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Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
  • Adding reference to HN submission of this article. Discussion thus far has 233 comments.

  • Fediverse apps
  • I maintain some lists too, PR's welcome:

  • Peer-bay?
  • Have a look at #flohmarkt, federated decentral classified ad software using #activitypub: By

  • Is not that god damn hard.
  • Oh, that kind is good. Constructive feedback is very valuable. But the fediverse is full of people dropping derogatory sarcastic comments or even reacting in rage, that aren't helpful in the slightest. I should've made that clearer in my first comment.

  • Is not that god damn hard.
  • There's no responsibility at all. There's also full freedom to complain however you wish. If you do that on someone's free work with which they try to help others, it just doesn't look very good on you. That's all.

  • Is not that god damn hard.
  • One thing I don't get. Among the gazilion "Oh, it is sooo easy to do this better" complainers are countless developers and designers. This whole Mastodon thing is Free Software, where countless people spent some of their free time and energy to give you what there is today. Complainer devs and UX folks, are your PR's getting rejected?

  • Towards a #Peopleverse

    cross-posted from:

    > Just gave my satyrical take on The Splinterverse. Grassroots movements adopt an implicit "Divided we will be conquered" approach, where big corporate newcomers can easily disrupt with Big Marketing™ followed by an Eternal September by their user influx to the Fediverse. The Muskening™ already gave a taste of that. > > Currently new channels are abuzz with the Reddit shenanigans, and there's potential for another influx. People are inventing names like "threadiverse" for forum-like federated apps. There's a broader vibe where people come to the realization that enshittification on proprietary walled garden platforms is inevitable, and that the old web is re-emerging with blogs and webrings. And the heterogenous Social Web with countless alternative federated/decentralized apps where there isn't a single gatekeeper. That opportunity certainly exists (as Meta likely know all too wel also). > > The common name that has stuck is "Fediverse", or affectionally spoken the "fedi". Many say it is a bad name, and maybe it is. It is a name you get used to, though, and it is not easy at all to introduce a new name in a grassroots movement. > > But that is NOT what I find important at all .. > > The Fediverse has slowly matured during many years. That slow growth has shaped an all-important aspect: A vibrant culture. This is what all growth-hacking enterpreneurial minds easily overlook. There have been a shit ton of social media launched.. and failed. The big ones we have have their solid position with FOMO and network effects. Those who say social media is easy have survivorship bias. > > "It is the culture that matters, stupid!" > > I love all the quirky aspects of the Fediverse. The diversity and inclusion. The weird angles. And also, weirdly enough.. the friction. Friction to get on the Fediverse has also served as a filter. We now have 'competitor' decentralized social networks with Nostr and Bluesky. "Nostr is developing way faster.. come to us!" --> This is a purely technical viewpoint. Wait till you see what culture that creates. Technical buzzwords like "encryption", "censorship-resistance", "micropayment", etc. that seem like features may see all the wrong types being attracted to those networks. > > What I feel is the biggest thing that is missing on the Fediverse is a shared vision, a common notion of where we are headed, where the potential of the Fediverse is, what we might achieve collectively. > > It is "App focus". App app app app app ... Apps are siloes! > > Related to "marketing against Meta" it was asked "Where is the Mastodon branding agency?" --> They branded an app, not an ecosystem / online environment. And them being successful means we have this big confusion now, where people "Join the Mastodon". We should get rid of app focus. > > The vision that appeals to me, and I am advocating for quite a while is that of a Peopleverse to emerge. > > - Fediverse (technical) --> Peopleverse (social) > > The Peopleverse is NOT a name.. it is an abstract idea, a vision of how things might be. The Peopleverse is where people find value online. Where they interact with others in a way that is enriching to their lives. It is where online and offline worlds are seamlessly intertwined. > > Considered like that means that this Peopleverse will also have implications for the technical perspective, when looking at the Fediverse technology landscape and ecosystem. It highlights the amount of socio-technological support that is needed. It highlights a technology vision that encompasses the Fediverse's full potential.

    Introducing the #Splinterverse

    "Hey, are you on Mastodon?"

    "I joined The Mastadon network if that's what ya mean."

    "Wait an instance. You are both using the Fediverse protocol."

    "Ha. Well.. I joined the Threadiverse and like that way better."

    "Is Lemmyverse connected to that?"

    "Dunno. Let's ask at ActivityPub."

    "Yay, beer 🍻 It is Friday."

    "ActivityPub isn't a real pub, it is a community of sorts."

    "Hi there.. dialing in from the #Pixieverse 👋 Can you see me?"

    #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Threadiverse #Mastadon #TheMastodon #Lemmyverse #Pixieverse #Vidiverse #Web69

    Reddit perma-banning account promoting Lemmy has Streisand effect

    As Reddit's enshittification reaches new heights their attempts to suppress attention for alternatives, like federated Lemmy, has the opposite effect as this Hacker News discussion shows.

    Open Letter to Gitea The Gitea Community is asking Gitea Owners to correct conflicts of interest and restore Community Trust.

    The Gitea Community is asking Gitea Owners to correct conflicts of interest and restore Community Trust.

    The Gitea Community is asking Gitea Owners to correct
conflicts of interest and restore Community Trust.

    cross-posted from:

    > In reaction to the surprise announcement of the creation of Gitea Ltd and the transfer of domains and trademark to this company, worried members of the Community have written an Open Letter to the elected Owners of the project. > > The request is to return the assets and manage them by a community-led non-profit organization and furthermore improve the community organization, so that the Trust and Health of the project is restored. > > The Open Letter can be signed by sending a PR to the Codeberg repository.

    Libre Software smallcircles
    Open Letter to Gitea

    cross-posted from:

    > In reaction to the surprise announcement of the creation of Gitea Ltd and the transfer of domains and trademark to this company, worried members of the Community have written an Open Letter to the elected Owners of the project. > > The request is to return the assets and manage them by a community-led non-profit organization and furthermore improve the community organization, so that the Trust and Health of the project is restored. > > The Open Letter can be signed by sending a PR to the Codeberg repository.

    Open Letter to Gitea The Gitea Community is asking Gitea Owners to correct conflicts of interest and restore Community Trust.

    The Gitea Community is asking Gitea Owners to correct conflicts of interest and restore Community Trust.

    The Gitea Community is asking Gitea Owners to correct
conflicts of interest and restore Community Trust.

    In reaction to the surprise announcement of the creation of Gitea Ltd and the transfer of domains and trademark to this company, worried members of the Community have written an Open Letter to the elected Owners of the project.

    The request is to return the assets and manage them by a community-led non-profit organization and furthermore improve the community organization, so that the Trust and Health of the project is restored.

    The Open Letter can be signed by sending a PR to the Codeberg repository.

    Reaction to Penpot VC investment + relation to UX / SX / Social Coding / Fediverse smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) (

    In reaction to acquiring VC funding an interesting discussion with is unfolding on the #Penpot community forum after I expressed my concerns about this development wrt the #FOSS movement's involvement and use of the product. Key is if Penpot can give ...

    smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) (
    Important: We need Your Input on the Future of the SocialHub Important: We need Your Input on the Future of the SocialHub

    The SocialHub was created to support the people building federated apps and to evolve the standards and practices that are foundations of the Fediverse. For many different reasons the SocialHub has now come to a stage where we must decide on its future. Substrate Formation The Fediverse with its m...

    Important: We need Your Input on the Future of the SocialHub

    cross-posted from:

    > The activity of the SocialHub community, like all other 'fediverse-substrate' bodies, has waned. From an active community to just a forum. Now a decision has to be made for the future of SocialHub. The options are stopping, be just a forum, or revitalize a vibrant community. The last option needs people willing and committed to do so. To step up for the sake of Fediverse Futures.

    Free (libre) software replacements for proprietary software smallcircles
    Forge federation: How forge friends want to liberate your code (Webinar) Forge federation webinar, January 19th 2022, 10am-noon UTC+1

    Recording of the webinar For the benefit of people who did not have the opportunity to attend the live event, it was recorded and you can find links to the videos of the presentations as well as Q&A in the agenda. Alternatively you can explore the directory that contains all the material, includ...

    Forge federation webinar, January 19th 2022, 10am-noon UTC+1

    cross-posted from:

    > ### Open Webinar, 19 January 2022 at 10.00 UTC+1 > > What if you could easily collaborate with any free software project, no matter where it is hosted? Use the Github UI to discuss issues on a remote Gitea code forge project. Send a Merge Request from Gitlab to Github. Have you and your team members, all your project contributors, everyone working from their own favourite environment. Use your code forge of choice to collaborate. Just like you also freely choose your email provider to communicate with others. > > This is the objective and vision that the forgefriends community is working hard to realize. Its members, all forge friends, strive to allow seamless interoperability between code forges by adding federation support. Using the Fediverse and open standards such as ActivityPub and DVCS they will enable free software development to liberate itself from centralized platforms that lock projects in with their network effects and FOMO. > > In this webinar you will learn about the importance of forge federation, and what it means to be "a friend of code forges". The various community projects are introduced, with brief explanation how they work and what is on the roadmap. Anyone is highly encouraged to contribute and become a forge friend too. Each presentation is followed by a Q&A session where you can ask the presenter how you can jump in. > > ### Agenda > > - Forge federation: An overview from 10,000 feet by Loïc Dachary > - Go-Fed: ActivityPub and ForgeFed foundations in Golang by cjslep > - ForgeFlux: Using forge API's and adapters to interoperate by Aravinth Manivannan > - Gitea: Update and plans for adding federation support by techknowlogick > - Forgefriends: Contributing an incremental import/export to Gitea by Loïc Dachary > - Funding Free Software projects in a transparent way

    Fediverse platform for movies!
  • The question is whether the project should be forked into multiple separate projects at all. An alternative would be to have a generic "Directory Platform" and have modules to make it a Book Review platform, a Movie Database, or whatever-you-wanna-collect platform with another module. The modules would mostly be templates and data structures + user interface widgets to present them nicely.

  • Weblite initiative is taking off: Let's debloat the web!

    Some very early announcement of something very noteworthy that is happening on the Fediverse right this moment. Currently most of the discussion still takes place under the #weblite hashtag only.

    As you know the current Web specifications have become very bloated. They serve established browser vendors, which operate monopolistically and dominate the (corporate) internet. For new FOSS browser projects it is nigh impossible to start from scratch and implement crisp and modern web rendering engines. The complexity and scope is just too high.

    Existing standard bodies such as WhatWG, W3C and IETF move slowly and are beholden to Big Tech lobbying and influences, who want to keep this the status quo.

    But there's nothing that withholds the free software community to derive their own open standards that are lightweight and intuitive. So it happened, only yesterday 15 October, that some fedizens decided to pick up that glove.

    Adrian Cochrane and Alexandra kicked off the Weblite initiative. Adrian has been working for a long time on two very cool greenfield browser projects, Odysseus and Rhapsode, an auditory browser. From this many insights on what #weblite specifications should and should not contain was gleaned and hopefully and with collaboration from many others this will be transcribed into Unicode chars in some initial drafts. So, if you are interested, then don't hesitate and lend your helping hand.

    You'll notice that the linked repositories on Codeberg are still mostly emtpy as of now. Yep, it is indeed that early. On Fediverse you always learn the cool things first 😜

    As posted by Adrian these are the principles of Weblite:

    • Simplicity
    • Vendor, platform, and device independence
    • Forwards and backwards compatibility
    • Maintainability
    • Flexibility
    • Richness
    • Accessibility

    Note too that with these principles Weblite is somewhhat different than what ProjectGemini aims to achieve. Gemini strips to absolute essentials and has more in common to Gopher, that came before the current web.

    Join forces, Lemmy people! Let's bring lite where now darkness rules.. (Don't forget to add a #weblite hashtags to your fedi toots)

    Help Bring Gitea to the Fediverse and make Github less dominant smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) (

    Join the #fedeproxy vidcall and help bring @gitea to the #fediverse Agenda: - Proofreading of grant proposal - Dev bounty: Generate #gitea private keys - Find individuals & orgs to support grant application and/or federation in Gitea - Facts / articles that demonstrate the popularity of Git...

    smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) (

    cross-posted from:

    > Join the FedeProxy vidcall and help bring Gitea to the Fediverse > > Whether you are technical or not, there's many ways you can help. By doing so you'll contribute to offering real and open alternatives to the dominant position that Github has on the open source movement. Decentralized FOSS development on the Fediverse, no less! > > Agenda: > > - Proofreading of grant proposal > - Dev bounty: Generate gitea private keys > - Find individuals & orgs to support grant application and/or federation in Gitea > - Facts / articles that demonstrate the popularity of Gitea > - Where to advertise the effort towards federation? > - First grant application must be sent before October 1st, 2021 for the @NGIZero Discovery call > > Provide your availability for the vidcall here: > > Read these other Lemmy posts and learn how you can earn money now: > > - Opportunity: Bring Gitea to the Fediverse (funding available) > - Opportunity: Diversity audit for the open-source FedeProxy project > > Additional information: > > - The proposed Gitea federation design > - FedeProxy forum discussion > - Details about available Funding, Bounties and planning for additional grants > - FedeProxy forum discussion > >

    Help Bring Gitea to the Fediverse and make Github less dominant smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) (

    Join the #fedeproxy vidcall and help bring @gitea to the #fediverse Agenda: - Proofreading of grant proposal - Dev bounty: Generate #gitea private keys - Find individuals & orgs to support grant application and/or federation in Gitea - Facts / articles that demonstrate the popularity of Git...

    smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) (

    cross-posted from:

    > Join the FedeProxy vidcall and help bring Gitea to the Fediverse > > Whether you are technical or not, there's many ways you can help. By doing so you'll contribute to offering real and open alternatives to the dominant position that Github has on the open source movement. Decentralized FOSS development on the Fediverse, no less! > > Agenda: > > - Proofreading of grant proposal > - Dev bounty: Generate gitea private keys > - Find individuals & orgs to support grant application and/or federation in Gitea > - Facts / articles that demonstrate the popularity of Gitea > - Where to advertise the effort towards federation? > - First grant application must be sent before October 1st, 2021 for the @NGIZero Discovery call > > Provide your availability for the vidcall here: > > Read these other Lemmy posts and learn how you can earn money now: > > - Opportunity: Bring Gitea to the Fediverse (funding available) > - Opportunity: Diversity audit for the open-source FedeProxy project > > Additional information: > > - The proposed Gitea federation design > - FedeProxy forum discussion > - Details about available Funding, Bounties and planning for additional grants > - FedeProxy forum discussion > >

    Bug reports on any software smallcircles
    Delegating issue tracker interaction Grant application for the implementation of federation · Issue #16518 · go-gitea/gitea

    Posted on behalf of Loic Bonjour, TL;DR: grant application for implementing federation, because it is not making progress (100% transparent) Despite some interesting discussions late 2020, the magn...

    Grant application for the implementation of federation · Issue #16518 · go-gitea/gitea

    I think a great use case for this Community would be to ask other people to interact with projects on Github/Gitlab on their behalf, and report back the link to new issues or issue comments to the Community.

    The URL attached to this post is an example of that, where Pilou created an issue in the Gitea tracker on behalf of Loïc who does not have a Github account for ethical reasons.

    (Gitea is still on Github, but they intend to dogfood their own code forge any time soon. The issue Pilou created deals with adding ForgeFed-based federation support to Gitea. See this issue for details. FedeProxy community is trying to speed this up, by arranging funding).

    Opportunity: Bring Gitea to the Fediverse (funding available) Design Discussion: ActivityPub support + ForgeFed vocabulary · Issue #14186 · go-gitea/gitea

    #1612 discusses Federation in general but I wanted to open an issue for the ActivityPub + ForgeFed solution specifically and concretize this unit of work. Let's keep to discussing ActivityPub+Forge...

    Design Discussion: ActivityPub support + ForgeFed vocabulary · Issue #14186 · go-gitea/gitea

    cross-posted from:

    > An opportunity for Golang devs to work on a great FOSS project with funding: Bringing Gitea to the Fediverse with ActivityPub support and the ForgeFed protocol..

    humanetech smallcircles

    I am @humanetech at Mastodon, #FOSS and #Fediverse advocate, mod at SocialHub, and facilitator of Humane Tech Community.

    I help fight tech harms and "Promote Solutions that Improve Wellbeing, Freedom and Society".

    Posts 15
    Comments 8