iltoroargento @ iltoroargento Posts 0Comments 398Joined 2 yr. ago

Aderpable lol
Love the little derp partially under th bookcase, too
DUI hire for sure. He, RFK Jr. and a lot of the other crew in this disgusting administration all look and act like absolute aliens. I saw a picture of RFK recently and dude looks like a fucking warped tree.
Omfg. That's impressively stupid.
IP/Copyright law is a fucking joke and a scam.
This is America. This is the foundation that holds up the Trump government and the Republican Party.
Sometimes, I wish I didn't have eyes... This is one of those times.
Jesus fucking christ. Like, if I typed that shit, I'd hope someone would put me in a fucking psych ward, stat. People need some fucking help.
On an unrelated note, I genuinely loved the new Indiana Jones game... It was amazing.
Can we have this bizarre ass timeline? The one I keep waking up in is honestly equally bizarre, but nowhere near as just.
Fucking weirdos.
First thing I ever do with a new computer is delete it.
Lol I loved that. And I've seen mods for MCC that let you do multiplayer somehow but never got it working myself lol
How do you play 3 player campaign on one PC? Doesn't the MCC prevent that? Or did they patch it out?
For the most part, yes. For the parts that are a no, they are going to be really unhealthy and chaotic relationships. It definitely depends on the person, but this can be a very challenging social dynamic. It sounds pretty chaotic and I am not sure how many people would be able to deal with that day by day.
To your last point, emotional communication is always tough and it's really hard to piece things together to get your thoughts across when tensions are high. I think that coming from a mindset of refining and explaining, to yourself first and then to others, why you feel a certain way or did a certain action could be a good start.
Additionally, a lot of people do not respond well to "tough love". I would argue that for the majority of scenarios, it's one of the least successful ways to go about showing support and care for someone else. Setting clear and respectful boundaries is one thing, but providing only conditional support is a great way to tank a relationship and have someone distrust you. I think it's also helpful to unpack why you feel you need to act that way with people you care about. For me, that took a lot of work (still does) and goes back to my relationship with my dad (which has its positives and negatives, a lot of which we've worked through over the years).
One of the most important ideas I've come across with communication is that you should ask yourself if your actions are helping you meet your goals in the conversation. If you really want to build a strong, trusting, relationship with someone, that's going to look wildly different to the actions you would take if you really want to distance yourself from someone. And if you mess up with how you presented yourself or how you meant to come across, address it as soon as you possibly can. Clear communication is key and being clear with yourself and your goals/wants/needs/preferences is the start of that.
Hope that helps lol good luck out there. There's a lot of happiness to bring to the world if you work toward it.
For the most part, yes. For the parts that are a no, they are going to be really unhealthy and chaotic relationships.
Yeah, that's hardcore. There's always the middle school angst, but for public figures to get this treatment, it's damning.
I also would have accepted:
- Geordie
- Who?
Lol she has entrapped you. She likes it and wants you to rub her belly so she can bunny kick your hands
Ah, yes, Thag Simmons... He discovered the thagomizer at his own peril...