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What is the best movie to watch without sound?
  • The Great Train Robbery (Edwin S. Porter)

  • Elizabeth, queen of Hololive impressions (clip)
  • It's really impressive and frightening how good her impressions are lol

  • hololive English -Justice- Debuts
  • Advent felt like they debuted yesterday. I'm surprised they're pumping out another batch so soon.

  • which one is the best anime in your opinion?
  • Any of Satoshi Kon's works (Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, etc). IMO, he's one of the few animation directors who really takes advantage of everything animation has to offer.

  • "Moderation tools are nonexistent on here. It also eats up storage like crazy [...] The software is downright frustrating to work with" - Can any other instance admins relate to this?
  • This Lemmy instance is much harder to maintain due to the fact that I can’t tell what images get uploaded here, which means anyone can use this as a free image host for illegal shit, and the fact that there’s no user list that I can easily see. Moderation tools are nonexistent on here.

    0.19.4 provides a way to see uploaded images (although not the best) but this version was only recently released so I can see where the frustration is coming from especially since the CSAM attacks happened nearly a year ago. At the time, I had to make a copy of pictrs, view everything on a file manager, and manually remove those images. People can still upload images without anyone seeing it however.

    It also eats up storage like crazy due to the fact that it rapidly caches images from scraped URLs and the few remaining instances that we still federate with.

    This was fixed in 0.19.3 (released 7 months ago) where you can disable image "caching". This has solved storage costs for us together with pictrs' image processing.

    plug in an expensive AI image checker to scan for illegal imagery

    It's unfortunate that we need this. Not everybody has the resources to run fedisafety nor does everyone live in USA where they can use Cloudflare's CSAM scanner. I think a good way to deal with the issue is to have images that are not public, not be stored (or have no private images at all). This way images can be easily reported.

    Overall, I understand the frustration and to some degree I also feel the same but I also limit my expectations considering the nature of the project.

  • "Delicious in Dungeon" Second Season Announced with Teaser Visual, PV
  • That does seem to be the case. I tried on another 0.19.4 instance and clicking the community dropdown removes everything (title, link, and body).

    edit: Forgot to mention that someone made an issue already:

  • "Giji Harem" New Key Visual, PV
  • I just read the first 20+ chapters and it's so cute! It's funny they seem to both be oblivious about each other's feelings (romcom trope I guess) but it's so cute. Definitely watching this when it airs next month.

  • What was your latest improvement to your Linux setup?
  • I use dex and picom now. Every few months I learn something new about running i3wm with no DE.

  • Jill (by Moshimoshibe)
  • moshimoshibe's style is incredible

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • I haven't tried it yet but I would rather dual boot for games with anti-cheat that don't work with Wine or a VM.

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • It really is bad compared to KVM. Though for my usecase of pandoc+vim, running Debian with VMware does the job. Browsing the web, watching videos, and listening to music are okay too. It's very bad for GPU accelerated stuff though which is what the Windows host is for.

    I want to dual boot again but I'm still working on this project on one of my SSDs so I don't want to touch anything yet.

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • Been using Debian stable again this year, but this time in a VM (Windows host. I know, I know.)

    I'm very happy with it. I tried other distros but kept coming back to Debian.

  • Lonliest time on Lemmy ...
  • there's iirc

  • Hitagi (by Solipsist)
  • best girl

  • Toxic linux communities moment:
  • install gentoo

  • What's your favourite search engine?
  • Qwant isn’t available in a lot of countries though:

  • Do you personally know someone who has a wikipedia page about them?
  • I have a few professors who have wikipedia pages if that counts.

  • anime_irl
  • PG? There's a lot of sex jokes if that's what you mean.

  • anime_irl
  • I looked up the manga and I've been really enjoying it so far

  • Just got Furina 24 hours before she's gone!

    I made a comment in the gacha pull thread earlier this month with Tighnari. I was short around ~30 pulls for another 5-star guarantee. I spent the last few days playing through the rest of the Fontaine Archon Quest. With the extra primos and fates, I managed to get Furina today!

    KQM also just posted their Furina guide so I guess I'll be spending the next few weeks building her.

    [Announcement] Lemmy.World and has defederated from

    As of November 7, 2023 09:23 both Lemmy.World and have federated with us again. Thank you for quickly reviewing the situation and reversing your decision.

    We hope that will follow soon.

    Original post:

    To anyone who is not familiar with the situation, please read our previous post for context.

    Please do not say anything hateful toward the concerned instances' admins.


    What happened?

    A few hours ago, Lemmy.World and has defederated from, following the events of defederating from on November 3.

    Lemmy.World has given a censure on Fediseer with the reason being "loli". has not given a reason for defederation as of the moment.

    We disagree with anyone claiming that intentionally and knowingly hosts CSAM. We would like to remind everyone that has a content policy regarding CSAM content since day one. Specifically, our content policy states the following:

    > 7. Do not submit content depicting a child (both real and virtual) engaged or involved in explicit sexual activities. A child is defined as a person who is under 18 years old; or a person, regardless of age, who is presented, depicted or portrayed as under 18 years old.

    To provide some context, the Lemmy developers excluded from the recently launched redesign without any clear reason provided. My pull request to remove from the exclude-list was denied for the reason being that is "full of CSAM". Shortly after, was defederated from The full story may be found on the previous thread.

    Numerous threads have since spawned, many of which have comments state that there is no evidence of the claim that is "full of CSAM" and that the decision was unfair. These threads include:


    We respectfully ask the admins of Lemmy.World,, and to review the situation and our policies, and consider reversing your decision if there is no evidence that intentionally and knowingly hosts CSAM.

    What now?

    If you are a user of and wish to see content from Lemmy.World and, we kindly ask you to move to a different instance that is federated with all three instances.

    If you are a user of Lemmy.World or and wish to see content from, we kindly ask you to send a request to your respective admins to reverse their decisions after reviewing the situation.

    To all other Fediverse instance admins, we kindly ask you to carefully review our instance and its policies before defederating from us.

    To all users, please do not forget to report content that violates our content policy.

    My personal thoughts

    As the admin of, I sincerely apologize to all our users regarding the defederation from three major Lemmy instances. I believe that this is my fault for not communicating our policies clearly enough. I will continue working toward a solution regarding this matter so please be patient.

    Thank you for reading this, and I appreciate everyone's support.

    [Announcement] has defederated from (and what this means for us)

    Please do not say anything hateful to the admins or the developers. Before commenting on this thread, please read the post completely.


    We ( have been defederated from a few hours ago presumably for the reason of being "full of CSAM" which I disagree.

    What happened?

    The Lemmy developers recently launched the new redesigned webpage which provides information about Lemmy and a list of servers that people can join. The redesign looks great! It details a lot of new and useful stuff such as a categorized server list and mobile apps. However, I noticed that our instance ( was not in the list despite previously being there before the redesign.

    After looking through the joinlemmy-site code, I discovered that was added to the "excluded" list in a commit a few weeks ago. I thought that this was a mistake so I made a pull request to remove us from the excluded list (and also to add our instance's category and language).

    Unfortunately, the pull request was closed with a comment that reads "No, that is full of CSAM". The thread was locked so I couldn't reply. I tried to reach out to the developers via Matrix, politely explaining that has a content policy rule against CSAM which reads:

    > 7. Do not submit content depicting a child (both real and virtual) engaged or involved in explicit sexual activities. A child is defined as a person who is under 18 years old; or a person, regardless of age, who is presented, depicted or portrayed as under 18 years old.

    Unfortunately, my invitation was rejected and I did not hear back from them.

    Shortly after, I discovered that had defederated from The last post received from was just after the pull request was closed.

    What does this mean?

    This means that no user from can interact with communities from and vice versa. This affects those who subscribe to communities from that instance.

    This also affects the anime community on Lemmy as a whole because the biggest anime discussion community resides on (! in which their episode discussion bot,, is hosted here. It's very concerning that as an anime-themed instance, we're now completely disconnected from this community and other related communities.

    This also affects in the long run as our exclusion from the webpage will reduce our visibility. The exclusion from and defederation from may also prompt other instance admins to defederate from us. Generally, will be seen in a very bad light.

    As the admin of, I genuinely feel heartbroken after what had happened. Not only do I feel like I'm doing a poor job of building but I also feel like I've disrespected the work of the Lemmy developers. I really apologize to those who are affected by this. I hope that this is just a misunderstanding and I will do my best to resolve this problem.

    [Announcement] Sever Maintenance: Upgrade to Lemmy v0.18.5 (2023-09-30 16:00 CST) Upgrade to Lemmy v0.18.5 | AniSocial

    Welcome to AniSocial status page for real-time and historical data on system performance.

    Upgrade to Lemmy v0.18.5 | AniSocial

    2023-09-30 16:19

    Upgrade complete.


    We will be upgrading to Lemmy v0.18.5 on 2023-09-30 16:00 CST. During this time, this instance will be temporarily unavailable for approximately two hours as we perform the maintenance.

    You can view the instance status updates here.

    We apologize for any inconveniences.

    [Announcement] Server Maintenance (2023-09-17 18:00 CST) General Server Maintenance | AniSocial

    Welcome to AniSocial status page for real-time and historical data on system performance.

    General Server Maintenance | AniSocial

    2023-09-17 18:53 CST Update:

    The server maintenance is complete.


    Original message:

    We will be conducting general server maintenance on 2023-09-17 18:00 CST. During this time, this instance will be temporarily unavailable for approximately two hours as we perform the maintenance.

    You can view the instance status updates here.

    We apologize for any inconveniences.

    hitagi hitagi (


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