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Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • I mean, decades of using one? And the mockery I received by men I got for washing my own hands? I have had family members and numerous classmates tell me that washing your hands is just admitting you peed on them.

    Of course my experiences are anctedotal, but for me, it was a quite noticeable difference when I started using the ladies room. I'm not trying to make a definitive statement, absolutely there are men who do reguarly wash their hands, but there is also a very large majority of men who don't. From my experience, that's not the case with people in the women's room.

  • Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • Yeah but batman is literally just as crazy as the villains he fights. Gotham is just glad he has a weird justice obsession instead of a weird clown or scarecrow kink. That's more interesting than superman just being perfect at everything. I've been reading through "Alan Moore in the DC universe" and like, each of the superman stories are just so one note. He is good at everything, until a random mcguffin comes up and then another charcter comes along to pick it off the ground, and then Supes beats up whoever brought the evil space flower to him in the first place.

    I'll be intrigued to see how Gunn handles him too, but in a life time of reading comics the only superman stories I found interesting was elseworld stuff red son and kingdom come where they treat him as a concept more than a charcter.

    Main universe or any of the movies? Meh.

  • They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :(
  • Well, as a queer vegan. Its really hard not to notice that bigots and carnists say the same sort of things.

    "You're just trying to feel special." "It's unnatural, your gentials/teeth were evolved for a specific use". "Stop trying to convert kidsto your cult." "Queer/vegan people always think they are so enlighted."

    But more to the point, defeatism is always an easy excuse to do nothing. But individual actions can have ripple effects through generations. Do you think that those at stonewall would expect an entire month celebrating their actions? Enough people making a choice not to support animal agriculture puts the concept out of business. Do I expect that or liberation soon? No. But it's gotten LIGHTYEARS better on both fronts in my own lifetime.

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • Trans woman here, I've seen both sides.

    A small percentage of the men's room washes their hands and a small percentage of the women's room DOESN'T wash their hands. It's a night and day difference.

  • They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :(
  • You sound like queer people in the 80s and 90s.

    "What does it matter if one person accepts me? Won't change anything and it just bums me out."

    Now, acceptance is the default position for most folk.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • It's literally penetrating a genitals to impregnate them against their will for our own benefit, the definition of rape. Saying you don't care about the rape of cows and will keep eating dairy is your opinion, but denying that it is rape is just straight up cognitive dissonance.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • And...?

    What does that have to do with humans choosing to rape cows for profit? Total non-sequitur. Bears shit in the woods, does that mean you do too? Animals rape, therefore you should too?

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • They literally made cow tang their job.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • lol

    How the fuck did you think milk was produced? This is literally grade school biology. Farmers rape cows for their milk, and you pay them for the privilege.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?

    Everyone eating dairy.

    Cows are mammals. They produce milk for their calves, its not something that cows just naturally produce. So the dairy industry only exists from repeated forcible impregnation.


    Y'all mad but this is simply biology.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • “If someone is going to try and blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Is that clear? Hey Bob, if you’re in the audience. That’s how I feel, don’t advertise.

    • Elon, 2023
  • Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?
  • 🙄🤦

    hypocrites who call out others while justifying their own ethical blind spots are typically more interested in self-righteousness than actually improving the world.

    Exactly. I agree completely, but scroll up and remember I didn't call ANYONE out in my original comment. I came to this thread because my perspective was asked for in the title. You came to me with a "but plants" trying to call MY beliefs out. So think whatever you want, but frankly, leave me the hell alone. This isn't a discussion I asked for, it's not on topic and you're not saying anything interesting.

  • Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?
  • If you can argue that the line is between animals and plants, then someone else can argue the line is between animals and humans.

    See, this is where you are just throwing your hands up and giving up on an sort of ethics. Because it's theoretically possible for plants to feel pain then there is no reason to act moral when it comes to animals who we KNOW feel pain.

    It's like saying "porn with adults is harmful, but so is porn with children, who is to say where the line is? It's an open question that is all perspective, so consume whatever you like". When we know for a fact that sexual abuse of children causes suffering as opposed to what consenting adults do for a job.

    Saying plants feel pain is motivated reasoning to call vegans hypocrites, not to actually produce a better world. I did not message you with my beliefs, you messaged me with whataboutism. 99% of the food humans eat is living in some sense (aside from minerals like salt), yeast in my bread is alive in some sense, but comparing that life to an animal as a reason it may not be matter? That it's all perspective? Well then why not draw the line around cannibalism of anyone under a certain IQ. If consciousness is such an open question, then who is to say anyone is real except for myself? If I hurt another human, who is to say that they feel at all? It could all be simulation from a certain perspective so who cares?

    This sort of "what if" and "it depends" whataboutism doesn't actually help anyone. I didn't bring veganism to you, you brought this to me. This is just naval gazing because calling vegan hypocrites makes you more secure in your own choices. You're not saying anything of value,

  • Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?
  • No. It's really not. I know the study you are going to link with the clickbait title that "plants feel pain", but it's unscientific garbage.

    When you cut a plant, it only reacts with a secretion. That's not sentience, it has no concept of pain because it literally does not have the required parts to feel it. Pain requires a nerve ending to feel the sensation, a brain to process that sensation in to an threat and a system to connect those two organs. Plants have none of this.

    Yes plants release a pheromone when they are cut, but to extrapolate that to pain is a wild leap. If I cut an animal, they bleed, they yell, and they either run away or attack me, they generally do the same for their children. Exactly like humans react when cut. It's impossible to disprove if plants have some other totally radically different type of intelligence we just don't understand yet, but there is no evidence to suggest that is the case. I am making my choices based off evidence, not "idk, what if it was true". It's the same reason I know the earth is round and not flat, evidence not vibes.

    It is intellectually dishonest to say that a potato and a pig perceive the world in the same way.

  • Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?
  • I don't eat meat because it causes suffering in another. Plants have no concept of pain without a brain, nervous system or even nerve endings. So to me, the question becomes if the lab grown meat was ever attached to a brain that could feel suffering.

    Now as far i understand it, lab grown meat isn't nessecarily grown in isolation from a cow. But in a solution primarily compromised of blood extracted from living cows. That's without question better than killing a creature, buuuuuuut we all know that when profits are involved the health of a animal is not prioritized.

    So it really depends, while I don't miss meat, once lab grown becomes widely available I'll make my choice depending on the exact process of how it reached the grocery store.

  • Sotomayor rips Thomas’s bump stocks ruling in scathing dissent read from bench
  • That has nothing to do with "being a machine gun". That is just how semi auto guns work.

    This sort of "X is X no matter what changes, it is always X" essentialist thinking is why conservites are increasingly getting frustrated and loosing touch with the more complex reality the rest of the world occupies. This is the same line of thinking that keeps y'all upset about trans rights and understanding systemic racist.

  • Sotomayor rips Thomas’s bump stocks ruling in scathing dissent read from bench
  • “Today, the Court puts bump stocks back in civilian hands. To do so, it casts aside Congress’s definition of ‘machinegun’ and seizes upon one that is inconsistent with the ordinary meaning of the statutory text and unsupported by context or purpose.”

    “We conclude that [a] semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ‘machinegun’ because it does not fire more than one shot ‘by a single function of the trigger"

    “When I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck,”

    Ignoring reality in favor of weird essentialism to support your base, is like peak conservative. How dumb.

  • Missing cold pizza
  • 4 fried chickens and a coke.

  • American Airlines passenger sued by FAA after being duct taped to seat
  • Ticket prices originally used to be fixed by the goverment, which made airlines try to offer the best experince as a way to attract customers. But then lobbyists chanted "deregulation" enough times and airlines could set their own prices. Which of course started a race to the bottom where the way to attract customers was now to slash costs. It's a big reason how back in the 50s being a commercial airline pilots or flight attendent was prestigious profession, became today where most of a flight crew, pilot included, qualify for SNAP.

  • Good Place to Start With Ursula K. LeGuin?
  • Without knowing anything about you then I'd recommend The Lathe of Heaven. If you want something more political and sociological, The disposed. If you are queer, then The Left Hand of Darkness shoots to the top of my recommendations.

    But Ursula is my favorite author, so I think picking up any of these will be a treat.

  • inb4_FoundTheVegan inb4_FoundTheVegan

    I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

    The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is "meant for", every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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