends, that's $200 a week. You'll be good to get lots of upgrades or a whole new machine in not too much time. Even at $10/hr you won't be suffering for long.

  • Microsoft is censoring criticism on their new open source project
  • also got confused; this was posted 3 years ago but Hot sort seems to be pulling up a bunch of old posts

  • Elon Musk Urges Mr Beast to Post Videos on Twitter for Equal Earnings
  • Something like that, it lets you "support" your favorite creators and gives you access to subscriber-only posts

  • [Help] How can I self host services (eg, a website, lemmy instance, vpn) on my own hardware while hiding my IP?

    (I asked this on r*ddit a long while ago, but I don't think I explained myself properly)

    Basically, I would like to host a few services on my own metal (and not anywhere else in the world!) to play around with and learn, like my personal site, lemmy instance, vpn, fdroid, image host, etc etc.

    I would also like to hide my public IP address because I don't want people who connect to me to know my location (even if it's rather coarse).

    I know that this isn't possible without at least another server in a different physical location, but I really have no idea how to approach this. What software do I run? What is this action called? What do any of these AWS/Azure service names mean? How much would I realistically need to pay? Etc etc.

    Anyone have any pointers?

    helpimnotdrowning helpimnotdrowning (eternally unfinished)

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