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As the Elden Ring DLC beats the snot out of players, Hidetaka Miyazaki says toning difficulty down would "break the game itself"
  • Lmao, enjoy missing out on the nier titles, the devil may cry series, every fable game, kingdom hearts, the whole god of war franchise, asura's wrath, and the new final fantasies. Hell, even skyrim has more committal animations. You're talking about a lenient and forgiving version of animation mechanics that are present in basically every action RPG.

    In the fighting game community at large, we have terms for people who blame the mechanics when they can't come to grips with them, Scrub being the main one (as new players wildly hitting buttons at random on an arcade cabinet looks akin to "scrubbing them clean"). This is you. Your refusal to treat the game as it is, and expectation that it behave a way it doesn't, is confounding to anyone who has put any effort into the title. The rules will not change just because you refuse to learn them. Stay furious though, I guess.

  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree currently has a 'Mixed' status on Steam, with many of the negative reviews complaining that the bosses are too hard [also game's PC performance]
  • Some people like developing an artistic skill. This is that. Fuck up on the piano? Start that part over and get it right this time. Fuck up in elden ring? Start that part over and get it right this time. Both have acceptable amounts of variation that lead to success. Elden ring is in fact easier, because things can change that aren't solely your skill level (stats/gear). There's a lot of reasons the souls series and similar games are conducive to speedrunning, this loop of self-improvement is a major one.

    When I read comments like yours, they come across as saying "practicing anything is stupid and I do not see the benefit". It's easy: practicing anything is fun and you only get to see the benefit after you fail, then succeed. If there's some mental disconnect you have where you can't envision success for yourself, or you think succeeding won't be fun, it certainly isn't the fault of the game or the community.

  • As the Elden Ring DLC beats the snot out of players, Hidetaka Miyazaki says toning difficulty down would "break the game itself"
  • This is true. The only game to automatically detect my controller and display the correct buttons without going into a menu to change them in recent memory was Remnant 2. Extremely rare afterthought type quality of life is what we're seeing complaints about now.

  • As the Elden Ring DLC beats the snot out of players, Hidetaka Miyazaki says toning difficulty down would "break the game itself"
  • It's standard practice. In fighting games, monster hunter, and a bunch of other games, really similar rules apply; you hit the button, an animation you know the duration and length of plays. This game has animation canceling, meaning you actually don't have to wait for the return to idle animation to end before you can queue another attack or straight up cancel the animation with another (like a roll or parry). It's literally made less clunky by letting you skip out of these committal attacks.

    Your take is uninformed and you obviously don't play much of the genre, ER is extremely generous outside of specific bosses in letting you just hit the roll button repeatedly after every action.

  • As the Elden Ring DLC beats the snot out of players, Hidetaka Miyazaki says toning difficulty down would "break the game itself"
  • You sound like everyone who has ever seen me menu spells in a KH speedrun. You sound like someone who turns weapons off in ULTRAKILL. Neither of these are explicitly bad things, but the system in place (a scrollable selection menu in real-time) can be utilized at the same level of efficiency as a spell wheel; you just need to exercise your memory when you set up and when you use your belt items.

    There's a lot of titles that allow you to pause and utilize your menu. Dragon's Dogma 2, for instance, allows you to pause at 0 HP and still use healing items, so long as you haven't finished your dying animation or been knocked flat.

    Dark Souls and similar games make a deliberate choice in keeping the game in real time when you menu, and there's a lot of truly functional items you can keep on your belt to help those weapons: status items can help you finish applying a status when an enemy leaps back, the physick, stamina regeneration, many extremely powerful effects that they want a small execution and collection barrier on. Alone in the Dark (5) had a real-time menu like this too far before it was popular, and people complained bitterly about it, so I get where the complaint comes from.

    Without dramatically reducing your available options or developing a completely different system of menus, the controls can't really be less "clunky". If horizon's wheel and DaS's menu aren't for you, you may just not like how action RPGs control. If it's about needing time for the menu, these specific titles may not really be up your alley. There's a TON of games that operate the way you're expecting, and at this point the community and developer alike are committed to sustaining this experience that provides friction. Friction is basically how you talk, from a design standpoint, about the difficulty of the game and why it's present and what it does functionally.

    If you don't understand how friction and fun are related, the game was unironically not made for you, and misunderstanding that or not being eloquent enough to explain that has led to the "git gud" divide. The menus are meant to provide friction. The combat animations and the period you must wait before acting again provide friction. Being a relatively heavy RPG, you can overcome friction multiple ways, either through developed personal skill or overleveling or picking tools that the boss isn't equipped to handle or statuses it's weak to.

    TL;DR of course the menus are clunky dude they're based on a decades-long tradition of interfaces that provide gameplay fun. The fun is there for a grand majority of people, if you're not having fun with the ball-crusher, nobody is making you use it.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Everyone's favorite game show: Child, Senior, or Foreign Agent?

    You really posted a nexstar/Mission Media article as a source to defend a right wing ignoramus. It's like poetry. Get a shred of media literacy, please.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • As a US citizen I am painfully aware that I could dip down to mexico and buy a competent EV at 35~40k USD value in MXN. Alternatives in the states, even produced here, are upwards of 50k for the poverty model. Maybe the engine itself is cheaper, but the vehicles absolutely are not (unless you are being denied options by your government as part of an ongoing slap fight).

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • Cool restatement. Did you actually read what I posted instead of snipping that post though? I acknowledge it isn't working, but you can CLEARLY see intent of decisions there skewed toward market control of a new industry, especially based on the similarities (Product control focused on appeal, not risk) of legislature brought forward compared to previous concerns

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • Sure the industry is gaining money, but you're ignoring specific company shutdowns and restrictions that shaped the industry out of the hands of certain players. There have been a lot of regulatory fingers in the pie, particularly above state level, that weren't aimed at making the populace safer but instead at making those companies unable to produce or sell their most popular products. There's also a lot of legal language bites like "e-cigarette" and "open container" that are seeing non-uniform interpretation in legal states, across vape legislature and cannabis legislature alike.

    Draconic legislature isn't quite turning the country into a hellscape for consumers, sure. But it's clearly a possible side effect that isn't being considered, especially as states are beginning to take it upon themselves to start outlawing studied hemp-derived cannabinoids (like delta8/10 or THC-P or THC-A) that are provided for under the 2018 farm bill.

    Tl;Dr while the industry is growing, it's clear it has enemies with legal power and that's the crux of the complaint.

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • You can do this and also listen to conversations you aren't present for from the active character portraits without changing settings. There's even a prompt for ongoing conversations to join in on them as a listener remotely.

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • The good news is there's a couple of decades where games in this style WERE real-time for the most part. A majority of players seem to like turn based a lot more, but neverwinter nights and the earlier baldurs gates have a pause-assign actions-unpause flow rather than turns.

    With pen and paper d&d, guidebooks explain that turns represent about six seconds of action. Some of the older titles took this seriously and it makes trying to use mages in small parties absolutely insufferable, especially at early levels with a low concentration skill total.

    Hilariously, this is one of the VERY FEW genre where I find I do prefer turn-based personally. I didn't turn on ATB mode in ff15, I refused to use strategic view and pausing in dragon age, but for CRPG I've found solidly defined turns to really help drive my decisionmaking.

  • ChatGPT has caused a massive drop in demand for online digital freelancers — here is what you can do to protect yourself
  • Classic "fuck you got mine" take from someone who has experienced no difficulty in decades with a field. If you're ignoring the mass layoffs happening across multiple fields right now, ESPECIALLY in well-performing companies, I guess it looks like AI is not having much of an effect. Like if you consciously decide to not look at any business news at all this take could make sense.

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