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redditors screaming over lost karma
  • When you realise it's an accumulation of semen from a multitude of people, it suddenly becomes less awesome and more terrifying. That's just my perspective.

  • summer moment
  • ICE

  • golden chance
  • Seconded.

  • Encripted cloud service
  • Canā€™t believe I forgot the most important step. Thanks for the addition dude :)

  • TweetDeck suffers as Musk enforces read limits on Twitter
  • I literally just thought about this in the shower earlier: What if Muskman is doing all this in revolt against the upcoming | waitlisted | still-in-beta social media platform Bluesky? Someone on Mastodon pointed out that Bluesky can somehow retrieve data from Twitter. So, similar to what Reddit is doing with its API, supposedly to 'combat' AI (though their real motivation was to kill third-party apps), maybe Muskman is imposing all these restrictions to cripple the launch of Bluesky. According to what I've heard on Mastodon, Bluesky is the next big thing for 'Twitter influencers,' and Twitter wouldn't be Twitter without them.

    Disclaimer: This is a shower thought that I have not fact-checked, and I don't plan to either. Twitter and Reddit can all go down the drain as far as I'm concerned. I'm fully federated."

  • TweetDeck suffers as Musk enforces read limits on Twitter
  • Thatā€™s just craaazzzyy.

  • ..and with that, I bid you farewell.
  • Mlem is good and all but try Memmy. Itā€™s the closest app to Apollo imho, constant updates and has (or will soon have) applied for the App Store. Itā€™s still not 100% perfect but itā€™s damn close.

    The TestFlight link is:

  • r/unexpected goes dark
  • I expected the unexpected. Call me a wizard.

  • Removed
    Can other users see my saved posts?
  • I can confirm that we canā€™t see your saved posts..

    but youā€™re into some freaky shit my dude.

  • ..and with that, I bid you farewell.
  • Thank you, kind stranger :)

  • Reddit Dru5k1
    ..and with that, I bid you farewell.
    Encripted cloud service
  • ICloud. Although, it doesnā€™t really make any sense if youā€™re not already somewhat in the ā€œApple ecosystemā€.

    Last I checked itā€™s e2e encrypted.

    A more general suggestion is probably ProtonDrive or NordLocker. Iā€™ve used both of them in the past but found them slow and clunky, tbf it was some time ago and they were still in beta.

  • Lemmy Support Dru5k1
    Friendly reminder

    Donā€™t forget to clear the browser cache after upgrading Lemmy instances. Youā€™re welcome.

    lets go
  • ** The legends have entered the chat **

  • Reddit protest plunges user engagement, site activity and ad portal visits
  • Thatā€™s the media for you šŸ™„

  • iam Dru5k1

    Hacker | Developer | Sysadmin

    Anything tech, Iā€™m here for.

    Unapologetically vegan.

    Long time Reddit user, tired of centralised bs, trying to find a home in the Fediverse.


    "Trusting you is my decision, proving me wrong is your choice." - Unknown.

    Posts 4
    Comments 18