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2 wk. ago

  • Lord protect us all from the darkness within the darkness. Thoughts and prayers! 🙏

  • This should be standard, and very good on France for doing it. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    And I say this as someone who lives on a highly seismic region, where I used to see more awareness years ago. Pretty sure if nowadays we had a major earthquake or volcanic eruption most people would just panic, cause chaos and not have anything prepared for such an event. That's the unnecessarily scary part.

    We should always acknowledge the uncomfortable possibilities, not stick our heads in the sand and hope trouble never comes knocking at the door.

  • Nothing shady going on here, proceed with your day as usual, dumb citizen. 🤡

  • Goodness. This is madness, I tell you. For them, that is. 🫡🤪

  • So Canada should just ignore all the stuff the US is doing, reinforce their economy by buying from them, and pretend there aren't risks regarding the possibility of the US being able to remotely interfere with the jets they sell? As if control over others isn't something the US would ever try to do.

    The best machine in the world isn't worth shit if its reliability when needed is called into question, and much less when the seller can't be trusted with that much power. That's buying a few jets by selling sovereignty with extra steps - quite the bargain for the US and their current aspirations.

    Buy from reliable allies, such as the EU, and if total defensive independence is a must start building the needed framework to develop a competitive jet building industry so that Canada can build its own by the time these ones approach EoL. Main point, avoid the US jets.

  • The US in this is the spitting stereotypical image of a man building something, and going "What's this? Don't need manuals. (Throws manual away)", and then wondering why nothing fits, why some parts don't seem to have a place to go, and some other parts are missing.

    Why regulations? They serve no purpose. Why does no one import US hormone-riddled meat and heavily synthesized food products? I really wonder.

  • Good for the american criminals, I guess, since the police departments using Teslas might be prone to shorting out on pursuits during heavy rain, I guess.

    W Freedom (to commit crimes).

  • Imagine that, dictatorship-oriented measures being praised by... actual established dictatorships like Russia or China.

    Quite the natural step forward for the 'freest' nation on the globe, I dare say. Remember, kids - if a dictator praises you, that means you're doing something right.


  • Now your personal accounting based on proximity to the matter is something I believe more than mainstream media.

    Thank you for your perspective, as that sort of behavior by the border law enforcement is not correct.

  • Precisely that. If a forum meant for discussion has its credibility compromised, what good is it as a discussion platform?

    It's one thing disagreeing with one's PoV or not tolerating actual aggressive/toxic behavior. It's another entire thing to censor opinions written with civility and arguments, or allow for bots to derail any meaningful discussion and demotivate/shame people for what they believe in. En masse, at that.

    I am willing to learn another person's PoV if it differs from my own - heck, if they make a compelling argument and present facts I had not considered I might even change my stance on the subject.

    But simply discussing in bad faith and relying solely on insults or disinformation, plus an unwillingness to also consider other people's PoV is not the way to reach common ground on differing positions. That's when I realize that person is playing around and I might as well not give them their fix of dopamine.

  • That's if this article is actually corroborated by truth and not subject to bias based on "allegations", and to me I often question Politico's thirst for clickbait titles. If so, yeah, Poland should be held accountable like anybody else, but until then I don't blame them for not wanting to accept people from Belarus, a nation heavily influenced by Russia. Especially in current times.

    Has someone listened too much to actual regime propaganda? Because I remain critical of any sources telling me what to think.

    Do bother replying if you must for the sake of your pride, but know that I don't engage in petty arguments or pissing contests.

  • Yeah, if I squint hard enough it does seem like Poland defending their border makes them the inhuman ones. Kinda in the same way Ukraine started the war by being invaded.

    At least that's what I see with my Putin-colored glasses.

    It's hard turning down people actually looking for a better life, but then again Poland has made their stance on it pretty clear, avoiding the mass migration and refugee issues other countries like Germany have.

  • Exactly. Society should never conflate knowledge driven by curiosity and knowledge as an excuse for sadism.

    There's a difference between experimenting by following rules, and then observing the results vs giving in to base forbidden desires just to see what happens or trying to bend reality to confirm one's bias - I mean, just look at how people tried to justify until decades ago a black person's 'inferiority' and their discrimination by coming up with all sorts of anatomical observations. That's the danger.

  • Yup. Also got my account suspension due to "suspicious activity" on "upvoting and engaging with discriminatory and violent content".

    Meaning I upvoted posts condemning US's current position, and correcting the swarm of misinformation by US shills.

    Glad I finally managed to nuke my entire reddit history and delete my account. F' that toxic cesspool. R/Europe and other euro-canadian subs already felt like more US and Russian shills were active than actual europeans or canadians.

  • Ironic thing, we already tried this approach multiple times before, specially on war times. And each time humanity concluded that some knowledge has too high a price and we're better off not finding out some things.

    Knowledge for the sake of knowledge, especially with a heavy blood cost, isn't the way to progress as a species.

    And I should know, as a person greatly defined by curiosity about everything and more limited emotional capacity than other people due to mental limitations.

  • This is good. We are doing what we can, but truth be told even if we put everyone together, across Lemmy, Reddit, Facebook and so on, we are still just a tiny bubble compared to the hundreds of millions that live in the EU.

    Even more so if we count in alternative allied markets like Canada or the UK. We are doing what we can, but the 'big guns' (governments, companies, etc.) can do much more than we can with the reach of their influence. They are important in making this effort an actual change-inducing movement instead of a minority fad.

    This is a good thing to ask for, and I'm happy they're stepping up along with us.

  • Anything other than US, specially from Colombia, which was among the first to be publicly humiliated by Trump.

  • Warframe

    Laughs in "Hell-Scrub: Techrot"

  • Inb4 Trump, the supposed "best ally and biggest contributor of Ukraine" throws a rage fit citing all sorts of dumb reasons we unsurprisingly will already have heard from Putin's mouth.

  • World News

    'Russia can't really be trusted,' Kaja Kallas warns ahead of new Trump-Putin call

  • That's the thing with ignorance. Everyone around is well aware, except for the ignoramus itself. And left unchecked it can quickly go from a nuisance to a real danger.

  • I mean, yeah. Any good dictatorship encourages people to tell on their 'fellow' neighbors. For either side.

    If a MAGA tells on an anti-MAGA neighbor, they'll go for the latter.

    If an anti-MAGA reports a MAGA, the regime also appreciates the self-snitching by the former.

    "And then they came for me, but there was no one left to speak up for me".

  • World News

    Euronews: Why are online users claiming Ukrainian soldiers are staging combat?