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What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Except snake oil can contain bleach...

  • You guys nailed the new way votes are displayed.
  • ^I just wanted to do superscript markdown, I didnt know what else to write^

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • most doctors in your city/state can't/refuse do anything about your problem

    There's almost nothing a chiropractor can do if doctors aren't treating you. Except lie and steal your money.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • The thing is, placebos can work even if the patient knows it's a placebo. Which I think is crazy and amazing.

    But it doesn't look good for homeopathic grifters.

    Obligatory Vic and Bob.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Chiropractic.

    Everything in Holland and Barrett.

  • Any suggestions for how to get good sports photos?
  • I've made a mistake, the 55-300 does not have the fast AF I suggested it for. Apologies for that.

    The 70-300mm VR AFP f/4.5-6.3 DX ED has much faster AF. It works on your camera, is affordable, and the best tool for your usage here.

    Interestingly, I've read that with VR teles, switching off the VR will actually get you slightly faster AF. It's only really for slower speeds, so that makes sense.

    You should only use DX lenses.

    When the play is close to you, set your position to allow for that.

    Edit to reflect that I got confused with which lens I recommended. Sorry!

  • Any suggestions for how to get good sports photos?
  • Two things:

    AF-A and AUTO AF Area select should be fine. If not, try AF-C. It will track the subject it's locked to. If its not locking where you want, you'll have to use AF-S and Single AF Area. That requires predicting where the subject will be, and if it's going to move you'll need to set 3D to track it.

    maybe some of the blur in my photos is actually better explained by camera shake (shooting at 200 mm on a 1.5x crop sensor)

    This depends on which lens you are using. If it's a Nikon with VR there should be no shake. If it's not focusing fast enough, a better lens may be needed. I'd recommend the Nikon 70-300mm VR AFP f/4.5-6.3 DX E

    Of course, no lens or camera can help if your problem is technique. The D7500 is a fantastic DSLR and with a suitable lens there's no reason you can't get the results you're after. Technique is crucial in that with all else accounted for, poor technique will reduce your chances.

    I hope this helps, feel free to ask anything.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I like it when I use Ableton Live.

    I can load any of my projects and everything is running exactly how I left it. Any issues I've had have been down to 3rd party plugins.

    I'm fortunate in that this is the only thing I use my MBP for, other than accessing music stuff on the internet using Firefox with uBlock, which is synced with my phone.

    It's not logged into Apple ID, and I bought it used. So there's no money paid to Apple and as little data as I can give them.

    It's my hobby, but if I were to do it professionally I would do everything exactly the same. Except I would buy the machine new.

  • Removed
    BBC uncovers 6,000 possible illegal sewage spills in one year
  • potentially illegal.

  • Scientists propose converting natural gas into hydrogen directly in gas fields
  • Well, that sounds promising at least.

    If you don't think those things are very much related, may I suggest reading this post on Lemmy today.

    The levels of corruption aimed at climate denial and in furthering fossil fuels is frightening.

  • Trouble with root
  • Hi, I'm a very low level Android user so forgive me if this is incorrect. I've seen references to use init_boot.img instead of boot.img

    This is just from scanning around XDA this year and could well be irrelevant, but it may be worth double checking.

    I wanted a OnePlus 12R and was checking the OP forums generally to get a feel for bootloader unlocking and custom ROM availablity.

    I hope this helps.

  • Scientists propose converting natural gas into hydrogen directly in gas fields
  • Keeping in mind I have zero knowledge of what you're telling me about, but these examples don't include anything about carbon monoxide.

    If the similarities to the other gases are close enough to mean that it can be safely stored using the same techniques, then I'm inclined to feel a lot less worried about the whole thing.

    But I don't really trust these sectors to act on our behalf, only to make profit line go up. Lying and bribing appears to be part of that, as can be seen all around us these days.

  • Scientists propose converting natural gas into hydrogen directly in gas fields
  • Yes, the article says that but I'm not sure how much I believe it. If there's a decent body of work that draws consensus I would be less sceptical.

  • Spotify’s HiFi add-on could cost an extra $5 per month
  • Code spotted within the Spotify app last year also suggests that the tier could come with 24-bit lossless audio

    At 44.1k, 16bit is CD quality which is perfectly good enough. But no, dupe people into paying more for something they can't use. Typical.

  • Scientists propose converting natural gas into hydrogen directly in gas fields
  • I wouldn't call carbon monoxide a good side product. If the amount created is negligible then great, but are there realistic figures?

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • That's a strange film. I watched it at the cinema when released and enjoyed the visuals, but it seemed like the story was purposely simplified to a wild west love yarn so that the audience would have to focus on the visuals. There's so little to distract from the "cutting edge" CGI, any depth to the plot or characters would be detrimental to the six fucking years he spent making it.

    Which I can understand as it does achieve that. And I didn't hate it, mainly because it did look amazing and I wasn't distracted from that. But I've never watched it again and wouldn't want to.


  • Scientists propose converting natural gas into hydrogen directly in gas fields
  • I'm no expert, but this doesn't sound like a good idea.

  • Simple question: Are you a nice person?
  • I can be. The other day, I was driving on a 70mph road and the lead car two in front hit a young deer. She had tried her best to avoid it but there was nothing she could do.

    She pulled over with her signals flashing and as I went past I realised no one was going to stop, and then I had the thought of that happening to my wife, who is a vegetarian and would have been in bits, so I pulled over and ran back to check on her.

    She was crying and shaking, I asked her to drop the window a bit and if she was ok. I told her it wasn't her fault and she should take as long as needed before driving, and that I would be in my car if needed.

    I had my lunch and her husband soon arrived, coming to thank me, which I wasn't expecting. They were very nice and it was very sad and I was slightly emotional. They left eventually and I carried on with my day.

    I can be grumpy as fuck, though.

  • What is something creative that you do but don't get paid for?
  • Most modern DAWs will have plenty of realistic sounds, it's getting them to play realistically that's difficult.

    Edit: forgot you use Linux.

  • What is something creative that you do but don't get paid for?
  • Does your DAW not have those built in or are you after hardware?

  • Earth Temperature Timeline

    This seems updated since I first found it years ago.

    Please share it around, particularly to those more....set in their ways.


    Earth Temperature Timeline

    This seems updated since I first found it years ago.

    Please share it around, particularly to those more....set in their ways.


    OnePlus 12R update just now received.

    About time!

    I haven't installed or tested in any way.

    10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds 10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds

    My name is Tavis Leaf Glover, and I’m an artist just like you, trying to create art that I can be proud of and share with the world. Though, something

    10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds

    After posting this article in response to the previous post about composition, I was asked if I had any other links.

    As a disclaimer, I don't necessarily endorse these but over the years I've taken from them the parts that resonated.

    Feel free to do the same and I hope you get as much from them as I have.

    Eric Kim

    More general Eric Kim.

    121 Clicks/Ian Plant

    A post by Andrew S. Gibson which talks about gesture and punctuation.

    Ken Rockwell gets a lot of stick but he's a great resource if you don't take him too seriously. His page on composition.

    I feel I'm missing some, I'll add them if I can find them.

    The Electric: UK's oldest working cinema closing its doors. The Electric: UK's oldest working cinema closing its doors

    The much-loved venue is closing its doors for the foreseeable future, the BBC has learned.

    The Electric: UK's oldest working cinema closing its doors

    The destruction of our heritage continues. I went recently to watch Wicked Little Letters which was great.

    I've heard that they've pulled out of saving the pub on the corner recently as well.

    Rumours suggest the site will be levelled for a tower block.

    Oh well.

    Lemmy Federate - automatically federate Lemmy communities - lemy Lemmy Federate - automatically federate Lemmy communities - lemy

    cross-posted from: [] I would like to introduce you to the tool I have developed in last 2 days. As you know, when you create a new community on Lemmy, it is initially only available to your instance until users in other instances follows ...

    I know virtually nothing about the tech side of all this, but as an enthusiastic user this looks like the kind of thing I want to happen to the Fediverse.

    Some sanity at last....

    >Roy Keane added: "If I was in Arsenal's camp, you would be quietly confident you would be right there in the end.

    >"You can't get carried away. We see teams celebrating, yes do that, but you can't get too carried away."

    (Edit - it's over, for now.) Why are there so many cracked software spam posts in the last few days?

    I know spam posts have been around for a while but not like this.

    I'm in the Fediverse for the lack of advertising as much as anything else but this may as well be R****t.

    Apologies for the rant, please lmk if I'm missing something obvious.


    Hello celluloid fans!

    Skate park Solihull UK 2015 Yashica Electro 35 MC Portra 400

    Apologies for the low res scan.

    Hi, I was going through some old pics and this popped out at me. I've been posting the occasional old shot on one of the main photo communities on Lemmy, but for some reason I hadn't seen this one until now.

    So, greetings to you all and I look forward to seeing your work in my feed.

    Thanks for looking.


    Arsenal must oppose Super League for fans - Arteta Arsenal must oppose Super League for fans - Arteta

    Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta says "we have to look after" supporters as his club reject involvement in the European Super League.

    Arsenal must oppose Super League for fans - Arteta
    How War Impacts Climate Change and the Environment How War Impacts Climate Change and the Environment

    Few things fuel the climate crisis quite like war.

    How War Impacts Climate Change and the Environment

    Via -

    Designs chosen for mini nuclear reactors

    Xpost from UK Energy.

    Are we never going to stop this madness?

    Nuclear will not help us with immediate energy needs, it will not help with climate change and it is worse for the environment, and it costs more than renewables.

    The only people who benefit are the shareholders of nuclear companies and the government shit stains who pocket their brown envelopes and take the "consulting" jobs offered by the industry for services rendered.

    And all this time, effort and money, OUR MONEY, is not being spent on renewables that can do what we need NOW.

    We cannot continue to accept this or any other option that is not renewable.

    Any and all opposition against renewable energy is generated and spread by the nuclear and fossil fuel industries.

    Nothing I've said here is even controversial, there isn't any hiding from it.

    We have to fight this and we have to win.

    ianovic69 ianovic69


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