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Overhauling our drug policies
  • Even with a labour led government doubt much will be done, I was really hopefully for labour to actually do something, not just about drugs but also about housing and a land tax. They did really well through COVID but apart from that it was a lot of promises and a lot of not doing anything. Kinda odd they chose 3 waters as their thing though, considering how unpopular it was with some people.

  • 12-Year-Old Spends Entire Hiking Trip Fantasizing About Which Video Game He’ll Play When He Gets Home
  • I haven't properly played Minecraft in years but I find myself out in nature and just imagining how I would build the area up, how the house would be made, what sort of pathways I would make. Guess what I am saying is I left Minecraft a while back but it has not left me yet.

  • Beginner questions about ZFS and how to use my drives.
  • Yeah definitely wanting the redundancy, most of what I will be storing will not be life changing if lost just a big inconvenience, and for the life changing stuff I plan on having it backed up to cloud storage.

  • Beginner questions about ZFS and how to use my drives.
  • That is a good point about stress testing them, if memory serves me well I believe one of the 12TB would disconnect a while back maybe 2 or so years ago when I was using windows and doing large backups. I think the consensus around seems to just mirror the 6TB and mirror the 12TB drives separate, it's probably what I will end up doing since in the end I am tripling the amount of storage and really allowing me to lose two drives albeit two different drives before data loss. Feel I may be getting a bit greedy with what I have and should just be happy with what I am getting with that. Looking at getting an upgrade in about a year or two either way.

  • Beginner questions about ZFS and how to use my drives.
  • Thank you for that will have to have a look into it since I am quite new and I am not completely sure how to go about things in a way to not regret it later down the line in half a year or so.

  • Beginner questions about ZFS and how to use my drives.

    Hello, I currently have a home server mainly for media, in which I have an SSD for the system and 2 6TB hard drives set up in raid 1 using mdadm, its the most I can fit in the case. I have been getting interested in ZFS and wanting to expand my storage since it's getting pretty full. I have 2 12TB external hard drives. My question is can I create a pool (I think that's what they are called), using all 4 of these drives in a raidz configuration, or is this a bad idea?

    (6TB+6TB) + 12TB + 12TB, should give me 24TB, and should work even if one of the 6TB or 12TB fails if I understand this correctly.

    How would one go about doing this? Would you mdadm the 2 6TB ones into a raid 0 and then create a pool over that?

    I am also just dipping my toes now into Nixos so having a resource that would cover that might be useful since the home server is currently running Debian. This server will be left at my parents house and would like it to have minimal onsite support needed. Parents just need to be able to turn screen on and use the browser.

    Thank you

    Microsoft won’t let you close OneDrive on Windows until you explain yourself
  • Which is true, a lot of people see it as black magic. They are just used to what the product comes with, even if you could install iOS on an Android phones or the other way around, people would still buy an iphone cause it comes with it.

  • it'sjustamemepleasedon'thurtme
  • Probably the first response I am in agreement with, there isn't an easy solution and I hope the one chosen has the least amount of casualties in the long run.

    I have to go but I may come back to this. Have a good day, and hopefully neither of us will have to live through what's going on there.

  • it'sjustamemepleasedon'thurtme
  • If the US had given Hamas $3.8 billion, it definitely wouldn't have been used for an iron dome.

    Yes I do believe Hamas is inherently evil, the same way I believe the north Korean leadership is evil.

    Plenty of variables to take into account, and it's understandable how they got like this, but the same way a lot of serial killers have an abusive upbringing, does not mean everyone with an abusive upbringing will be a serial killers.

  • it'sjustamemepleasedon'thurtme
  • Neither is letting them fire rockets towards you for years on end. There is only so much you can do with bank robbers that are funded by others around them, who believe it's their god given duty to rob banks. TO BE CLEAR civilians being killed is terrible on either side, just one side is putting a lot of effort into making bomb shelters and missile defense, while the other is putting in a lot of effort into creating tunnels to store and smuggle rockets.

  • it'sjustamemepleasedon'thurtme
  • Nah we don't bomb banks, but if the robbers have been doing it for years yelling god is great, while massacring civilians , you too would expect someone to do something about it, or do we just put another lock on the bank hoping this time it will be enough.

  • Choosing a printer

    So I am looking out for an inkjet printer that can print in A3 size. The Epson ecotanks seem like they best fit my requirements, just wondering if it is actually refillable, and does not lock me out of actually using it after a certain amount of prints, no chips BS and all that. I have seen some stuff about the ink pad filling and then not being able to use it anymore ? Does anyone have experience with this printer and can vouch that it is not a gimmick and will actually work as a printer for a long time. Also how is Linux support for it. Thank you

    Skyrim on Linux with mods

    Hello, thinking of giving Skyrim a go on Linux through Proton, does anyone have a resource that helped with getting some mods going? Can a mod manager be used ?

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